1948Dec. 18,1948 THE HILLTOP, MARS HILL COLLEGE, MARS HILL, N. C. Page Three mcy i WAA Holds Football ;^°;;yBanquet uples Thursday evening at 7:30 the annual football banquet was held and*” Coyte Bridges cafeteria. The . ‘Football Symphony” was given by the members of the Women’s Ath- juess*®^*'^ Association to the team, their iver’s'^^*'®s and members of the faculty, auble"^^® left balcony was decorated in 3orge^ **'usical theme on which the pro- au; Was based. The Maestro of Ceremonies was ng a^''" l^**'f'^et Sams. The toast to the ! given by Mr. Howell, and jjgjg fl^e response by one of the team iving'^^P*'^™s> Clyde Walker. The pro- ,gram contained various clever musical selections given by those 0 thePresent. Then a short skit, entitled pring Humoresque” was given, which rtaniwas in form of an impersonation is in of the team members, their girls, 1 for and “Coach.” During the pro- sster. £i'am, music was furnished by a student band. mail dies” "^1^® guest speaker for the eve- uri”,ning was Coach D. W. Duggins of Miles■^TPo.lachian State Teachers Col ly a^®®® who showed and explained her^®'’®i'al football films. III : the Slants little ; ex- I!)- down lench it??) neW lottie ianta h??? sen,” irist- Christmas gifts are lovelier than ever at >ENTER ^ Ueweleki Matthew 0N£ HAYWOOD STREET " army store I Sporting Goods Clothing . Shoes 35 Patton Avenue Asheville ed to sping1 JesuS 4 I day •i' •+ •h ly in 4: Tuliy I witli froin ^ siasin ^ tra' ^ II we ? brisk ^ an^ * lokeii •* nd e ^ ■e ate ^ ■ t mini y we Ijl elteh ^ ,sk to + ibou* I f the t gifts under $5.00 A Long Way Intramurals Open December 7th A basket-minded Euthalian team got the Mars Hill college intra mural basketball season off to a fast start Tuesday afternoon, De cember 7, when they defeated the C-I’s 47-18. In the second game the Phis took a hard fought 25 to 19 contest from the C-II’s. In the first game the black and gold clad Euthalians completely out classed a green, inexperienced C-I team. The C-I’s led by Keeter, Caldwell, and Sinclair were de termined but lacked organization and experience. Pierce, Euthalian center, was high-point man with 10 points. In the second contest the hard fighting Phi team got off to an early lead and held it to defeat the green and white clad C-II team. The game was close all the way. The Phis, a short team, handled the ball smoothly but lacked an adequate attack ‘ to run up the score. Williams tallied 5 points for the losers while Harris and Smith scored 6 each for the Phis. Pictured are the Mars Hill Mountain Lions who will open their 1948-49 cage season on Tuesday night, December 7. They are, left to right: First Row: Coach Edwards, Harold Bradshaw, Bill Bennett, Bill Hel- vey. Bill High, Jim Troxler, Bob Steele, Buddy Anderson, and Coach Ramsey. Second Row: John White- head, Curtis Thompson, Marvin Pearce. Walter Basket, and Allan Mills. Third Row: Brevard Brown, Charles Bunn, Bob McElrath, Jimmy Shaver, Clarence Parker. Fourth Row: Bob Mahon and Jerry Brown. (Photo by Tom Walters.) M-Club Holds American Legion Out-paced By Lions Initiation The Mars Hill college M-club held its first initiation of the col lege year Wednesday night, De cember 8, in the McConnell gym nasium. The boys taking the initi ation were Barger, Stines, Eng land, Olive, G. Martin, Haire, Nel son, Robinson, C. Martin, Myer, Donohue, Baskett, Brown, Shope,, Whitehead, Prince, Litaker, Ben nett, Saunders, Maitland, Cook, and Phillips. This group of boys greatly increased the number of members in the club and will con tribute toward making the M-club a more active and more efficient organization. Invitations for mem bership are extended to all boys who win letters in one or more of the five major sports of the col lege. 4* H- 4* 4- 4- 4* 4- 4- 4> 4* 4- 4- 4- 4* 4- 4* North Carolina Modest Santas, here's a haven for you! Weve •quantities of distinctive gifts to gladden •unyone's heart. And all tmder $5.00. IVEY’S IN ASHEVILLE DIAL 8711 194J' PEACE ON EARTH GOOD-WILL TO MAN Fear not: for, behold, 1 bring you good tidings of great joy, And the Angel said . . . “Thou shalt call his name JESUS.” “AND HE SHALL REIGN FOREVER AND EVER.” 4- 4* 4* 4- 4- 4* 4- 4* 4- 4> 4* 4- 4- 4* 4- 4- 4- 4- 4" 4- 4- 4* 4- 4- 4* 4* 4- 4- 4- 4- 4> 4- 4- 4* 4- 4- 4* 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4" 4- 'The ’48-’49 basketball season was ushered in when the M.H.C. Lions defeated the American Legion team of Burnsville 55 to 30 in McConnell gym Tuesday night, December 7. Led by Brevard Brown, sharp shooting forward who scored 16 points, the fast-breaking Lions got off to a slow start but gradually picked up steam, scoring 33 points in the second half. The opening game introduced many new faces to the local fans. Newcomers to the squad were Bill Bennett, John Shaver, both of whom started, Jim Troxler, Willie Baskett, John Whitehead, Bob Steele, Bill Hel- vey. Bob McElrath, a letterman here in 1945, and Harold Brad shaw. The Burnsville team led by Roberts, their big center who tallied 11 points, played creditable ball, but due to the tight Lion defense, never seriously threatened the Blue and Gold thin-clads. MAY YOUR CHRISTMAS BE MERRY AND BRIGHT We Take This Opportunity To Wish You Each THE NEW YEAR FULL OF HAPPINESS And Welcome You To Our Friendly Store THE SANDWICH SHOP Mars Hill ... North Carolina MHC Termi nates Softball Intramurals The Mars Hill College intra mural softball program came to an end Wednesday, December 8, when the Town team defeated the Euthalians 15 to 3 to capture the championship. In the semi-finals of the tourna ment on Tuesday, November 30, the Eus edged out the Phis 7 to 6, and the Town team beat the C-II’s 6 to 2. Then, in a game on Wednesday, December 1, Town anck Euthalia fought to a 5-5 tie in one of the best played ball games of the season. In the re-play of this game on December 8 the Town team with 19 hits, 15 runs, and 0 errors de feated the Eus—12 hits, 3 runs, and 1 error. A beautiful trophy, given by the athletic department of the college, will be presented to the Town team in chapel at an early date. IJ£W£L€B/I IF IT’S FROM LEE’S IT’S GUARANTEED Asheville North Carolina I '^*'*'* I FOOD!! FOOD!! Yes, you will find de licious appetizing food for every occasion at DIXIE Grocery Store Mars Hill North Carolina arolina s When The Occasion Calls For Flowers Consult Our Agent MRS. E. C. COATES Mars Hill, N. C. Middlemount Flower Shop N Asheville rth Carolin MAXWELL’S Diamonds Watches Jewelry Haywood & College Asheville ... North Carolina PATRONIZE OUR advertisers L. A. OWEN Professional Foot Fitter Southern Foot Clinic Fine Shoes For Men Sc Women 60 Patton Avelnue L. A. Owen — Juvenile Shoes Holiday Greetings Wishing' You A Delightful Holiday Season And A Happy New Year Your Friends The Sinclair Station FOR SUPERIOR DRY CLEANING CALL MARS HILL GLEANERS Delivery Service To All Dorms Mars Hill ... North Carolina ^4*4*4*4**4’4*4*4*4**h*F4*4*4*4*4'4*'F*l*d*4h'F*h |Mars Hill t Pharmacy •f ^ Where Quality And 4) Experience Meet ± DRUGS & SUNDRIES I 4* We Appreciate Your Business ^ Mars Hill — North Carolina