Janu Little! Valentine’ ^dowr I, the Febr uate sleep,' Q*he Hilltop Resolve To Study More Published by the Students of Mars Hill College XIV 'c studies 4= Dr. Nathar l\r; s!'i Students t be fully When nol ot in outr :dds. d For nuch deefHQpQfJ (Sue Cai;^^ chorister, a member dson of Union cabinet, and cf. president. He dars Hill® Uean’s List. 80 clescei'!* ^'r»t vice-president nts. D “ris Jacobs from ®"n-. was secretary . f >> MO chool sel' year, was chap- learn en' during Recep- llege-entr.^**** >S on the Deanes smart 1 Mann, from Con- .1*' of Scriblerus of Huffman j Clio Reception ^ and censor dur- dso I960, Loretta Concord, is Srr ki'^'^ of BSU, and a ,?criblerus Club. She is the'^W '''omen s Council. 5: f(, 2, V^UUIILII. p a "Miss Laurel” j. of Mount Holly, president of the BSU be '^5'P'^csident of Non- 6tL. Term. f II ’ heads the Dean’s semester. She is Marshal and an ® Mars Hill Baptist ^ars Hill, Pat Rob- is a for the C-I .39 t‘’ien's^®™t>er of Orpheon Hcil ^®®^®^bon Associ- wp,.“ i,' RM Glen Allan, in ^ ®*f the Laurel. Miss also MARS HILL, N. C.. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1960 Number 9 George S. lal Associaiphomores have been h, “All kpular vote of the stu- linimum (featured in the Out- mentally kdent section of the d more.” :s at WalKDon Davis, Virginia of Researt Gilliam, Rosa Lynn .., have dd Hancock, G r a y d o n jrived of sloris Jacobs, Mary Etta ice to getta Millsapps, Joanna without si Rhodes, Pat Robin- **'a^ thhaw. Nelson Tunstall, •• As sleefl, and Peter Wong. ' ^s, a Euthalian from ree or fou.., r automobni^j^ber of the Inter- 3b such laitions club. pared president, Vir- mmon res^ ,, B.l. more, chaplrin .„a »«PPf hXJo DSmX UnivemityX" * no-pr for the Deans List. tiger for effect ts xhingajashe i. a member of Vii!'***’ ** *he Dean’s Digest wa'o* rely on tL '«”»“••• night” tou,*^ Womens Coun- in. North' ^ Nonpareil, also is ychologistS' ^ editor of the Hill- 70 full of Scriblerus 3re are Alexandria, Va. 'k from ( • ’ Burbank, Cali- esident of the Baptist icle, “Ma)^^. ^ttd a member of ‘P ” is con^^tt Literary Society. ■nal. of Winston- =^-sident of the Science Christian Focus Week Begins Monday; Lawrence, West Will Be Speaker Christian Focus Week will be observed on the Mars Hill campus Feb ruary 15-19. Guest speakers will be the Reverend Mr. John Lawrence, pas tor of the First Baptist Church of Shelby, and Dr. Elmer West, secretary for missionary personnel for the Foreign Mission Board, Richmond, Va. Theme for the week, selected by the BSU Council, is "His Way Mine.” Focus eek operates on an alternate plan. Last year there were sev- eral speakers; this year the two speakers will treat the chosen theme on different levels. Mr. Lawrence will Dramateers To Enter Spring Festival at UNC Pictured above are the four students who made straight A’s during the fall semester. Left to right they are Linda Reighard, Maryan Tate Smith, Lucy Rhodes, and Edwina Tart. Dean’s List Reveals Four All-A Students Rhodes, Tunstall Lead in Quality Points Lucy Rhodes with 6l quality points and Nelson Tunstall with 55, both sophomores, lead the Dean’s List for the fall semester. All-A smdents include Lucy Rhodes, Maryan Tate Smith, sophomores; Edwina Tart and Lynda Lee Reighard, freshmen. Others listed on the Dean’s List are Tonia Agnoli, Ralph Franklin An derson, Kenny M. Aydelette, Sam G. Beard, Brenda S. Bell, Joy O. Buck ner, Elizabeth Bullard, Celia Ann Caldwell, Barbara Capell, Kathryn E. Collins, Linda Culverhouse, Thom as Bobby Davis, Harry DeLoach, Paul Dennis, Constance Edwards, Faith Edwards, Barbara Eliott, Martha Fisher, Judith Frisbee, Nan cy E. Fulton, Thomas Gattis, Judith Gore, David Hall, Jackie Harron, James Harron, William Hawkins, Gloria Haywood, Jerry Holcombe, Northrop Hood. Others are James Morris Hooton, Marlene Joyce Howard, Jacquelyn Hutchings, Thelma Jean Hutchins, Betsy Jackson, Doris Jacobs, Suz anne Jones, Carol Kendall, Nancy Lane, Joyce Lockhart, William Long, Emmabelle Lovingood, Lin da McBride, Ronald S. McClam- rock, Nancy Carole Miller, Zella Moore, Martha Ann Nanney, San dra Jean Noland, Cynthia Perkins, Gwen Pickelsimer, and Frank H. Pittman. Also included are Gladys Ponder, Brenda Poston, Gail Reynolds, Rob ert Richardson, Cecelia Rigsbee, Jennie Lou Roberts, Patricia Robin son, Carolyn Schneider, and Mary Sentelle. There are also on the list Roger A. Shaw, A. Frances Shirley, Lydia Spivey, Rex Stephens, Faye Stone, Ruth Teague, Melba Vance, Julia Van Proyen, Nancy Wall, Virginia Webb, Jennie Lee White, Thomas Wilson, Peter Wong, Hugo Wong, Sharon Wood, Ann Woodall, and Peggy Woody. "The Boy With the Cart” by Christopher Frye, has been chosen for the Dramateer’s entry as a pro duction play in the Spring Drama Festival to be held in Chapel Hill, April 28-30. District festivals will not be held this year. Instead plays will be en tered directly in the Chapel Hill competition. The Dramateers sub mitted four original plays for judg ing. If one of these is considered suitable, it will be entered in the original plays division of the Chap el Hill Festival. "The Devil and Daniel Web ster” will be given by a faculty cast in chapel Feb. 24 and 25. Starring will be Dr. A. E. Jenkins as the Devil and Robert Melvin as Daniel Webster. A bus load of Dramateers at tended the dress rehearsal of the Asheville Community Theater’s cur rent produaion "Inherit the Wind”, in the William Randolph School Auditorium, on Feb. 10. They were guests of the Theater organization, who make it a policy to invite school groups to their out standing plays. The play is based on the 1925 evolution trial in Clin ton, Tenn., in which Clarence Dar- row and William Jennings Bryan played leading roles. Alumna Celebrates f-Sixth Year Ninety- 4, Col. 3) The oldest living alumna of Mars Hill College was 96 years old yes terday, February 12. She is the last member of a family of an even doz en children who all attended this college. She is also the oldest mem ber of Forks of Ivy Baptist Church. When Mrs. Jackson Clouse cele brated this birthday, she was sur rounded by several generations of descendants and many friends and neighbors. A brother of Mrs. Clouse, John Robert Sams, served as president of the college during reconstruction days. For a person who has seen 96 winters come and go, Mrs. Clouse is remarkably well. She reads her Bible and magazines without using glasses, although she has some dif ficulty with her hearing. Mrs. Clouse is the former Eliza Jane Sams, daughter of the late Rev. Leroy W. and Alsie Brown Sams. On Sararday, March 26, the first day of spring holidays, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Jolley will accompany a group of students on a tour includ ing points of interest throughout the eastern part of the U. S. The cost of the trip at the present time is indefinite, but whatever the cost, the valuable information received from the trip will far out-value the monetary spending. The first step after leaving Mars Hill will be Lenoir where the fur niture industry of the area will be observed. Leaving Lenoir the group plans to visit Winston-Salem for a tour of the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Wake Forest College, and Old Salem. Leaving historical and industrial Winston-Salem the group will trav el to Petersburg, 'Va., to visit the National Military Park noted for its famous Crater. In Jamestown the travelers will be taken on a con ducted tour of this first permanent English settlement in America and will also be in time for the famous Jamestow-n Festival. A pageant will greet the group at Williamsburg, and at Yorktown they will attend a lecture. Virginia’s famous capital, Rich- emphasize Christianity on a person al level, while Mr. 'West will show the world-wide aspect of Christian- ity- The first six class periods will be shortened five minutes during this week to allow for a one-hour chapel pericxl. Speakers will alternate be tween the auditorium and Owen building. One of them will speak each evening at 7:30 P. M. in the church. Mr. Lawrence and Dr. West will be available for confer ences in the afternoons and will meet with students in the dormi tories in the evenings. "S-' The Rev. Mr. John Lawrence Jolley Tour To Historical Attractions Being Planned For Spring Holidays Students who will preside at services in the auditorium and Owen during the week are Mary Etta Mann, Northrup Hood, War ren Rice, Betsy Jackson, Ken Ayd- lette, Joe Stanley, Herman Hicks, Sam Beard, Faith Edwards, Doris Yates, Bob Hancock, Nelson Tun stall, and Malinda Duncan. mond, will play host with its battle fields and numerous historical mon uments. Traveling from Richmond to Fredericksburg, the group antici pates visiting the museum and Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia. Traveling northward they will visit the battlegrounds of Chancel- lorsville and Manassas on the way to the nation’s capital, Washington, D. C. Here the group plans to visit the White House, Congress, a ses sion of the Supreme Court, the Li brary of Congress, Lincoln Memor ial, the Tomb of the Unknown Sol dier, Washington Cathedral, the Tomb of Woodrow Wilson, the Treasury Department, Mt. Vernon, and Glen Echo Amusement Park. In addition to these places the group anticipates visiting the Rus sian Embassy, if possible. At Sparrows Point, Md., the trav elers will go on a four-hour con ducted tour of Bethlehem Steel, Inc. Next they will visit Ft. McHenry where the "Star Spangled Banner” was written. At Annapolis, Md., they hope to see an evening retreat and a review of the cadets. Crossing the Mason-Dixon Line to historical Gettysburg, Pa., they (Cont. on P. 4, Col. 2) Dr. Elmer West Committees from the BSU Coun cil and the Religious Life Com mittee are as follows: Program, Bob Hancock, Nelson Tunstall, and Doris Yates, with Miss Mildred Bingham assisting; hospitality, Jo anna Powell and Don Davis, with Dr. Ella J. Pierce as advisor; music, Ruth Teague and Mel Luther, un der the direction of Thomas Cole and J. Elwood Roberts; spiritual preparation, Loretta Millsapps, with Robert Melvin as advisor; publicity, Peter Wong and Shirley Edney, as- (Cont. on P. 4, Col. 2)

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