I Weeks ishioiB r A| r xams cThe Hilltop Published by the Students of Mars Hill College Congratulations To New Officers owell ai ipril 2( early si= MARS HILL N. C., SATURDAY, APRIL 22. 1961 Number 13 Winner one to 1 rd to t the “0| Give Graduating Recitals; |nd Orchestra Present Concerts lezzo-soprano, Edwina Tart, mezzo-soprano, and lenor will present their graduation recitals on Il961, at 8:00 p. m. in the Owen Building. “Bois epais” (aria from Amades) by Tully Ra- and Trip It” by Handel. Also included on her 1‘The Blue Hill” by Edward MacDowell and “La psandro Scarlotte. Linda will be accompanied rill be singing ar” by Gluck, by Scarlotti, Idz” by Mabler |Paladilhe. Ed- “Villanelle” kh” by Cooper, accompanied the piano. , will sing Messiah by la calma” by tiss” by Bee- lelection from Issohn. )rchestra I evening. May I Orchestra un- lof Dr. Robert Iresent Gluck’s tenia in Aulis” Ich will begin Ten Building. the program poncerto Gros- (“Christmas Saint - Saens Inimals.” The include their ICarousel” by 1 Piano soloists |will be Miss Mrs. Danna I Sandra Allen, |ind Leon Ra- Janice Elam, Mrs. Hobart fecond violin; page, and Ray cay Davis and - cello: Eric fenda Bell — Brown and clarinet. will give a May 8 and 9. rail Recital gey Robertson, Jin the Mars |c department, Sumrall, di- and campus recital Mon- p, in the Owen played J Sumrall, (were the the accom- rs of the Ashe- lony at violins " cello. y evening, April h Carolina Full rchestra will per- Asheville City at 8:30. All stil ted in attending ct Dr. Robert E. .mediately so ar- 0 I £ for a bus can be r(- Fashion Show Set By Home Ec. Club The biggest event of this year’s Home Economics Club is the Fashion Show April 24, which will take place at 7:45 p. m. in the Coyte Bridges Me morial Dining Hall. This Fash ion Show is sponsored by the Home Economics Department and Winner’s Department Store, of Asheville. Everyone is invit ed to see this event. Fashions and wardrobes for the show will be furnished by Winner’s and the clothing classes of the Home Economics Depart ment. There is to be a contest be tween the girls’ dormitories, and the prize will be given to the dormitory that gets the largest percentage of the girls to attend. Mrs. Howell announced April 18 that the winners of the Cris- co Award are Elizabeth Anne Reese, 1960 graduate and win ner of the 1960 Award; and Re- ba Elizabeth Perry, 1961 grad uate and winner of the 1961 Award. Both were selected by vote of the club members. “Miss Home Economics,” as voted by the club, is also Reba Elizabeth Perry, with Martha Nanney being a very close run ner-up. Dramateers IVesent Awards At Banquet The annual Dramateers ban quet in the college dining hall on April 17, featured the pres entation of trophies and awards and the election of officers for the 1961 fall semester. By secret vote of members of the Dramateers, Jill Richardson Was chosen best actress, with Belva Hudson taking second place. John Morrow was voted best actor, and Roy Mehaffey Won second place. Best back- stage worker’s award went to Frances Elkins. Jerry Thompson was elected president; Gwen Franks, vice- president; and Dot Norman .sec retary, for the coming year. Entertainment at the banquet consisted of the presentation of ‘‘Free Haircuts Tomorrow”, prize-winning original play by dramatics director Elizabeth Webster Watson. Medals were presented to members of the Dramateers who had accumulated during the year a total of fifty or more points. These went to Bill Deans, Richard Dillingham, Frances Elkins, Rhea Fletcher, Belva Hudsan, Roy Mehaffey, and John Morrow. Members of the cast of “The Old Lady Shows Her Medals” are (1 to r) Dot Norman (as Mrs. Tully), Ruth Carter (Mrs. Michelham), Martha Compton (Mrs. Haggerty), Jill Richardson (Mrs. Dowey), all charwomen friends, and John Morrow (Kenneth Dowey), who has been unofficially adopted by Mrs. Dowey. Dramateers Participate In Festival; Watson and Morrow Win Smith Awards Participating in the 38th annual session of the Carolina Dra matic Association in Chapel Hill, the Dramateers entered three plays, one production play “The Old Lady Shows Her Medals”, and two original plays: “Free Haircuts Tomorrow” by Mrs. Elizabeth Watson, and “Roses in the Dust” by John Morrow. Mrs. Watson was awarded a first place in the Betty Smith Awards and a cash prize of twenty-five dallars; John was given a second place award with fifteen dollars. All three plays were given “ex cellent” rating on presentation. Twenty-one plays were entered in competition, of which Mars Hill presented three. The setting of “Free Haircuts Tomorrow”, a one-act comedy, is a barbershop, and the time is today and tomorrow. Roy Mehaffey played the leading part of the barber. Other char acters were the lawyer, Mayon \Veeks; commercial sign paint er, John Derrickson; the Tur- nipseed family, Jerry Thomp son, Martha Compton, Gene Price, and Robert Seymour, Jr.; the lovers, Jim Turbeville ancl Jill Richardson. The townspeo ple included Henry Brown and Bill Bennett and various custo mers. “Roses in the Dust” is a trag edy of the Civil War. The au- thor, John Morrow, also acted a leading part, that of Fitzgerald, a Union deserter. The other three deserters were played by Richard Dillingham as Hawk ins; Mayon Weeks, Conway; and Bill Clark, Sronda. The two Confederate soldiers were played by Richard Bennett and Tim Viar. The Dramateers have partici pated in the Dramatics festival each year for more than thirty years. Preliminary competition was held at 'Western Carolina College. New and retiring members of the BSU Executive Coun cil are presently at Wake For est College attending this year’s Leadership Train- ing Conference. The theme of the conference is “Sent Forth To Serve.” Dr. L. D. Johnson of the University of Richmond and Dr. Swan Haworth, of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary will be the principal speak ers. There will be two work shops sessions this afternoon dealing with the various jihases of BSU work. Girls’ Dorms Elect Officers For 1961-flZ Mary Ann Glasgow, Suzanne Beck, Audrey Bunce, and Yvonne Tate were installed as Dorm presidents for 1961-62 on Wednesday evening, April 19. Other dorm officers were also installed. Suzanne Beck, of Morehead City, was elected by the girls of Huffman Dormitory to serve as president. Merle Love and Marty Etchison were elected to the positions of vice-president and secretary respectively. Huffman girls elected Hilda Dean to serve as their chaplain. Marjie Davis and Mary Ann Price will be in charge of the singing in Huffman as they fill their jobs as pianist and chor ister. Helen Brown and Mari lyn England will be in charge of socials and refreshments. Stroup Dormitory elected Yvonne Tate, of Asheville, to serve as president. Backing Yvonne will be Marian Ann Messer and Susan Towe as they serve as dorm vice-president and secretary, respectively. Ann Graham will be in charge of Stroup’s religious activities while serving as chaplain. The ])ositions of chorister and pianist will be filled by Adrienne Beam and Margaret Bruce. Susan Walker will serve as social chair man. The girls of Edna Moore elected Mary Ann Glasgow of Huntington, W. Va., to fill the position of president. Vice- president and secretary of Edna Moore are Toni Snider and Mary Jo Beech. Martha (Binkey) Hunter will serve as chaplain, while Sherry Continued on Page 4 David Kwok Lectures On Chinese Pamting David Kwok (Kwo Da-Wei), Chinese artist, will appear in Owen Building this evening un der the auspices of the Arts Pro gram of the Association of Amer ican Colleges, lecturing on “An Introduction to Chinese Paint- ing.” He will also discuss the basic techniques of brushwork, and explain his own techniques as reflected in his paintings. At a demonstration - lecture he will actually complete some wa- tercolors, discussing his work and answering questions about it. Several original paintings are on exhibition. David Kwok’s work represents a new discipline of the classical style of Chinese painting. A great variety of subjects are de picted by his brush. He not only specializes in drawing flow ers, plants and many small liv ing creatures, but he paints birds, human figures and genre. Mr. Kwok was born in Pei ping in 1919, a member of an artist family from Shantung. He became interested in painting at an early age and began his training under Ch’i when he was 15. At 17 he attended the National Institute of Fine Arts in Nanking where at the end of his first semester, three of his paintings were selected by the Chinese Artists’ Association to represent China at the Inter national Exhibit of Modern Arts in Paris in 1936. In 1949 Mr. Kwok became a resident of Hongkong, where he held two exhibits of his paint ings in 1952 and 1953. In the spring of 1954, the United States (Government awarded D a vi d Kwok a scholarship for the study of Occidental art, first at Iowa State University ,and later at Columbia. Students Honored For Achievement Four Mars Hill students were honored recently in Chapel for their outstanding achievement in mathematics and science dur ing the past year. Joan Grigg was awarded a copy of the Chemical Rubber Company’s “Standard Mathematical Ta bles” on April 18, for the high grade which she received on the Freshman Math exam. Marty Etchison and Billy Cutts were recognized for honorable men tions. Sam Beard of Pittsboro was recognized for having the high est average in physics. Edwina Tart of Hendersonville and Ft. Bragg was recognized for her work in chemistry. Both Sam and Edwina received copies of “The Handbook of Chemistry and Physics” published by the Chemical Rubber Company. Judy Clark of Greenville, S. C., received a copy of “Standard Mathematical Tables” for her high average in first year en gineering math. The names of the recipients and Mars Hill College were en graved in gold on each of the books.

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