1 Island; showing ^ Evelyn I th^ute which led to the hidden M:y?^Nerr|untr^eniri’' Sailor On The Train By Mary Sue Middleton '■o^JoiihraT'! '’“V'“^"' seat. ^ corner of sniootliefl'^hl^t^^®®®/’ ^^^uc-I)lack curls was crean,r'^ attached. Her He stood . 7 ‘^'•eeks. " seconds-this , I'cr for sonic I'oarded the *'>s hair was tm '’ark, ™"oSs’ff'S,""'' r','”'" El'e sailor ” r a little. lonesome?” h„ ?’ ,^'»oken, arc you *rim, n,o„;® at a glance how at ''h^^” *''® leather purse th*^I ! krown H'ocolatc har heU I'or nice Jeo-g and I r"® ’’a»'ks pum^’p’s !*er ^eol in the neat ilaS s? ®" *'■« ^«‘>‘rc8t. ■]»«’ saw that alfT^ *''e eoach length she ‘said ’“v®'**" ’^®*'® “ yon lijjg,, ton may sit here .'""ave ^ndTcrhuT'^'^i ‘‘‘ f-'icat '’fSgage to the Met ^“f®’ ^’® I*’" Watched l.-^ "* ’*®r head, -'"ineczed into il * ™ anxiously. He a leep sigh. She In her with Eventually he ®Vf window. I’'e Wav fr..„- 1 VC come all 7^. ^ay froln C ,mn P “^’^® ®®'"« ‘H to see nlv f S®"?" 'Virginia. ^'te said, ”Ig , ™0"fl. wi I,•'««■■. il’, col,I •li.i nnr'"'?;;' “Ect’s J,c f •'“! reply. ,^11 Magee hm ''’ My name ^sS“!:? r??’’ Ske siiir”? ,rr ’ ^ ’®" * why yon want “Aw don’t he like thru. Loosen up, "ill>a. It wont hurt yon. I’m a good ho}’ konest. Come on now, what’s voiir name? ^ ,th that he stuck his face imperiously close to hers. She could sec the red veins in his eyes. of^te?! *'”'^ “H™ not'in the hahit ,,w/^*."^i”\y name to strangers.” fn ’ friends, anyhow, just for this trip. How far yon goin-r’” , l;\/‘’lng to Wilmington.”" . c ®-’i r'^'®, friends from here to Sinithfield, then. What you say? " Iiats your name?” ^ •ilfl'o..?’lV”'i In^ '>nc ^ I f,‘® '^*•1' fksgust. He leaned his head on the hack of the scat and closed his eyes. She turned after a niinntc or two ami looked at him suspiciously. Then nm f”* * ^>Iver compact and powdered her nose. He opened his eyes and regarded her with interest. She a„,l 'I'in? yoiiVo so, from he^ rr ’ '^nnii.m.t iiom licr. Then noting the naval in ®«gma on the lid, “Bet your hoy friend "‘‘“Oh ‘0^“ 'Edn’t he?” She Ldded Uh please don’t open it” she I'c T ‘'i!“ »iiii ,l.c pWeV-'”"" '"■II pooler .11 ovc, Sgl'l. I..VC i, vo„r ■■..'/'i. hlrZZl “"'"‘““"'I)-. I'a'"l- iiiir*'*^ replaced the eonipaet in Jier 'ESSTiKir-r;;£ Say, do you like music?” ■■n.cl..- [3] “Yon ,1^9 TV Vi ’. much. J 0 ig )d; he ( >wi ke ing ade an Per :s, ISS ( act ^eJ rial e P: iseve lacke Mor ortal t- Jol fear nmem he Ch Presi iged lannei of Re •ni service of the nemorie urday Watch