■er I5„ laSJ^ and Hear String Quartet Cthe Hilltop Published by the Students of Mars Hill College Best Luck On Mid-Terms 1 s and ma- school yeaiolume XXX MARS HILL, N. C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1955 Number 3 4 girls and= tryouts held „,;tadi!iils Will Itoud i”' State BSII Conclave mon, Hugh y Griffin; Approximately one hundred rom a fiel4rty Mars Hill students plan to re positions.:tend the 1955 Baptist Student irl Francistnion Convention in Greensboro, [agnus, _an4ovember 4-6. 4r decisions The Convention theme, “God’s Dordmation^orld - My Life - No^v,” vrill Duality. g divided into five areas of con- ig cheers atr”-^ which will be discussed in 1 addresses. The sequence of ”i|, “ “lought will be as follows: “God’s comnetitive^°’^^^> A World in Tension; My e C I ^n|ife. Redeemed; My Life, A Mis- 21 will Enterprise; Now, The Ur- sity cheer-^^^y Situation; Agape, The Motive for Service. Such outstanding speakers as Hill BantDr. J. P. Allen of Charlottes- is the fol-ille, Virginia; Dr. Claude U. ;: DonnieJroach of Charlotte; the Rever- :en, Phyllisnd Elmer West of the Foreign ', CarolynHission Board, Richmond, Vir- rtha Britt,inia; and Dr. Claude B. Bowen, lly Powellastor of the First Baptist Church, Jot. jreensboro, will guide the think- on the topics given above, for mninr- intervals on Saturday i the basis larger group will be divided on ng ability" individual preference im smaller discussion sections. It ,ackev purpose of these groups judges ° consider how the various pro- essions can be carried on as mis- — ionary enterprises to the glory >f God. The fields from which appointed ndividuals may choose are; teach- ^^^og, medicine, the ministry, edu- f Colleges lational anud student work, sci- henandoah:;nce, agriculture, law and govern- lyton, Va. nent, social work, homemaking, > last week Fe armed services, and business, committee Outstanding Christian leaders al- investiga-i-eady engaged in service in each )f these fields will be on hand to lead the discussions. “X Of special interest during the t Convention business session will be I the report of the LISTEN com- I mittee and its recommendations I :oncerning the allocations of the ^ 1955-1956 fund. There will be a I fellowship hour, an informative I Book Store exhibit, special music from the State BSU Choir, and a good opportunity to meet new people and form lasting friend ships. Societies Choose Leaders For Anniversary Events Mary Jane Northern and Norman Hupp have been elected presi dents of Nonpareil and Euthalian Societies, while Martha Barnes and Harry Mamlin have been chosen presidents of Clio and Philo- mathian Societies to serve during the Anniversary-Reception Term. Other Nonpareil officers are Sarah Ellen Dozier, reception vice- president; Doris Phillips, literary vice-president; Pat Smith, secretary; Joan Adams, treasurer; Margaret Griffin, censor; and Eileen Gerringer, chaplain. Presidents chosen for the Anniversary and Reception termsof the four literary societies are (1. to r.) Norman Hupp, Euthalian; Martha Barnes, Clio; Mary Jane Northen, Nonpareil; and Harry Mamlin, Philomathian. College Choir To Sing At State Baptist Convention This fall the College Choir plans to present several programs for the State Baptist Convention which is being held at the First Baptist Church in Asheville, November 14-17. On Monday evening, Novem ber 14, they will sing at the Pastor’s Conference. They also plan to sing for the Ministers’ Wives meeting, and for the Convention on Tuesday night, November 15, and Thursday morning, November 17. Those singing in the Choir are Gail Allen, Janice Benner, June Barrick, Kay Brown, Grace Cars- Alabama Quartet Will Appear Here On Saturday ni,ht, Noventber Jtr; well, Gail Colvard, Hetty Corey, Hannah England, Mary Elizabeth Farmer, Reba Furches, Nancy Hayes, Wanda Jean Hepler, Don na Horton, Sylvia Hunt, Mona Ellen Hyde, Rebecca Keller, Mary Jane Northen, Doris Phil- Revival Services Come To Close Last night’s services marked the close of the annual fall revival of the Mars Hill Baptist Church, con ducted by the Rev. G. Avery Lee, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Ruston, La. During the week special prayer services were held in morning watch and in the dormitories. Also, the one minute prayers in the cafeteria were an inspirational mo ment of every day. Music for the services was rendered by the Vol unteer Choir. From the public schools of his native Oklahoma City, G. Avery Lee went to Hardin-Simmons University, Texas, for his B. A. degree and to Yale Divinity School for his B. D. degree. He served several years as Baptist Student Secretary for Louisiana State University, later becoming Associate pastor of the First Bap tist Church of Baton Rouge. He [OP irel 31d E eii ore Mars Hill Music Is Now On The Air Musical programs originating in Mars Hill College are now heard over seven North Carolina radio stations. WWNC in Ashe ville has at 5:30 every Saturday a 30 minute program, which in cludes a two or three minute news feature. Other programs are 15 minutes in length and are broadcast over WHCC, Waynesville; WPNF Morganton’; W G W R, Asheboro; W N C A Siler City; and WIAM in Will iamson. Several stations are under consideration as possible carriers of a Mars Hill program. It is planned to begin in the near future spot coverage for news events, to be used on TV. Tech nical problems are now being ironed out. 5, in the college auditorium a con cert will be given by the Univer sity of Alabama String Quartet. The founder and musical di rector of the group is Ottokar Cadek, noted violinist and author ity on chamber music. Besides be ing Professor of Music at the Uni versity^ of Alabama, Mr. Cadek was first violinist of the Npv York String Quartet, with which he toured all the principal cities of the United States. Members of the Quartet, com posed of faculty members at the University of Alabama, are Jerrie Cadek, second violin; Henry Bar rett, viola; Margaret Christy, cello; and Mr. Cadek, violin. Miss Cadek, the daughter of Rich, Donnie Fay Smith, Marcia Taylor, and Jo Anne Weber. Also Jimmy Berry, Tommy Bodkin, Donald Briggs, Bobby Burroughs, Douglas Cole, Ever- ette Elledge, Keith Gage, Stan Griffin, Bobby Hallman, Gerald Hewitt, Sonny Jordan, Seth Kir by, Earl Kirkland, Dan Pardue, Richard Phillips, LlojH Plem- mons, Kirby Powell, Wallace Power, Jimm}^ Preas, Tommy Stogner, Charles Tanner, and Edward Ferrell. The Choralettes, led by Miss Hopkins, have planned to sing for Chapel on November 30 and De cember 1. At Thanksgiving they will take part in a pageant along with the Men’s Chorus and the Euthalian officers are Ronnie Barton, reception vice-president; Grady Harmon, literary vice- president; Don Metcalf, secretary; and Tommy Stogner, censor. Coming from South Hill, Vir ginia, Mary Jane has been very active in society, serving as hos tess last year, and vice-president last term. She is in the college choir, has served as a training union officer, was Oteen ward leader, and was on last year’s honor roll. Norman comes from South Bos ton, Virginia. He was vice-presi dent of Euthalia last term, and now serves as vice-president of the C-II class. He is active in de bating as a representative of the college. Serving with Martha as Clio of ficers are Janet Lett, reception vice-president; Marcia Taylor, literary vice-president; Peggy Mel ton, secretary; Molly Jeffress, censor; and Sandra Hickman, chaplain. Other Philomathian officers are Hugh Wilder, anniversary vice- president; Charles Bullard, lit erary vice-president; Paul Caudill, secretary; and Paul McCorvey, censor. Martha, who comes from Cam den, South Carolina, has also been active in society, serving as secre tary last term. She is a training union officer, is dormitory vice- president, and serves on the stu dent council. Harry comes from Asheville, and was Phi chorister last term. He has served as dormitory presi dent, training union president; and at present, he is serving as president of the German Club. He also made the Dean’s list last year. ’ . j - Wltil tile IVlcIl b V-/llUiUb ciIlU LUC Professor Cadek, is a graduate of (College Choir. The pageant will the Curtis Institute in Philadel- > , . , , , xt phia as a pupil of Ivan Galamian. Also she is in much demand as a virtuoso recitalist and soloist with symphony orchestras. Holding undergraduate and ad vanced degrees from the Univer sity of Alabama, Mr. Barrett has become one of the leading violists of the South. He has appeared with the Birmingham and Mobile Symphony Orchestras as soloist and principal viola. be presented in the church. Near Christmas the Choralettes will give a program of secular music and combine with the Men’s Cho rus for the presentation of a pro gram of sacred music. During the spring they hope to sing in differ ent churches. Members of the Choralettes are: Lois Ashley, Frances An derson, Martha Barnes, Sylvia Brissie, Jo Ellen Bradley, Sue Bishop, Brenda Briddell, Doris Miss Christy has studied cello Cole, Dot Clark, Barbara Coffey, with such celebrated teachers as Carolyn Cauthen, Zoe Cooley, Roentgen, Graudan, Willeke, and Kitty Collins, Sarah Ellen Dozier, Silva, and more recently with Caroline Good, Mary Carolyn Pablo Casals in Prades, France. Grant, Dorothy Gosnell, and In summer she teaches cello at Carolyn Griffin. Transylvania Music Camp and Joyce Hamilton, Shirley Hud- serves as principal cellist with the son, Sally Hall, Jo5xe Huskins, (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 4) G. AVERY LEE has been serving the First Baptist Church in Ruston, La., since June 1, 1948. Besides writing material for the Training Union and Sunday School programs and devotionals for Home Life and Open Win dows, Mr. Lee has published a book. Life's Everyday Questions. Mr. Lee has served as Presi dent and Lt. Governor of Kiwanis International and at present is District Chairman of the Com mittee on Education and Fellow ship. In 1952 and 1953, he partici pated in preaching missions in Alaska. Mr. Lee also spent six weeks in the Near East and Europe. Golf is his active sports hobby, while the affairs of the Yankees get his spectator attention. Mars Hill Debaters Slate Appearances Next Tuesday at 3:30 the Gardner-Webb debate team of four will exchange debates here with the Mars Hill squad. They will be escorted by their coach, Mr. F. Dedmond, and the subject for debate will be a standard topic. For each team this will be the first debate of the season. The pro gram will be open for the public and an audience will be appre ciated. On November 8, four Mars Hill student debaters will partici pate in a debate contest at Fur man. The students are: Norman Hupp and Don Kroe, affirmative, Steve Blackwell and James Shurl- ing, the negative. They will speak on this subject: “Resolved that all (Continued on page 4)