best wishes TO YOU ' 1 Volume XXIX Summer School To Open June 7 To date one hundred and five students have registered for the summer session to begin on June /. liie curriculum will include courses giving high school credit, as well as regular college credit courses. The nine-week summer term courses include Bible, biology, business, chemistry, English, French, Spanish, Greek, Latin geography, history, mathematics’ music, physical education, speech, and psychology. ^ A varied program of recreation IS provided for summer school ^udents, under the direction of Dean Biggers. Tours are arranged to plac^ of interest in Western North Carolina. Mt. Mitchell, Ridgecrest, Montreat, the Great Snioky Mountains National Park, and Craggy Gardens are among the places yisited from time to time by summer school tours. The summer session is planned with three groups in mind; those who are deficient in high school credits and wish to make them up before entering college rather than atter, college students who wish to accumulate necessary credits in order to lighten their load for next year, and students who need to make up work in order to be in line to graduate next spring. f u regular members of the Mars Hill faculty several visiting instructors will be on the summer school staff. Miss Dulcie Hayes of the Bre vard College faculty will return tor her second summer as teacher k Teaching history will be Willard E. Ruggles of Belton, Mr. Ruggles has his A.B. and M.A. degrees from Furman University, Claud H. Britt, Jr., of Dunn, with A, B. from Wake Forest College and an M.A. from, the University of Alabama will be in- structor in Spanish. ^he Hilltop — Published by the Students of Mars Hill College * MABS Hm. N. C., SATOBDAY, MAY 21, I9SS for a happy VACATION Honor Clubs Elect Leaders Honor clubs have completed the election of officers for the 1955 fall semester. Harry is president ® ^ German Club. Serving with him are Mary Jane Northen, vice-president and Lillian West secretary-treasurer. Logothia Club officers are La- P^^sident; Frances McCroskey, vice-president; Bar- secretary-treasurer; Ann Smith, chaplain. Betty Hester will serve as social chair- are Sara S^ruggsT DoHs^ pLllip7‘"'Thel exercises Gerringer, Bill Cobb^ GI^“ Hugh Freeman, and Benny Helfnn ^ John Vance are absent from the pictL" ' Tom Cogdill Laurel Is Dedicated; New Staff Selected , _Tbc dedication service for the in'?*; r ? Thur!dav ofTh'^^' arrive Monday, Reba Furches was announced to be S Tb and white padded year book edited bv witchwood blue to Coach Virginia Hart. * ^ Vann, was dedicated it is expressive of^t^irk%^rSg^ since — ^ C-I s on their arrival at Mars Hill. _ ^ i he pep-song continues to be rep- Jungpil Lee S opening the front cover Le finds Tim I entering Moore Hall. Jim Lee is responsible for the art T . f^ont and back th Tee will become The theme is carried the bride of Jongsuk Chay on ^^^nnghout the book with '‘saints” Saturday, June 11, at 3:00 p.m. Po^'tjaying each activity. The art m the Mars Hill Baptist Church. ""/he divider pages may be The bride will wear a conven- Crisp. The tional wedding dress of white ny- superlatives, and Ion net and lace. The skirt will T ^ack of be ornamented with godets of lace the theme of and the lace jacket will have long ^1111. The story sleeves ending in calla lily point! out 7f over the hands. The bodicLf the Iw “ caps and dress will button to a high neck ^ "^^^mg diplomas. rimshed with a small collar. Miss Allis’ band and see^oe r 'tod th U “'f “os-'c seed pearls, the chapel program. Miss Sara Jo Allen of Concord r responsible for the roommate 0 the bride here, wBl ^ CoUeen Vann, eSitS- Vernon'^ P C^hors will be rttyta Freeman, associate editor’ X"™" Culpepper and Bill Ar- ^nsp, art editor; and Bm Cher. Rehecn, c.... ... Lee, associate art editor To Be Wed Here In June Number 15 &ealey to be Speaker at Graduation Exercises 5Esr5FsiiS:f r 3a";- burg, W. Va., and lived in Richmond Martins- ». M.. uo.jxr £; Si of ‘be first class to Mrar/ MMm sT fhm (-1 Ulkers S thei •'’Toot® 1? Louisville Seminary fteir C-I officers to serve through “ '^24. He was president of h^ STeTr'"' f.«duating class in 1927 at which t the fall semester. time he received the Th M dr> Incoming Clio president is Polly Tennessee. T|ie graduation exercises will bhe IS a liberal arts student and "include the four-day commence- has been chosen Y. W. A. presi- P™gram which dent for Huffman dormitory. Also May 27. with an art ex- rving with her will be Janet bibit opening at 4:00 p. m. At , Vice-president; Margaret ^ ©clock in the evening the dra- B,mn“' h 1. ®onn “‘■“'P department will present the unn, chorister, Marcia Taylor- ‘^uuuuencement play Harriet hv sTarV"TX^^‘r"-”Tmar: Florence RyersXn' cZ /lals, Carol Ann, Mary Jeffress Clements. Ann?R Bradley. ' / P. m. on Saturday the nf fL president business meeting of the Ash UJ A native of Mumni Association will take place Asheville and wife of Bobby Rob- f ^^onpareil-Euthalian Hall At nson she has been football Queen I f ^ P- -• class meetings w!il te omecoming, secretary of the classes from 1905 to Banquet will ^955- 5:30. Bruce Brown, attorney- 56 Hilltop. Other Nonpareil of- fwill speak. Mr. Brown is ers are: first vice-president, was a member of pSTnt yice- 1940 graduating class of Mars president, Mary Jane Northern; received his LL.B from PaTsm>h ^ classes beth^ F^' Mary Eliza- and a representative Brooks • reunion class will give ooks, and marshals, Jane Me- ®/cP©rt for his group Members h' "’^1 win ley Ma^ber" Association. (Continued on Page 4) the for man. (Officers chosen for the Business Club are Fieldy Dize, president; Eileen Gerringer, vice-president; c y lawyer, secretary; Sara Scruggs, treasurer; and Shirley Mayberry, reporter. Vernon Culpeper is incoming president of Scriblerus Club, artha Barnette is vice-president, and Joyce Owen, secretary- treas urer. French Club officers are Wayne Nunn, president, Elaine Howell, vice-president; and Bill Moore, (Continued on Page 4) cher. Rebecca Sams will be co:fr'bridf performrd'"ty^,re‘'™ev.’ToLrt Collen Vann, editor announces that Fieldy Dize will orV M ^di- h “le Kev. Robert : Nelson will be his nc of Wbrie'’’ Will consist “y"- Roger Scott, Winston-' gladioli and greenerjL /al^em, was chosen art editor and to are invited Asheville, advertising to the marriage and to the recen "manager. tion in Edna Moore narl^ F' m • xlsrrx'anTgi d^^:w--v;r punch will be served i-h ^ J ^ Business Honor club tion. «“P- ,P‘“ dent of J. A. McLeodt Miss Lee. of Seoul. Korea is A a C-I student at Mars Hill. Her frot“rl“r f J’°"‘ kelson, fiance, also from Seoul, is a fr«b Clinton, South Carolina is man at the University’ "f Mfcht Domini gan. He plans to major In inter of A.f '^ i^sociation and president national law. Dorothy Blakely’s Sun day School class. Girls Chorus To Sing For Alumni Banquet on'^Saf 7 ‘be Alumni Banquet on Saturday, May 28, will be furnished by the Choralettes un- der the direction of Miss Irma Helen Hopkins. The group of prls will sing two songs. “Colors” hi R Sandman” • Rallard. His Jo Cundiff is accompanist for the singers. On Wednesday Mav 18, the Choralettes presented a program S Church in Hendersonville. Musical numbers were alternated with scriptural passages and personal testimonies. ^ Among the numbers sung were h? Wounded” by Bach; Jesus, Holy Spirit” Sd’>’ “Glory to Crod Palestrina; “Create in Me "" Mueller; “Qm "o Sibelius; !nd O, Savior Hear Me”, by Gluck. Patricia Robinson played the vio- Im ^obbjigato to the last named The same program was given at Calvaty Baptist Church in Kings- port, lennessee, on May 15. of^t?"' Heneen, pastor o ‘he First Baptist Church of Salisbury, will deliver the b.icca- Hureate sermon at 11 ;00 a. m Sunday, May 29. Dr. Deneen is a native of Michigan and .attended Albion College before he entered from"^’’rif'7 Carolin.1 m which he received his A B dfgree in 1947. He was granmd bis B.D. degree from Soufhwest- ern Seminary in Fort Worth in ber^^?!*^ ‘’py »'"« Decem- tlst r7 Rwat Bap- *^/^^burch, Salisbury. On Sunday at 3:00 p. m the college Band will give its annual concert, and the college choir wil sing at 8:00 pm "