45. ^The Hilltop Published‘By The Students Of Mars Hill College Volume XIX. MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, FEBRUARY 10, 1946. Number 8. mb Five Graduate lav; Mars Hill graduated five girls at the end of the semester. Mary ^itlBell Buchanan, Dorothy Greene, yg)Madora Powell, Hazel Thomas, and Clarine Wiggins are the stu- .dents who have finished their junior college work, j Three of the students are now ^ continuing their courses of study. Dorothy Greene has matriculat ed at Woman’s College, where she will major in English. L Madora Powell plans to take a business course at Averett Col- Y lege. Hazel Thomas, who looks forward to being a missionary, will complete work for her A. B. » at Furman University. ^ Mary Bell Buchanan plans to work at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, for several months before taking e’, ap her college work again. Clarine Wiggins is teaching ;emporarily in a high school near ler home. eSew Students Enroll For Second Semester Twenty new students enrolled it Mars Hill college at the open- 1 a ling of the second semester. Jome of them live just down the --^oad a couple of curves, and some nut from way down in Kentucky ust Virginia. her The list of new students with heir home addresses follows: Lilizabeth Sexton, Rocky Mount; A larbara Backer, Southern Pine«; |ean Martin, Ettrick, Virginia; amie Hill, Alexander; Betty lhatam, Cedartown, Georgia; lurill B. Colgin, Norfolk, Vir- inia; Blanche Dupree, Southern I’ines; Merle Goodman, Charlotte; :nt)oris Nadine, Woodruff, South [us'larolina; Rudy Griffin, Greens boro; Carolyn Bennett, Miami, 'lorida; Millard Pearson, Green- ille. South Carolina; Wiley louge, Jr., Asheville; Evelyn /V endley, Louisville, Kentucky; o Hedges, Alderson, West Vir- inia; Doris Speer, Yadkinville; nnie Lou Ferguson, Pores Knob; ose Hodges, East Flat Rock; [argaret Dozier, Whitakers; [ary Jean Henson, Rutherford- m; Dewey Marshall, Durham; etty Jane Owen, Durham. Vilma Phelps leads Guild ^ The new officers of the Home akers Guild for this semester •e: President, Wilma Phelps; ce president, Marie Willoughby; icretary, Betty Miller; treas- •er, Betty Hardin; chorister, ?nes Davis; reporter, Sarah )ston; refreshment committee, me Wilson, Nelda Jones, Hazel )lick; and decoration commit- e, Oma Shew, Ruth Cogdill, yrtle Hoyle. These officers pre led at their initial meeting (bruary 1. During the business meeting e president read the consti- tion of the club. A program on >ods For a Nation was pre- nted. Daphne Eller spoke about Jutrition in the War-time Meal.” izel Bolick gave several helpful its on “Making Meals Attrac- IMarie Willoughby led a quiz “Dropping Pounds Along the eight.” ORIGINAL PLAYS ARE CHOSEN FOR CHAPEL HILL PRODUCTION Clyde McLeod And Cornelia Vann Authors In this season of hearts and flowers. The Hilltop proudly presents as the campus Valentine little Miss Loretta Ashworth, daughter of Professor and Mrs. Ralph Ashworth. Mr. Wood Speaks To Joint Y. T. C. Mary Stone, newly elected president of the Y.T.C., opened the first meeting of that organi zation for the second semester in the college auditorium, Mon day night at eight o’clock. “The Meaning of Y.T.C.” and various types of literature were discussed by the president. Neal Ellis, president of the Hill Y.T.C., introduced the guest speaker of the evening. Prof. Vernon E. Wood, head of the Science Department, gave a comprehensive survey of political attitude in tracing the prohibi tion situation as revealed in his tory. Mrs. L. L. Vann, state director, spoke on the bills now in the State Legislature concerned with the sale of alcoholic beverages. T. Smith Is Named Head Of Ministers Talmage Smith is the new president of the Ministerial Con ference. Officers who will serve with him are: Joseph Miller, vice president; Lyle Coffey,' secretary; and John Brinegar, pianist. Boyce Medlin has recently be come a member of the Ministerial Conference. On Sunday, January 21, seven ministerial students went to Petersburg, where they conducted services. A unique feature of the service was that it was conducted in the middle of the highway. Bobby Barnes gave the message. Nons Guests Of Glios At Tea The theme of the Clio-Non tea, held February 8 in Edna Moore and New Dormitory parlors, was “Valentines and Cupids.” This theme was accentuated by suit able decorations in red and white. The Clios, with their Non guests, were greeted at the door of New Dormitory by the follow ing officers of Clio; Evelyn Pitt man, president; Jerry Hobbs, vice- president; Dorothy Lee Bunting, secretary; and Virginia Perry, censor. Standing opposite the officers were five girls dressed in costumes representing Valen tines. They received the guests’ wraps. The program was opened by a cordial welcome by the president. Johnnie Davis then presented a humorous reading. Bettie Rae Carter sang a solo, and an original skit written by Jerry Sa- ville concluded the program. Following the program, the guests went into Edna Moore parlor. Little favors, blue and white dolls of yarn, were dis tributed. The guests were greet ed there by waitresses dressed in red and white costumes. The par lor was decorated in colorful Valentines and Cupids. Evelyn Pittman and Jerry Hobbs pre sided over the punch bowl as re freshments were served. There were approximately four hundred guests and visitors pres ent for the afternoon. Friendship Pledged In J pint Meeting Blue roses for Clio and yellow roses for Non decorated the pro gram cards of the joint meeting of the women’s literary societies which was held Thursday after noon, February 1, in the college auditorium. Jane Wright, president of Nonpareil, presided and Evelyn Pittman, president of Clio, acted as secretary. Elizabeth Hayworth, Nonpareil, gave the devotional. The humn was led by Jean Walk er, Clio chorister. The rose theme was empha sized in every feature of the pro gram. Evelyn Brookshire, Clio, gave a reading, “Petal Dust from My Rose Garden.” Clyde McLeod, a past president of Nonpareil used “Dear Rose” as the title for choice campus chatter. Bettye Crouch and Lillian Miller, anniversary presidents of Clio and Nonpareil, respectively, gave orations on the ideals of their societies. “Thoms along the Way” was the title of the im promptu which Clio past presi dent, Phyllis Rowe presented. “Closed Petals” by Evelyn Pitt man and Jane Wright was the feature with which the program was concluded. Dramateers Continue To Follow Footlights Yvonne Lawing, class of 1944 recentljr played in Angel Street which ran for a week at the Little Theatre in Charlotte. Kay Garland, ’44, did makeup for the Little Theatre produc tion, Night Must Fall at Wake Forest. Jean Wall, ’44, was in the cast. The play was presented at Fort Bragg where Russ Jordan, ’43, assisted in the production. Jean Webster, a student at Baylor College, Waco, Texas, has appeared in two plays there this year and is now in the cast of the pageant for the centennial celebration. George Blake, ’42, while sta tioned near Memphis, Tenn., was a student of speech and was cast for a part in a Little Theatre play there. Double Door. Callie Noland, ’43, in nurses training at Philadelphia General Hospital, has charge of the nurses’ dramatic activities. Burnette Selph, in the Waves, stationed in Washington, D. C. is studying at the Ben Greet Academy of Dramatic Art, and directing a dramatic group. Dark of the Moon, Writen by Howard Richardson, ’38, opened in Philadelphia and is now run ning in Washington. It will play two weeks in Boston and will open in New York March 12. Richard Hart and Carol Stone, daughter of Fred Stone, were re tained from the original cast. The minister in the play, who was also retained from the original cast, knew Howard Richardson’s grand father when he preached in Ten- (Continued on Page il) Two original one-act plays are to be presented by the Dramateers at the 22 Annual Drama Festival in Chapel Hill April 12-14. The first of these is “The Furlough,” a Negro comedy, by Clyde Mc Leod. This play has an eight-mem- bered cast, and depicts the con flict between the whites and blacks. “Without Legal Proceed- ure,” a mountain folk play, by Cornelia Vann is the second of the two plays, and will be present ed by a cast of six people. It is a conflict between a mother who tried to keep her son out of the army and the representatives of the law. Final auditions for the two pro fessional plays under consideration for the spring festival were held Tuesday night, February 6. The third act of Ibsen’s “Ghosts” was presented in Ashe ville January 17 at the monthly meeting of the Dramatic Institute. It was so favorably received that the Mars Hill College Players were asked to present the full length play at the Kock Memorial Pro gram at the district festival in Asheville March 15-16. No definite decision has been made yet how ever. John Davenport and Norma Minges starred in “Ghosts” which competed with a play given by Biltmore College. A director at the presentation, who has for the past thirteen years operated a summer theater in New Hampshire offered John Davenport a place with her group next summer. In an interview with Miss Bonnie Wengert, she said, “Dra matic interest has risen to a great height this year. Nine one-act plays have been successfully pre sented, excluding the Christmas Pageant and two presentations by the speech choir. At least sixty (Continued on Page 3) Sunday School Holds Stud y C o ur s e s The Sunday School Depart ment conducted its study course on the “My Covenant Series” from February 5 to 9 during the chapel period. The instructors and the books they used are as follows: Mr. Canup and Mr. Kendajl, Sal vation by Harold W. Tribble; Miss Glass and Miss Lunsford, Worldliness Out by Mary Nance Daniel; Mrs. Watson, Bible Study by Sybil Brame Townsend; Miss Underwood, Prayer and Medi tation by E. F. Hallock; Miss Vaughan and Mr. Link, Church L°yalty by William Hall Preston; Miss Wengert and Mr. Lance, Sabbath Observance by W. O. Carver; Miss Anderson, Christian Ownership by Charles A. Mad- dry; Mr. Ashworth and Mrs. Canup, Christian Witnessing by Frank H. Leavell.

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