consistea oi the graduating recital J XCJUll^CO tu occ Vvortl^ o g ; Un: rm V and peri uomi nt o j wil ns ri nom linat r BJ ble i idat( ility sen: 3t S1 lal ictiA his cers nlis ps wor 2W ! ides >nt. I pi Js if a ral del lal k( igs re( ep le I tl It 1 1 g es, ste ! nr coi is i ■v ati Gnest Editorial Every citizen of every civilized country in the world is a stockholder in civilization. We are all therefore living upon dividends derived from civilization. If this were not true, we should be living—if indeed we had been born at all—in caves and dens of the earth. We should be seeking to satisfy our hunger with roots and herbs of field and forest and the uncooked flesh of wild animals. Whatever more we have been able to learn of the wonders of nature, of the marvels of the universe, of the mysteries of our own personalities, or of the love of God, has come to us as a dividend from civilization. It has been said that the first line of defense, the one impregnable fort of every nation, is character in its citizens. A nation may be rich in land and trade, numerous in population, secure~or perhaps insecure—behind concrete defenses and an armada of ships and airplanes, but without a noble faith motivating its citizens, it is as noth ing and Its feet are set upon the high road to destruction. The nation that majors on those values which make for trustworthiness in its people is the only nation that may look to the future tvdli reasonable certainty. The souls of men must be regenerated if catastrophe for themselves and their common stake in civilization is not surely to come. We cannot hope for peace and understanding in uorld affairs until we have it in the hearts of men. Suffering love is the only avenue through which the human individual or human society may be emancipated. For nearly two thousand years the two extended arms of the cross to which the hands of our Lord were nailed have borne an unlimited invita tion to all mankind. Upon that cross was God's own expression of the indelible truth that has been written into the very fabric of the universe that humanity is redeemed by suffering, vicarious love, Christ IS the pattern. If we would demonstrate His example, we, too must be expendable. —Hoyt Blackwell, President. HILLTOP—PAGE POUR submitting present Bap- Student directors included Allen Brown and Barbara Morris, and Blankets & Spreads S •p ± T bi in P' w S( T h I Soj Col