1 Smooth Sailing Volume XIX. ^Ke Hilltop Published By The Students Of Mars Hill College Juniors Seniors MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, APRIL 21, 1945. Number 12. JUNIORS FETE SENIORS AT ANNUAL BANQUET Mars Hillians Win Fourteen Grand Championships Tournament In Charlotte; Ten Senior Colleges Are In Competition Eight student representatives to The Grand Eastern Forensic Tournament, sponsored by Win- throp college. Rock Hill, S. C., 'Von fourteen grand champion ships out of a total of twenty- tour that were awarded. Mars Hill, the only junior col- I 'ege represented in the tourna- ttient, competed against ten Senior colleges and universities Vith representatives from seven states. The eight Mars Hill con- festants were: Mary Stone, Evelyn prookshire, Mary Lela Sparks, tillian Miller, Lamar Brooks, thomas Swann, James Taylor hd Ronald Hill. The fourteen Grand Eastern bampionships were these: Grand Champion in Declama- 'on for Women: Mary Stone. Grand Champion in Declama- 'on for Men: Lamar Brooks. Grand Champion in Extempore “r Women: Lillian Miller. Grand Champion in Extempore Sf Men: James Taylor. Grand Champion in Oration for omen: Mary Lela Sparks. Grand Champion in Oration h Men: Janies Taylor. Grand Champion in Response Occasion for Women: Evelyn •■ookshire. Grand Champion in Address Sading for Men: Ronald Hill. Grand Champion in Impromptu '>■ Women: Evelyn Brookshire.. Grand Champion in Situation fatory for Women: Evelyn ^ookshire. Grand Champion in Poetry ■ading for Women: Lillian er. Grand Champion in Dramatic ading for Women: Mary Stone. Grand Champion in Book Re- V for Men: Lamar Brooks. Grand Champion in After Din- for Women: Lillian Miller, tn addition to winning cham- hships in these divisions Mars 1 contestants won a number of *t places in various contest 'hds, entitling the winner to licipate in thp finals. (Continued on Page 3) ' Treasure Island Is Theme; Lamar Brooks, Master Of Ceremonies All hands were on deck to night as the “Sea Won” Class welcomed the “Sea Two’s” aboard the Pirate Ship “M. H. C.”, the occasion being the traditional col lege, junior-senior banquet. A “Crew” of more than seven hundred passed by “Treasure Island” in the dining hall annex on their way into the main room which was transferred into a ship, portholes, and all. Nautical mural paintings, life preservers, parrots, and monkeys covered the w’alls, and candles and lanterns il lumined the entire room. Behind the speaker’s stand hung a huge map of Treasure Island, showing the route which led to the hidden treasure. At the “Poop Deck”, “Piper Lamar Brooks acted as master of ceremonies and introduced Walton Connelly who led the in vocation. “Captain” Tommy Stapleton, president of Cl class saluted the CD’s, and “Skipper” Thomas Swann, president of the CII’s, returned the salute. The search, for the treasure be gan with “Shipmates” Dub Lane, Seth Lippard, John McLeod, and Tommy Stapleton, singing sea chanteys. “Deck Officer” Vernon Wood retorted to “Walking the Plank” by “Two Gobs.” Steve Horne and John Mauney, with “Hanging from the Yardar,” were followed by “Echoes” by “Mermaids” Betty Rae Carter, Lou Ella Hoots, and Jean Ray. After “Advice from The Gold Braid” (Admiral Black- well), the crew sang the Alma Mater. When the “Pirates” had fin ished serving the meal, the final lap of the treasure hunt led to (Continued on Page 3) il Pictured above are the newly elected members of the B.S.U. Council. Reading left to right they are: Front row: Hilda Mayo, Nell Hunter, Genie Jo White, Phyllis Ann Gentry, Ed Dunlap. Second row: Tommy Stapleton, Neal Ellis, Seth Lippard, W. T. Lane, Lamar Brooks, Bobby Barnes, Roy Ryan. 'LAUREL' HAS GONE . TO PRESS ^is week-end Frances Hobson, litor-in-chief of The Laurel, 'd Jo Ellis, photography edi- have gone to Charlotte to Oof-read the annual. All of 0 pictures and other mate- 'Is for The Laurel have gone the engraver and printer, 'e editors hope The Laurel G come out before the end the present school term. If Plication is delayed, how- Or, the individual copies of 6 Laurel will be mailed out each student as they were year. Orchestra Presents Spring Concert Mrs. Robinson Directs; Forres- tine Snider Accompanies -♦>- The Mars Hill College Orches tra, under the direction of Mrs. Douglas Robinson, presented a concert of varied music in the college auditorium Thursday night, April 12, at eight o’clock. The program opened with the Star Spangled Banner played soft ly as the audience stood silently with bowed heads in tribute to the late President Franklin De lano Roosevelt. Other selections on the pro gram were as follows: “Overture —Selections from Tannhauser,” Wagner; “Adoration,” Borowski; “Liebesfreud,” Kreisler; “In the Clock Store,” Orth; “Moon Dawn,” Friml; “An Irish Lulla by,” Shannon; “When the Swal lows Come Back to Capistrano,” Rene; “Anchors Aweigh,” Charles Zimmerman; “Song of the Ma rines,” Duben and Warren; “Army Air Corps song,” Crawford. (Continued on Page 4) Dramateers Get Highest Rating Miss Wengert's Group Gives Three Plays Mars Hill College Dramateers won the highest rating for the presentation of The Giant’s Stair at the 22nd dramatic festival held at the University of North Caro lina April 13. This was the only junior college play to receive such a rating. All plays were rated highest or given honorable men tion. One of the dramatic instruc tors at the university commended very highly the skillful handling of the middle aged characters played by Jane Wright and, Nor ma Minges. The production was given Friday afternoon at a pro gram with four other junior col lege plays. Furlough by Clyde M. McLeod "’as presented Friday night to a house so crowded that tickets "ere sold for standing room only. The author received the author’s award which was an autographed copy of Samuel Selden’s The Stage in Action. Without Legal Procedure by Cornelia Vann, which was con sidered the best written play at the district festival in Asheville last month, received honorable mention at Chapel Hill, and the author received the author’s award. Saturday night Samuel Selden, head of the dramatic department, presided at the Playmakers The atre and President Frank Graham presented the certificates of achievement and the author’s awards. The Carolina Playmakers presented an original play which had been chosen as the best of a number of experimental plays submitted by the Playmakers of the University. Thirteen Mars Hill college stu dents and their director attended the festival in Chapel Hill. They gave three of the twenty-six plays selected from forty-two groups in North Carolina. The Mars Hill representatives were Clyde Mc Leod, Norma Minges, Cornelia (Continued on Page 3) B.S.U. COUNCIL NAMED Senior Day Is Observed In keeping with a Mars Hill tradition, today was Senior Day. an official holiday for the mem bers of the C-II Class. Thomas Swann, class president, directed the activities, which in cluded a hike over Mount Bailey in the morning and a picnic lunch at the Cascades. After lunch, the Class Will and Class Prophecy were read. Virginia Perry, secretary, and Jean Brooks, treasurer, assisted with the class day program. Dr. Blackwell Leads Roosevelt Memorial A memorial service in honor of the late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was conducted by Dr. Blackwell during . the chapel hour Monday. The immortal words from the gospel of St. John: “Perfect love casteth out fear” were the basis of the commemorative exercise. Exhalting the Christian character of the late President, Dr. Black- well challenged the students to live in a manner worthy of the inspiration of Roosevelt’s life. “How Firm a Foundation,” the late President’s favorite hymn, was sung by the student body. A quartet composed of Ronald Hill, Tommy Stapleton, John Brinegar, and Neal Ellis sang “Lead, Kind ly Light.” Other music featured on the program included “Ameri ca the Beautiful,” and “Our God, Our Help.” Previous services dedicated to the memory of the late President included a memorial period in the church Saturday afternoon and two student watch services on Saturday. Tommy Stapleton To Be Head Tommy Stapleton of Charlotte has been elected president of the B.S.U. for the 1944-’45 session. He, together with other mem bers of the newly-chosen Council, will be inducted into office at a special installation service in chapel Tuesday, April 24. Tommy has been outstanding in campus activities this year. He has served as president of the C-I Class, has been an honor stu dent, and has sung solo parts in a number of college music pro grams. Other officers who will serve with him will include: Lamar Brooks, of Edison, Georgia, first vice-president; W. T. Lane, Greer, South Carolina, second vice- president; Phyllis Ann Gentry, Richmond, Virginia, third vice- president; Bobby Barnes, Char lotte, treasurer; Genie Jo -White, Henderson, recording secretary; Nell Hunter, Raleigh, correspond ing secretary. Additional Council members are: Ed Dunlap, Sumter, South Carolina, Sunday School Superin tendent; Neal Ellis, San Antonio, Texas, B.T.U. director; Hilda Mayo, Rocky Mount, Y.W.A. president; Roy Ryan, North Au gusta, South Carolina, minis terial conference representative; and Seth Lippard, Mars Hill, town representative. The Y.T.C. representative to the Council had not been elected as the HILLTOP went to press. The B.S.U. Council is the most important campus organization. It directs, not only religious ac tivities, but also student govern ment and religious life. Walton Connelly is the outgoing presi dent of the B.SU. Dr. Ella J. Pierce and Miss Mildred L. Bing ham are the advisers for the group. Other members of the Re ligious Life and Training Com mittee of the faculty also serve in an advisory capacity. Outstanding activities of the (Continued on Page 4)