Wingate, Beware! CThe Hilltop Published by the Students of Mars Hill College se XXXIII MARS HILL. N. C.. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1958 Ntunber 1 uner School iduates 23 graduation exercises held t 8, an unprecedented -three students graduated Mars Hill as a result of completed work in the ler session. There were nine- eceiving Associate in Arts as in the literary course, in Business and one a Com- 1 Certificate. 'se receiving Literary di- were as follows: Ivey Baker, Jr., Snow Hill; irn Randolph Call, Jr., Ashe- John Ashby Carroll, Hook- > Dudley McAuley Greene, larle; Robert Samuel 1, Charlotte; Walter O’Neil jhries, Jr., Roxboro; Phyllis ine Kiser, Kannapolis; Will- Tuggle Long, Roxboro; flin Lee Malone, Gastonia; arvin Leon Manuel, Thom- 0 receiving Literary diplomas Milton Vines Massey, esville; Monroe Talton pn, Marshall; Barbara Ellen Ms, Asheville; William Ken- adgett, Walterboro, S. C.; idney Prevost, Jr. Waynes- j Edgar William Ray, Burns- Richard Douglas Ruff, So- Hill, S. C.; Monroe Mar- Southern, Mocksville; and cs Louise Wooten, Graham. lose receiving Business di ps were Ruth Elaine Lance, I'lle; Patsy Ann Ruleman, P3> Fla.; and Barbara Dawn Pi Kinston. Theodora Head lenney, Chesnee, S. C., re- ¥ 3 Commercial Certificate. |tis, fed pla las VICTORY CHEERS for the Mars Hill Lions will be led this year by a lively group of girls. They are bottom row (L to R) Kay Wright, Jane Phillips, Nancy Carroll, Alice Maney and Peggy Collins; top row (L to R) Beverly Rogers, Peggy BeShears, Anne Elder and Barbara Dees. Sophs Nominate Leaders; Elections Held Recently As we go to press, elections for sophomore class officers are being held. Nominations were held last Friday, September 19. M. H. Kendall, chairman of the committee on clubs, classes, and societies presided at the call meeting. The regulations pertaining to sophomore class elec tions were given and the importance of the offices stressed. The floor was opened for nominations and those present were given the oppor tunity to vote for one of the nominees for each office. The three receiving the highest number of Mrs. Vann Retires; 32 Years Of Service Nrwood Continues ies At Carolina p Evelyn Underwood, for pt fourteen years a member faculty in the Department astory, is on leave this year toward a doctorate at diversity of North Carolina. Underwood was the re- ■ of a $1500 scholarship from Delta Kappa Gamma, honorary fraternity for teachers. Her major field :®rest is American History, ^ddition to her academic Miss Underwood served as |Osor for the International °Os Club and was faculty for the Baptist Training '• She was in frequent de- . a speaker for clubs and izations, both on and off the '• Holding both A.B. and degrees from the Univer- I'f North Carolina, she has I one graduate work at the ^rsity of Edinburgh and has extensively in Europe. votes for each office were placed on the ballot for the final election. The nominees were as follows; president, Paul Jacobs, Clifton McClure, Joe Greene, David Mil ler and Haskell Ezell; vice-presi dent, Sandra Rogers, Sally Rigs- bee and Frankie Stewart; secre tary, Mary Lawrence, Olene Swain, Pegg\" BeShears and Nan cy Carroll; and treasurer. Jack Hinson, Charlie Trammel, Sally Holbrook, Bob Nicholson, and Harriet Ligon. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Corbin are continuing as class sponsors. '.facing Miss Underwood in 'Story Department is Robert a graduate of Mars Hill '"’mer BSU president here. ^ graduate of Baylor Uni- ^ holds a B.D. degree ^ Southeastern Theological For the past four years n cen the pastor of Grove ^Pfist Church, Clinton. Scriblerus Chooses Richerson As Head Mary Richerson was chosen president of the Scriblerus Club for 1958-59 at a recent called meeting. Other elected officers are Kay Wright, vice president; Frankie Stewart, secretary; and Emily Hester, treasurer. From Spartanburg, S. C., Mart’ is majoring in secretarial science and is a Nonpareil marshal. Kay is a liberal arts major from Biyson City. She serves the student body as a marshal this year. Frankie is from Elkin and is majoring in liberal arts, while Emily is a pre-medical major from High Point. Committees and their selected chairmen are as follows: arrange ment, David Miller; program, Kay Wright and Frankie Stew art; hostess, Loretta Duncan and Melissa Yelton; refreshment, Janice Howell; and kitchen and clean-up, Mildred Ketner and Betty Sue White. Mrs. Cornelia Howell Vann, for many years head of the De partment of Modern Languages, and teacher of Spanish and Ger man, retired from the Mars Hill faculty at the close of the 1957-58 college year. She was honored at the annual alumni banquet May 31, at which time her retirement was an nounced. After a brief address of appreciation. President Blackwell presented her with a silver bowl from the College, and Mrs. Nona Moore Roberts, teacher of French, pinned on her an orchid corsage. Mrs. Vann, a native of Texas, holds a B.A. degree from Baylor University, an M.A. from the University of North Carolina, and has done graduate work also at Columbia University and in Spain. During a portion of her thirty- two years at Mars Hill, Mrs. Vann served as Dean of Women. In addition to her teaching, she has taken an active part in re ligious activities, her particular in terests centering around missions and temperance work. A permanent resident of Mars Hill, Mrs. Vann lives on the Asheville highway at the south entrance to the campus, and shares her home with several college students. Mrs. Nona Moore Roberts is serving as acting head of the De partment of Modern Languages. Joining the department as teacher of German and Spanish is Miss Anna B. Holt of Finley, Tenn. Aliss Holt holds a B.A. degree from Union University and an M.A. from Peabody. MHC Adds 4 Profs; Makes Replacements Faculty Expansion Witnessed Four additions have been made to the Mars Hill faculty for the ensuing school year. They are A. W. Edye, James M. Fish, Kenneth S. Jones, and Mrs. Allen H. Fish. Mr. Edye joins the natural sciences department as a chemistry teacher, having graduated from Pennsylvania State and earned an M.S. degree from the Colorado School of Mines. A graduate of Mars Hill, Mr. Fish is associated with the Physical Education depart- ment. He received a B.A. degree f J from the University of North U6BnS List KClCHSCd Carolma and is married to Gwyndola Fish, Mars Hill Span- For Second Semester A teacher of economics and The freshmen, whose names history, Mr. Jones earned B.A. appeared on the Dean’s Honor and M.A. degrees at the Univer- List last semester of the 1957-58 sity of Houston and is a B.D. term with an A average were: graduate of New Orleans Theo- Albert Lemuel Blackwell, Jeanne logical Seminary. Mrs. Fish has Davidson Coleman, and Altha become a member of the Memorial Jeanene Hardy. Library staff as secretary. She Other last year’s freshmen f«ended Western Carolina Col- whose names are also on the list ^as been employed by are: Cecil Murray Akers, Kay ^avy Department in Wash- Frances Archer, Claudia Arro- >''^on ct, f wood, Robert Alden Blanton, ^’ Linda Boone, James Everett To°be Cashwell and Miss Bridges, Thomas Fletcher Bryant, Marline Martin, all of whom re- Suzannah Elizabeth Campbell, *‘fi Nancy Anne Carroll, Cheok Wah Walter Smith, Fred H. Brown, Chan, Dana Lee Conn, and Bar- ^iss Carolyn Haynes bara Kathryn Dean. Mrs. Smith returns to the pub- lie relations staff after a year s Others are Emily Nelson Dunn, absence. She is the wife of Wal- Frances Arlene Edwards, Doro- ^.g,. Smith, director of publicity, thy Clay Eller, Marta Jean Fredy, Brown, a graduate of Mars J. Thomas Garrett, Marilyn Hill, Furman University, and Amelia Gillespie, Patricia Ann Southern Baptist Theological Glass, Mary Jo Gossett, W^ilda Seminary also has joined the pub- Marteen Grogan, Sylvia Roberta iJc relations staff. Miss Haynes, Gunnejt, Nancy Jonita Harris, ^ graduate of Berea College, is Kenneth Edgar Hayes, Julia dietitian in the dining hall. She Frances Hicks, Taree Tonette had experience in Boone Long, Betty Jean Myers, Allen Tavern at Berea. Freeman Page, and David Eugene (Continued on Page 4) Price Dramateers Plan Also on the list are Lynda Kath leen Ridings, Sally Adair Rigsbee, Janette Robinson, Gerald Lewis Roper, Barbara Susan Shepard, Sarah Jane Stienbeck, Albert Don ald VanDeVeer, Betty Sue White, Alice Kay Wright, Carol Ann Young, and Victoria Elizabeth Norris. Myers Elects Warfford Prexy Election of house officers in Myers Dormitory was held Mon day night, September 22. The new Meyers house officers are president,. Dick Warfford; vice- president, Jim Smith; secretary- treasurer, Jack Briggs; chaplain. Bill Pennell; and assistant chap lain, Shault Coker, Jr. Dean Lynch was present for the election. Shaw Production The first Dramateers meeting of the new academic year was held on September 15 in the auditorium with Victoria Norris, President, presiding. Mrs. Elizabeth Wat son, director of dramatics, an nounced that tryouts for the fall production, Caesar and Cleopatra, by George Bernard Shaw will be held October 2 and 3. The pro duction will be staged Saturday, November 15. The play has a very large cast with opportunity for freshmen and sophomores alike, experienced ac tors and beginners. Be prompt! Go on time to have your Laurel pictures taken. Because of a rigid schedule one minute can destroy hours of careful planning. Gals, wear dark slipover sweaters and guys wear shirts and dark coats and ties. Don’t forget to bring your smile! The New Look Has Come To Mars Hill During the short summer months while many of us were away from Mars Hill, the Build ings and Grounds crew under the direction of Mr. Tilson has achieved a marked improvement in the appearance of the campus. Paving of the road by the men’s dormitories and the President’s home, as well as the parking lots, (Continued on Page 4)