J ir u I 'Mui represeniacives irom seven —I j| states. The eight Mars Hill con- I were; Mary Stone, Evelyn l\4'ot>tr T.qI*' ct t rne speaker’s stand hung a huge map of Treasure Island, showing the route which led to the hidden M~„l TT-IU^ T i Ifillsidc Review Here on a l.ill, „ne has a haleony seat i„ God’s art gallery. Some of the pictures arc H) ar away and fade into the paling I,Inc of the mountains’ edges and some are close, crowding tlic walls of one’s heart. And 1 think as 1 sit here ... 1 shall never cease to love the earth’s spring coat of patchwork — deej) golden greens, rich hrown-reds, and purplc-tintcd distant fields, dark hluc shadows on the whitc- rimmed mountains, and sudden scarlet flowers at one s feet, flic hliic sky is pierced with iieedle- jiointed sliafts of white and the clouds are like strands of floss caught on jiale-hliic silk. One secs the filigree of tree-tops in lingered autumn gold against a mottled sky. And the pure hcanty of tlic less delicate, riiggcdly lovcly things like gnarled pines and red-clay ditches and liillowing stretches of sage grass, comes with a rush of love to my heart, hinding it forever to the niouiitaiiis. -By Betty Stinnett.