XE. Three Cheers For Coach Ramsey! CTKe Hilltop Published By The Students Of Mars Hill College MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, OCTOBER 31, 1946. Fifteen Rahs For The Mountain Lions Number 3. MHC CelebratetttM&en I Was Robbed!! With Parties and Bonfire HILLTOP HIGHLIGHTS C-l ELECTION RESULTS At the first meeting of the C-I clast the following officers for the 46-47 session were elected: presi dent, Harold Bennett of Asheville; vice-president, Polly Jean Yande of Charlotte; secretary. Bob Mc Clure of Charlotte, treasurer, Frank Yandel of Charlotte. JOHNSON PRESENTS BOOKS Dr. Walter N. Johnson of Raleigh and formerly of Mars Hill, presented the Montague library with 576 volumes of books and pamphlets pertaining to religion, literature, and science. Dr. John son, one of the foremost thinkers of the South, gave this valuable gift to the library during the past summer. According to Miss Daisy Anderson, librarian, the books are, at present, being catalogued and will be available for public use within a few weeks. 1947 Laurel Plans Nearing Completion Plans for the 1947 Laurel are well on the way toward being com pleted. The layout was completed several Weeks ago, and pictures are now being made to go in it. A prize of five dollars will be given to the person turning in the best snapshot, which may be turned in to D. T. Carowan, Snapshot Editor. The Laurel staff officers are: editor-in-chief, Phoebe Duckworth; business manager, Henry Crouch; associate business manager, Wayne Richardson; literary editor, Bet ty Brooks; associate literary edi tor, Elizabeth Howard; photo graphy editor, Betty Faye Trotter; .snapshot editor, D. T. Carowan; feature editor, Susan Brinson; .sports editor, (girls), Ann Dyer; sports editor, (boys). Gene Lewis; society editor. Boss Ruppelt; typists, Margaret Hater, Muriel Burns, and Vanetta Black; art editors, John Walker and Steve Horne; C-I editor. Jack Bennett. Honor Clubs Meet; Officers Elected The new officers and members of the honor clubs, which met on Tuesday evening, October 16, at 7:30 o’clock are as follows: SCRIBLERUS CLUB: president, I Betty Shuford; vice-presidenf, Bet- I ty Maness; secretary, Anna Mc- l Manus; new members include Peg- [gy Nichols, Boyd Sutton, Dorothy IStevenson, Wallace Zimmerman, ■Walter Lowe, Blanche Willis, El liott Donnells, and Martha Jean Pope. INTERNATIONAL R E L A- nONS CLUB: president, Bruce t enable; vice-president, John loore; secretary, Grechen Phil- |l(eck; Program Chairman, Eliza- ijeth Howard; new members in- lude Betty Jean Seracy, Janie jjrendle, Eula Mae Coffey, Chris- ne Dunn, and Nell Hunter. (Continued on Page 2) The M.H.C. Halloween celebra tion, under the direction of J. C. Mitchell, second vice-president of the B.S.U., took the form of a party which began in each of the girls’ donnitories and terminated around a bon-fire in the street street adjacent to the Little Circle on Saturday night, October 26. The program in Spilman con sisted of a skit, after which Miss Beulah (Mary Elizabeth “Gypsy” Smith) Bowden read the palms of the guests. In an impromptu de bate it was proved that ghosts do exist. In the grand finale which followed, prizes were awarded for the most original, weird and corny costume characterizations. Surprise Induction The party in Treat consisted of several games, the first of which was a surprise induction into “The Royal Order of the Knights of the Jack’o’Lantern.” Next, a prize was awarded the one having the best memory in the “Pumpkin Head Race.” The last game, “Who Do You Love The Best?” was follow ed by the telling of a ghost story. ,The Edna Moore party, revolv ing around the central theme of a hay ride, consisted of the telling of ghost stories, a skit depicting a hon-ified mother’s dream of her daughter at Mars Hill. Stroup’s program consisted of fortune telling, an apple relay, and impromptu duet by Doris Jones and Bill Stapleton, a debate (ghosts, definitely, exist), and a stoi-y told by Elliot Donnels. The party was concluded with refreshments and singing around the bonfire in the street opposite the Little Circle. REVIVAL SERVICES END Dr. S. W. Melton, pastor of the Free Mason Street Baptist Church of Norfolk (Va.), concluded a series of revival sei-vices here last Friday night. The widely-known Virginian minister delivered ser mons twice daily in the Mars Hill Baptist Church to a congregation of students, faculty, and towns people whose attendance was ap preciable throughout the five days of revival. Mr. John R. Link, local pastor, assisted Dr. Melton, who held pastorates in Augusta, (Ga.), and Baltimore, (Md). before accepting his present position. , Asheville police are still search* ing for the daring thief who broke into Mr. M. H. Kendall’s auto mobile and made away with $150.00 worth of clothing and personal articles shortly after 7:00 o’clock Thursday evening, October 10, at the Battery Park Hotel parking lot in Asheville. Mr. Kendal], Mars Hill College Bible professor and preacher, was enroute to Mars Hill from an as* sociational meeting when he de cided to stop and eat at the Ashe ville hotel* Accordingly, the pro fessor drove his car into the park ing lot and carefully locked the vehicle containing his *‘Sunday preaching” suit, toilet articles and suitcase before he entered the hotel dining room. Wardrobe Stolen Returning to his parked car an hour or so later, Mr. Kendall no ticed that one of the ventilation windows which he had so cau tiously locked was open, and la ter, that his traveling wardrobe had been stolen. Without wasting any more time, he reported the theft to the Ashe ville police who immediately ini tiated a search for the robber and missing articles which, thus far, has proved fruitless. In spite of the fact that students in his Bible classes, learning of their teacher’s misfortune, have raised $11.00 to help alleviate the loss. 116 Students to Attend Annual BSU Convention 116 students will leave Mars Hill College tomorrow morning for the annual state Baptist Stu dent Union convention which will be in session for three days at Durliam, November 1-3. Pat Murphy. Mars Hill College B.S.U. president, will be in charge of the group of local representa tives who are scheduled to board the bus for Durham tomorrow morning at 6:00 o’clock. Norman Ferrell and Mary Cope land, Mars Hill students, have im portant assignments in connection with the convention program. Fer rell will make a devotional talk before the convention assembly. Miss Copeland will convene a con ference. The student-delegates will re turn to the college on Sunday night. College Societies Elect Officers The societies have elected their officers for the Anniversary-Re ception term. On October 17 the Clios chose as their officers the following: president, Martha Jean Pope; vice-president, Dorothy Stowe; secretary, Margaret Hay- tcr; censor, Juan Peterson. The Philomathians chose for: president, Quentin Harper; vice- president, Carl Westmoreland; secretary, Wendell Witt; censor, Leonard Rollins. The Nonpareils elected for: pre sident, Pollyanna Gibbs; vice-pre sident, Carolyn Halstead; secre tary, Nell Thornton; censor, Anna McManus. The Eiithalian officers are: president, Elliot Donnels; vice- president, Samuel Johnson; secre tary, Baine Jones; censor, Wayne .Tones. FORMER STUDENT HONORED Ronald Hill, ’45 graduate of Mars Hill College, now a minis terial student at Baylor Univer sity has been selected for listing in “Who’s Who in American Col leges and Universities.” While at Mars Hill, Ronald was Training Union Director and Com mencement president of the Philo- mathian Literary Society. H is parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hill reside in Spindale, N. C. “Mom” And “Pop” Lance Sponsor C-II Class in Bailey Hike^ Picnic On Saturday afternoon, Oct. 19, approximately two hundred mem bers of the C-II class were the participants in a long, but joyous hike up Bailey Mountain and an evening picnic at the Cascades. The girls, clad in blue jeans and plaid shirts, and the boys, in simi lar apparrel, left the Little Circle around 1:30 p.m. and started on the seemingly endless search for the top of Bailey. All were joyous enough; the bright colors of the hikers and the songs and jokes of the more energetic ones added much to the afternoon’s pleasure. Even more entertaining was Henry Crouch’s portable radio which pro claimed the details of the football game between Wake Forest and State. At the first resting-place Wake Forest was in the lead with a score of 6 to State’s 0. Later, State took a lead of one point and, by the time the top of Bailey was reached the Wolfpack was out in front to stay, 14 to 6. BLESSED WITH APPLES The adventurous C-II’s were blessed with apples on their ex plorations. Nearly every resting- place was “in the shade of an old apple tree.” One member of the class was kind enough to help the less fortunate ones by climbing a tree and shaking down more than enough apples for everyone. After climbing over and craw ling under fences the class, led by their guide, “Pop” Lance, finally ascended to the top, and many pants and sighs of awe were heard in the new respite which came over the hikers as they viewed the vast surroundings and magnificent panorama found only in the moun tains. The class decended on the other side of the mountain and; again, after much slipping, stumbling and more fences, the members were led to the Cascades where “Mom” Lance and several girls had the picnic ready. “Daddy” Blackwell and Coach Hart were guests of the Class. ANOTHER MARS HILLIAN Move over there, buddy, and make room for another Mars Hillian! That’s right! It’s a seven and a quarter pound, bouncing baby boy for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wood,, student and graduate of Mars Hill College, respectively. Robert “Bob” Wood made his official debut into the world at 7:40 p.m. Sunday, with football-playing father pacing the maternity hallways of Asheville’s St. Joseph hos pital and “sweating out” the arrival of his and Mrs. Wood’s son and first-bom child. It was strictly a “Mars Hill” event with everybody concerned, including the doc tor, Dr. Irma Henderson Smo thers, a forAier Mars Hill graduate from Asheville, be ing affilated with the college. The father is an outstanding student here, and stellar Mountain Lion tailback. The mother is the former Miss Joyce Allen who was graduat ed from Mars Hill in 1943. She attended the Woman’s College of the University of North Carolina for one year and married "Art” in 1945 while he was serving in the United States Army. Cole, Fowler Are Injured In Auto Accident Here Coach Woodrow !!Red” Ramsey i.s on the verge of including “Sun day afternoon joy-riding” on the strictly forbidden activity list for his Mountain Lion football players. It all happened last Sunday afternoon a week ago about one o’clock when two of Mars Hill college’s footballers, Alton Cole and Mitchell Fowler; together with Bob Hester and David Tilson were cruising along, Asheville bound, in a rejuvenated', .souped-up, late model 1938 Ford sedan. .Approximately half a mile out of Mars Hill, the carefree college quartet and one o-ther passenger, an undentified local high school boy, decided to swerve over to one side of the road and say “hello” to a passing pedesterian. As Coach Ramsey following di rectly behind, homeward bound in his Studebaker, the schoolboys veered their vehicle over on to the road shoulder. The driver lost control; the car rolled over twice. Immediately, Coach Ramsey brought his automobile to a halt and rushed over to the overturned vehicle. When the dust and flying glass cleared, all five of the oc cupants crawled out of' their bangJd-up Ford. Cole suffered a slight back injury. Fowler with a minor bump on the head had to miss football practices.