k HILL COLLEGE iMORIAL LIBRARY 1 21. 1956 •ns net r banquet, ed “Senti- / year the IS selected 1 depicted lor Cope- )erformed ired in a composed “Harvest nents To the eve- l Elliott nonies. tars Hill program :d as di ion and mo. ined in autumn- ingville. sketches unds of ing the ^as head ;; Congratulations I TO I debaters Volume XXX Campus Leaders Honored Today Approximately 550 students o ave participated in extra- Wrricular activities or made com- pendable scholastic records are be- |ng recognized today in the annual ecogmtion Day exercises taking place at 10:00 a. m. in the amphi- •^Peatre. The program begins with recog- P'tion of members of the B. S. U Executive Council and Mission Council by M. H. Kendall. Recognition of Hilltop and ^aurel staffs will be by Miss Col- >e Garner and R. R. Chapman espectively. Journalism kej^s will ^ awarded to outstanding C-II staff members of both publications. Mrs. J. V. Howell will take cParge of recognition in Home P'Conomics. Rufus Norris will ^>nduct recognition of the College choir, and under his direction the Choir will present “Country fi Burke-Heusen and Collytoodum,” arranged by Bell, ^ork in forensics under the di rection of Harley E. Jolley will °e presented. Officers and members of the College Band and the Choralettes '^ill be recognized by Phillip Mag- Ptis and Miss Irma Hopkins re spectively. Athletic awards to Rirls will be made by Coach Vir- ^nia Hart and to boys by Coach cton Henderson. R. M. Lee will officiate in recognition of the Dean’s List, the women’s and the men’s Stu- cnt Councils will be presented y their respective sponsors, Dean Caroline Biggers and Dean Har- Lance. Dramatics awards r^’ill be presented by Mrs. Eliza beth Watson, Joe Chris Robertson will make he final recognition which will c that of the College Marshals, President Blackwell will pre- a message of appreciation, Commendation, and challenge ^y^hich will be followed bt?- the Singing of the “Alma Mater” and ^ prayer by Mr. Kendall. ^he Hilltop — Publu>hed by the Students of Mar, HiU r^n... I FOR WINNING trophy Number ’ umoer DanielsTo Give Addres At Honor Club Banque Jonathan Worth Daniels Pol • u honor clubs of Mars Hil ’Collegf ‘I auditorium. Prior to the addresftbe 2 in the collet 'he Scrihlerus Club wilt he'’hen ' Banque a“L h“ s Z7T positions Heads News Staff Pegp Ann Frith has been dected editor-in-chief of The Wh-r “>Se Frankiin dT'Sv ^ attending high school J?^ a member of a Uni W1S ^ Maryland, she committee. Also he is president o^f if th se-t™ :'f Arts Course!’she L undecided upon which field of service to enter. SdTateT' on th^edtoriTstfff' torune and a columnist IS at ion. sismnV'"'!f' "‘'“‘■'’■■atrative istant and press secretary anT;.t’’,LZ''““'''', D- Roosevi Day above, „i|| Over May Day Exercises Mrs. Anne Robinson Y/T ign over the May D^ and Paul Caudill Kimr ^'II ■ a nrr^d,,..;„„ festivities tndav „rK;.u ...7,, , ’ will 11‘ankersley Wins Club Recognition Margaret Tankersley has been Chosen Miss Home Economics of ”55-56, the highest honor be- towed upon a member of the hiome Economics Club. Margaret, a home economics jhajor from Clinton, South Caro- ^‘Pa, was selected for the honor by ^cmt ballot of the club members, ^ *th the approval of the executive c*rumittee and the club adviser. Margaret is currently serving president of the Home Eco- .^mics Club and has been active ^ all phases of the club program • bring her two years here. She 'as r 1 1 of Mrs. Elizabeth W f Members of the “7 , jrerlam, Charles Parker; Don"^pU™'^^Deaton; the Cham- Guffy; the Duchess of Albu™ u! qt’ S»7' U™ L;„ F Dwarf, GeL^F”l’ Deal, ^ XT i Young Girl of Shearin; Lady in Waiting, Billie Everhart. ^ rmroi ^ ^ chamber of the a wa'r“!! 1‘" Spy-. The time However Mr. Daniels savs hnuself: “1’™ a newspaper edi Piv foremost, and all the tim 'll If *^eme of the banquet its For associate editor XT TV • of the hor Hayes from Salisbury has^S w'F 7,“^ ^U^es Hill C chosen. Gerald Davis of Wql- hf ‘ ‘^^nbs w alia, South Carolina, will serve wiirmsnn'T^ separately, and ea ^^iinaging editor. In hiVh nre«entVf'” f dramai tn fnews edh Jhat tor and editorial assistant nnd fpiu ^ decorations w: this }Tar has been on the Hilltot siVriiT^H motif, with mix( staff as exchange editor. Gemld arrZjI^ was editor of his h.’o-h V , arranged around the hall paper. Even though the banquet is ope Th • Club membei an staff^^ temainder of the editorial sponsors, everyone is coi otaff consists of Rachel Mixson the addres R news editor Daniels. a?d W and Wayne Stancil as sports edi- RLnP7'" Kenneth Blackwell are circulation man- alvSf'''”’^ I’Vlis Wiley is the advertising manager. Doing the tj-pmg will be Jo Ann Thornton! Plano Concert Slated Tonight feature'NJ 'P”™ Wll “ summer day in7h! fSo’r tralian ™ Aus- „f Dwo dances under the direction under 'wo-piano team j Goach Hart will also be includ tual 7*" ‘^punsorship of the Mu- play. One will be a tual Concert Association, ”‘™«- Girls taking naT in fb' The couple has been presented cTl Esther Mimly to-cras'7 °7- ‘''vision and coast- , j? f” Welch, Jane Blake, Marl m orilalV? are To A 'fv''’' ®P“"«h dance four hands™- Sho^^^^^^ will 7Ce®''‘‘L t Rams”"’ in D Minor” b^*'^ Fugue Barbara Moore and R 7' 1^—®’ by the team- "q'' adapted derburke. ’ Eun- Major” by Ylozar?''”Et"udf fv” P'^P the Pro by Babin; ‘Teir«” ’ jTt fV cessional and Recessional I ^ tella” by’ Ra7ra„,'‘7 .I^an- May Court, Mav h" ;7- ijci I WO years nere. ane held places of leadership in '^n Union and Society. .^Bowing graduation Margaret ^HS fn tronc-Tot- ♦-i-x •-»4-U. 1 'P'‘t.”^ by’ R^chman.-:?/. “Y™' Ses7“b:"’ctp“''‘''7^ “E^p c-pt Neal: and V.3" ^yPted by . graauation iviargaret l^ans to transfer to Winthrop Col- j^§e and to continue her training home economics education. Etudes” b}' NeaL nnrl T- ‘ 7* oy lAccu, ana Liszts “1\/t l- ^ Waltz,” adapted by Ned " Miss Nelson (Mrs N i • private life) was AustraliaV‘1 T mg child prodigy” 'P“T brought to this country bv F„ Ormandy in 1944. She was study! mg with Rudolf Serkin at the Curtis Institute when she met Harry Neal, studying there with Mme. Isabelle Vengerova . Mr. and Mrs. Neal are at home in rans, Tennessee, during the summer months. West Chosen Chief Marshal Robert West, son of Mrs. Dan °V.Mars Hill will serve as Chief Marshal during the Cen tennial Commencement and the college year 1956-57. Suzanne Mims, of Edgefield, V.., IS assistant chief. Other r Elizabeth Forbes of Kingsport, Tennessee; everly England, Somerville, New ^rsejs- Brenda Briddell, Crisfield, Maryland; Loni Carter, Mars Hill, Kathleen Shelton, Marshall ; Frederick Anderson, Mara Hill- James Ellen, Rocky Mount; Arn- md Joslin, Raleigh; and David 1 eague of Granite Falls. ^ basis of scholarship, character and co operation. They usher at all im portant college functions. The committee for selecting the marshals is composed of Dean R. M. Lee,^Dean of Men, Harvev C^roiine^R™ Miss Mr H,!ff®'®*j'^i '’'P Kegistrar, • . ’ n ^7 ^^P assistant Reg istrar, R. M. Chapman. ^ Bridal IMotif To Be Finale Of Dress Shoi I P® Finale for t fashion show on May 15 to i sponsmed by the Mars Hill Cc VV inner s Department Store i _^hev.lle, will feature a bridi A girl from the College Horn ected by Winner’s to model th m!derwilt“*- ““P Pf th, modd will not be revealed unti Progra7 ‘’’PPP'-'i'-tnce on th, wii?'h]c'iud!*''^'^* **'P Ptogram Will include garments that have been made by membere of the sew! mg classes and readv m-aci i l provided by the detre “ Dress nn A department store, ^ress-up dresses, school clothes and suits with matching hats will be worn by the nirlc ^ u V them. ^ ^ ^ ’^bo made is cordially invited to a tend the show which i to be held Dining Hair- H(!!n7'F*^ °PP" *’“t'se, the WgT sc£°ol™‘“ eittb gave’each raateri:?™' carers nomics Fa , borne eco- sor? ?■ -1 ^be club spon- iterest m home economics as p profession among the local h" h school students, ' ''‘8*'