Page Two The the hilltop, mars hill COLLEGF iv/thd =—^ ^->^L£GE, mars hill, n. c. PLAIN LIVING AND HIGH THINKING*- Students of Mars Hill College Students Anticipate Spring Vacation Moil 2, 19J Post-Office ^^26, at the 3, 1879 Carolina, Under the Act year. ' -^^blished semi-monthly during the Vcl-nia XXIX March 12, 1955 Ed:tor-in-Chief .... A='sociate Editor Eews Editor .. Feature Editor Copy Editor Sports Editors Cir STAFF .V.’.V.V.' Nathan Brooks Ann Collins ----- Jo Bradley Staunton Hugh Wilder iinK"w-"T: ^ Sprinkle Advertising'^Managers Bob Hig^^ MSSlSi Ann Pate, Louis Ensley ,‘aj- Z J“n ":X” J,'!" Number 11 from whence we'^'cL'" It Wrings’ back "w "‘‘‘"S "'°td. Dad, the”'k,"s ™and°"“f be once Zre °n °b 'bo- smfling blue eyes‘’'“''’“ FcLtth /4f JFof'k'^^ By SHIRLEY BRADLEY You Lre oomes beautiful sunrises , , -e a Mars Hill sunrie “wht ™ l’d°b day. Yes. Morning Water,, he ^e begiat ;t IS good weather. Vespers each'r-r^*^ amphith— ^”Pbitheater. Go to Mor^ng irtc^a^d Let's all atr,„u c... , „ . r 'be w. Back Your Pastor Ub it has happened n Y^c .u ^ has a pastor. Last'Sunday was Dr‘s^Z'^' w '® ™ Church services. In the evening service he 00 ^°;" '‘'‘I' O'" ohurch Fust^rr; -view tLfeThings!"' '“P^^bilities of Sidered the “center'^of'rttraction”^^'^' '"'®b to be con- tendance. Second, our new pastor °exDect ‘''"'-b at- he expects cooperation. These expectatin^ understanding and third, but they demand the support of each IS to meet them. the church as a body You voted to call E)t- have pra.ved for his ministnrNow Tthe^’' '“‘‘f live .vour prayers.” Smilingly you shal-^ ^ud ^id say “Welcome, pastor” ’if v Seymour Your Pastor Up.” ^ it-“B Y P U--Baclr Going home is . ,,1 thought, but coming alonJ^'''''"^ constant reminder is the fact ,Lt tve have a lot of work to ac “ Phsh before we mZ T°"'' Pers, parallel reading, eTamf "u long nights with sYc T ’ book? English,‘Hisr; /r-- donTI’^/n/ra'-nUbrSgr ^ Z mossed before we go h^e. “we' Pario'n™ d'Tor^TouT “ T*'' L oH • u our work. Tt hig'dancYr d°ate’’?tetakes'’’^'' r s,-nf^ S;i Spring VoT tomorrow at 9 45 God'^ thing for .vk there A ' ■'"g opening assembly L planS and each teacher is readv^ f his part to teach the Bible ‘■PPortant, however, for uYn d our narf b,r .c 1 • ^ to do Let’s each^ rv 'l'^'T® “"t ^ eacn work for a inn cent each Sunda.v. P" udent^iW^^^^^ the Adethodist Friday began ‘dcG . are attendimr students of iVlars Hmd etball President Floridn Bay {i'i .7 'as se] danna/ Okeif^Z Student Mnvp ^ YIethodist , ^^‘day began idcG theserWcel at TY''' ""“‘'‘■"g ^ars Hmd odist Church ■ A Meth- uught it was Frida.v'i^hoo row morning A tomor- ^'1things weeing given them fn will be f, that day. For idefen the church uf students entered tthe ’ services. ThoL ^nl corning ? breakfast, *t f tend the North to at- to discover de c odkt CF..a„. Yr Garohna Meth- and the Bean.fall-she' tend the Nonh rTT^ 1° odist Student Pn Meth- lotte Mamh 18 ^har- mYl Prince' SbWc'-SaSlsi"^^ "S f^kat Is This r # »' \>%/ 9/ Jl . m m Wm'm ^ ^ .^^^at Britain s left wincr in Pi- wing charel movement of .Mars Hm‘Sih *‘‘7 ™'b‘''S °n the left old movement has entered a period of r ’'’ “ '' 'bi* age- semester That fact is certainly no comjru “.“"“r ‘‘''"'"S 'b" -eond tion ,s ,tr To what degree can edueal k '™ ^ “''"S" '^‘luca- teach one to think; and to be sure £‘T ' Z "ot the conduct of many male members in att a "''“lyoe °f thought in As college students, it is about tint "b"!’^* exercises, values with respect to our experiences T ‘‘"'''“P'b a sense of that the programs in chapel are of ^ntely no one would deny though some might not appeal J one'f 0’“ “^ “ izlzz:r^ ■■" bnowSi^in'd tp^ii‘1;::,^ ,r: hut also will enable Slow s'tud’ents'So b‘’°'f”"'/ ?'°briable to you A more wholesome atmosphere can he 'b'' 'bapel period. conversat,ons or improperyPPlaudit^ Talents Galore! aetiueeH, ^Ue ^nh th/weS'erS'^tdd'l'W^' for the first time in ^^'Croated The Enchanted Cup by^n James Roberts Th Tr-tam and IsSideTh fS‘21 alive in this lirpms^ l- ■with dramatic n ^uhievement beauty. Tere r'the“VS'^“‘ medieval tournaments tb der of the charo- u’ . ® fbun- dor of King Irfh Camelot. and the h“" « Hundred and pStv'T *0 the Round Table afi ringed '» 'be legend'’^=-r:te^ bonor ULKCU to discover tie o Jack and the BeanstaB-she\ a_ palm tree had growi^elec mght in the center of > )pul; f f it seems strange Palm_ tree growing inside, rog, It is even more strai^’’^^ a shower of oranges"™ down from the heavens."'""' Some students, thi “vioel!°xm.™ sp Summer Mission, P'ytg'TorTum'^ ap- Jamaica or cSS SandSr’''' ' -“vents m E’,i"trv" *'&■ ~ivr„hL”;« 3 *"“?■ ~ '""S t FebmSrzJ'Sere wafk d Don Kr e ^he sign ta?k j Icaderc US ^ ^ dec ired ''»Iarch ' xetTs Hill campus. T ‘ ^ ell, president of the'coD, Ylartha MeJ entl / thp Pi pres!' Florida Club. R v stamped with the college ■ the Florida - 9§r§,^ ULlJ ^ imaginable. For the sSnSkL^inTed that our campus harbors a mrn't,yt "dividuals proof must be given proof in forensics, mns.^att aYwrittg'"““ ^ Hlfet rrd'Y:tf E Mars Just last week the team came oul third i„T 7“' P'ace. ment held at Lenoir-Rhyne. ®™'b Atlantic Tourna- occasions throughout NWh"'caroHnr^Reef ri‘‘’'’*h ° “P*’"’" special forty-second anniversary of the Hocutt Me ' Zn "•’.Peered at the Burlington. They have future7 Memorial Baptist Church in Asheville. Their spring tour' rilTtek“’?K * “"i? 1°'' " “"vention in Individual contributions in the field ofmmZ fL-’'" i™’' Florida. r;sTs„ir^-'^ -- ^ Blj; Y was“hSen"io bT'ZZ'Z ?l!7s in choosing material for the Literarv Fd^v' ^ Fnds further evidence " Thl' aSinUofei f- t " drama groups the Art Department snnML^.'l, Performances of talent, jusl JZToJZVll^Znl'l" will Yrify thi S'lhl The Night of Thp U D'lvk n UL by Ln'is Grubb ,s the storv of „J pH at the moment in their II when thev are small , 7 "nderstands themJ^hen Z Imows that the shadow at 1' "orseiy window is really b--th the moon, that le cTak P soepmg rooms is the step of Doom Itself, and that everv ^ night beneath a child’s ^7 - the night of the'hume" oy a j-jygj.^ ^ woman, and one eing hunted help create this ad venture in West Virginia. Sholem Asch has chosen fa-sU”oter^/'‘'-“-bi: .tonZZVoN': pw stmt =r? art ttot' - *b.t he ‘hadTto1’“’r ‘'“"t’ ^alism, a profound” meLte."'"'''' leaders. Two ns ward , . made in one wa7 ^^re ‘’s annual Floj nud go to Oteen ne«t"j*^" ''®' 1, ‘^r* Hill campus. E Volunteers for fn.' .^PPiIuy. Hmation was siuu.j 1... nr ruary 22 A ^bnst met Feb- missit r P" foreign 'be first i/YsS'est-T" grams concerning l[ ' t, P™' — —gc , 'vill center around ■ P^°&ram had cont’ri' Florida to the local ^^ftions relat- “oranaT. °dditi‘ director of secretary tion % avas tb( director of musiYete 'brow1“frotSh mg will be held at '7.Tn'-™""'- Moore HaB h Y" Owen Building, VisitotliSt fhtt .?'"bterdt andtr- for Volu and Alinisterial Cn c "P'Puteers |ng planned for nc7 """f be- ,, Pamphlets from tb “V m"e Plans Silf h DeL Sunshine” wer™ di,t K t later. be announced Z! ct'lifP'ber Nature fieri “Around thn ^VoHdv °f SUnshlrif^ “ Around the World” , t theme of thp V tr ° 'vas the Joe Chris Prxk fiwL^'t‘i"® uB: lUJlcuT • ’ 'tprYlr'^- Z'ZCZ J-m Grantt Armstrong' ofY 'be aSI "P-PaniS hi"® a t sSia® Ninety-six girls were t''®®’*'- of the ? "““‘P" " ' “"'mg '"^"^PP^'^Nels™ te„“t ■Yl/~?ssrc 'Vatch for “ bpring holiday, meeting a groim o7 \ Colfc O®"" E.''Ss”wSd P'‘"°m' ™rl conference held if! ^^"'sterial r , ^ discussion on thp n 3iin.S« ruiowln, Ihs, 'lUuUng “"I ‘“PI"" ' Tom„y Seth Needham and caS„ organizatiu eeripture from tw^1« P^'^ge of bY?f “"I' be veri lations. Bill 011^^"'"”' 'rans- J„E 'abe time out for Goodson and Stuart Zre E'" Y’ FP"r more hours than you once be