cy 10, its n Mume XXXn ponsored r the StuJ. rothy E1I| Congrats, Laurel Staff CThe Hilltop Published by the Students of Mars Hill College Best Wishes Graduates MARS HILL. N. C.. SATURDAY. MAY 24. 1958 Nui^ber 15 Inlator To (Jive jiate Schot rsacealanreate ^and Reverend William W. Fin- “ntion Pastor of Pullen Memorial t option Church, Raleigh, will de- the baccalaureate sermon, Sun- and tra'P’ 1> 11:00 a. m. in the lie to soiC* Baptist Church, lent if nO Fittlator, a native North to make «received his B. A. de- four winni'f. ^rom Wake Forest College nentary ^ graduate of Southern Bap- ’nternatioh^^°^°?^^^^ Seminary at Louis- s Kentucky. present he is a member of the bmitted lext stage on a ®td of trustees of Meredith Col- - Raleigh, and also of Southern ceived Theological Seminary. He 'd States, f ^®rved pastorates in the Pitts- irs Hill f°‘^ttlee-Liberty circuit; Wel- ace in ll baptist Church, Weldon; and te Oratorii Mars Baptist Church, Elizabeth ' before taking his present pas- Philip at Raleigh. North Cal' addition, Mr. Fmlator is •ontest to '*^*^an of the social action com- D C. '^he North Carolina ust. ' ***'''*^ Churches of which he student, I ^ Member of the executive com- )us activil also. He is president of the i winner i ^'8^ chapter of Protestants and the o'b ullinax, all of A ;*age One- meeting Washin; present I dressed toms of ey are sp' be a p b will the hons ora Ro er, meni| ;sent vaP' M *“ a scene from “Christmas in the market t-Iace , the performance that won first place in the Spring Dramatic Festival at Chapel Hill. Seated are (1. to. r.) Jan Caudle, Carl Olney, Barbara Ann Carmichael, and 1 om Lawrence. In the performance given at Chapel Hill, Mary Lawrence replaced Mis, Carmichael. inter-soCiC‘ Americans United for Sep imation Church and State and a ii-ill repres‘’'*^^r of the National Executive Day conto *'*':tittee of the same organiza f Louisb' 1 p in the c* Finlator is married to the Mrs. E. (^5 Mary Elizabeth Purvis Snnday School Traioing lliioa EM Ufm For li8-99 The Sunday SchTOl and Training Union officers for 1958-1959 have recently been installed. The new Sunday School general officers are superintendent, Bob Blan- Sar k"''" j "T ' ton, assistant superintmdent, Peggy BeShears; secretary, Jonita Harris; l^/lisbury, and they have three music director, Sandra Thorne; pianist, Madeline Bragg T presidents are Mrs. Vann, Joyce MirFi“ sSla S? m"‘“ md sto: rehim lED ER5 Nents Present "'ing Art Exhibit ^ Mars Hill Art Department ^how over 100 pieces of art j ‘n its annual spring art ex- ^May 26 - June 2, in the ''isual room of Memorial Li- j ^tid in the Art Room, an- Joe C. Robertson, Mars ^^rt director. ^ final student art exhibit of u'®*’ will consist of work com- t>y the 25 art students dur- l^ond semester. Each student I I ® represented by several se- in the exhibit, which will paintings, drawings, and ^ work. The ceramic ex- i^'''ill be shown in a glass case ■j first floor of the library, 'vork in the exhibit will from abstract to realistic, Sparks, Kay Archer; Dr. 'pierce, Joyce Anderson; Mrs. Wilhelm’ Pat Glass; Mrs. Ammons, Barbara’ Dill; Miss Caroline Biggers, La- Wana Seagroves; Dean Lynch, Rob ert Smith; Mr. Smith, Jim Lang ford; Mr. Lance, Jim Sheppard. The general officers for the Training Union Department for 1958-1959 are training union di rector, Eugene Funderburke; assist ant director. Jack Henson; pro gram chairman, Mary Jo Gossett; secretaries, Peggy Cabanias and Tom Foster; music director, Phillip Kelley; and pianist, Madeline Bragg. Receiving keys of challenge were the new Training Union presidents, Paul Jacobs of Daddy Blackwell; Larry Fink of New Hope; Grenfell Leonard of H2S04C; Frances Stew art of Gro-Glo-Go; Emily Hester of Joy; Larry Holder of Emoclew; Marvin Gold of John Lake; Kay Taylor of Pro-Christo; Ken Spain- hour of John Lawrence; Jolyn Sea- wright of Bykota; Frances Keen of Living Christ; Pat Glass of IXL; Ken Hayes of Arthur Gillespie; Bill Suter of young married peo ple; and Gresh Northcott of Meth odist Youth Fellowship. ein medium to oils, and |.'Sure drawing to imaginative Showers Honor Staff Members Recent social events include showers for Miss Betty Shoaf and Miss Earline Martin. Miss Shoaf, bride-elect of Coy C. Privette, is being honored to day at the home of Mrs. Don Henderson. Miss Martin, fiancee Band To Present Concert June 1st The Mars Hill College Band will give a concert at 3:00 p. m. Sun day, June 1, in the college audi torium. The band under the direction of Mr. Philip Magnus, will present a program of varied music. The pro gram will consist of the "National Emblem March” by E. E. Bagley; "Light Cavalry Overture”, Voii Suppe; Mardi Gras” from AUssis- Stppi Suite by Ferde Grofe; "First Suite” in E Flat by Holst. During the intermission Golden Keys will be presented to thirty-one students. These keys are earned by loyal and active participation in one of the campus music organizations tor two years. The music organiza tions who have members earning the keys are the band, campus choir, college choir and the string ensemble. These organizations are under the direction of Philip Mag nus, John C. Christian, Rufus Nor ris, and Mrs. Hobart VJ^hitman, re spectively. The remainder of the program will be composed of "Fantasy on American Sailing Songs” by Grund- man; "Till Eulenspiegel’s Merry Pranks” by Richard Strauss; "Sabre Dance” from the Gayne Ballet, Khachaturian; "An American Week-End” by Morrissey; and the "Footlifter” by Fillmore. of Frederick Guy Walker, will be feted on the evening of May 29, in the Blue Room of the Coyte Bridges Dining Hall. Both plan early summer weddings. Dr. W. E. Oates To Be Graduation Speaker Speaker at the one hundred and second graduation exercises of Mars Hill College will be Dr. Wayne E. Oates, professor of the psychology of religion at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ken tucky. The exercises, in which approximately- two hundred and fifty stu dents are scheduled to graduate, are to be held at 9:45 a. m., in the Mars Hill Baptist Church. Dr. Oates, an alumnus of Mars Hill, attended Wake Forest College, - Duke Divinity School, and has re received his B.D., Th.M., and Th.D. degrees from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has served as pastor, assistant pastor, and educational director at church es in North Carolina and Ken- mcky. He was also chaplain at the Kentucky Baptist Hospital and the Kentucky State Hospital. As an instructor, Dr. Oates has taught psychology and philosophy at Wake Forest College. Since 1948 he has taught psychology of relig ion and pastoral care at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. For five summers he has been visiting professor in pastoral counseling at Union Theological Seminary and Columbia University. In addition to being a pastor and professor. Dr. Oates is also an auth or. In the last seven years he has had seven books published. These books deal with psychology as per taining to religion. Also he is on the editorial advisory board of Pas toral Psychology, The Journal of Pastoral Care, and the Review and Expositor. He has contributed to four other books which have been published recently. In addition he is chairman of the commission on the Ministry of the conference on counseling and psychotherapy of the New York Academy of Sciences. Choir To Give Religious Concert The Mars Hill Touring Choir under the direction of Rufus N. Norris, will give a program of re ligious selections at the Mars Hill Baptist church, at 8:00 p. m. Sun day, June 1. In the program will be included an original composition, "Gloria”, composed by Mr. Norris and sung for the first time. The program will include an or gan prelude, "Prelude and Fugue in E Minor—Cathedral” by Bach; "Al mighty God Who Hast Me Brought” by Ford; "O Vos Omnes” by Vittoria; "Let All Ye Sons and Daughters Sing” by Liesbring; two "Chorales” from the "Christmas Oratorio” by Bach; "Grant Unto Me the Joy of Thy Salvation” by Brahms; "Hallelujah, Amen” from "Judas Maccabeus” by Handel; "A4agio” from "Chorale in A Min or” by Franck; and a solo, "Thanks Be to Thee” by Handel, sung by Jean Cox, mezzo soprano. Next on the program will be four 'Negro spirituals: "Ride the Chariot” in an arrangement by Smith, with Barbara Stevens, so prano, as soloist; "In Dat Great Git- tin up Mornin’ ” by Lockwood, ar ranged by Hairston, with Gerald Deaton, tenor, as soloist; and "Ain’a That Good News”, arranged by Dawson. Concluding the program will be "The Creation” by James Weldon Johnson, arranged by Tom Scott, with Tom Lawrence as nar rator. Banquet To Honor Alumni And Grads Members of the class of 1958 of Mars Hill College will be special guests at the Alumni Banquet to be held May 31, at 5:30 p. m. in the college cafeteria. The speaker of the evening will be Earle E. Bradley, Mars Hill ’28. Mr. Bradley attended Wake For est College and the Divinity School of Duke University. He has served as pastor of churches in Spencer, Asheville, and Wilmington. For the past thirteen years, he has been Secretary of Promotion with the North Carolina Baptist State Convention. Presiding at the banquet will be Frank H. Watson of Spruce Pine, president of the Alumni Associ ation. Other officers of the As sociation are Mrs. Katherine Rob erts Harrell of Newton, vice- president; and Miss Bex Ramsey, Mars Hill, secretar}^ (Continued on Page 4) Laurel Dedicated To Mrs. 1. L. Lann The 1958 Laurel has been dedi cated to Mrs. Cornelia H. Vann, thirty-seven years teacher of Ger man and Spanish at Mars Hill College. Miss Barbara Ann Car michael of Thomasville is Miss Laurel. Mrs. Vann has been in the field of education for forty-one years. In addition to teaching subject matter, she has “aided and in spired her students to achieve the very best in life.” Her life is an example of Christian living. Coming to Mars Hill in 1920 from Texas, Mrs. Vann has served Mars Hill College as teacher of Spanish, German, and as Dean of Women. She is a graduate of Baylor College for Women with an A.B. degree. She attended Columbia University, was a graduate student in Spain, and received her M.A. degree kom the University of North Carolina. M rs. A. H. Becker, only daugh ter of Mrs. Vann and the late Dr. L. L. Vann, was present for the dedication service. Mrs. Becker’s husband is a captain in the Air Force stationed at Fort Knox, Kentucky. (Continued on Page 4)