i Hill O' ;ction ® head' If tv iisic, 0 4 en vlay 3. GlucI' IS lia in imbers Corel!' ; Mine and the ^.icharf progra" nd Mr*' son "'d* of the i: Leon Sandra mis E!'*" hitman' Mary eetings of Honor Clubs Held; Are Elected For Fall Semester the 1961-62 fall term were elected at final meetings of the '^^ii chose Martha Hunter as president and Rosalyn Skelton, Other officers will be elected in September. The club en- supper at the home of M. H. Kendall, a program was given centering on the social Gospel. Par- Virginia Webb, Nellie Aldridge and Phyllis Jarvis. All presented certifi- '"'tion of their active hided Irenda oboe: iecky Bruce; and J"‘ aul Clah pianO' RS )E Q'he Hilltop Published by the Students of Mars Hill College Good Luck on EXAMS MARS HILL. N. C„ SATURDAY. MAY 20. 1961 Number 15 ^ in the Blue Room * the Scriblerus Club ftogram entitled "In Officers chosen are 1 ^Ptesident; Mary Ann David ' ^ident; Judy Sitton, ley: Glenda Cannon, treas- officers for fall Ferguson, president; . ’ ''ice-president; Mar- Jptr, secretary; Hazel and Jeannie Brown 1 IS incoming presi- \ ?'onal Relations Club. ^ first vice-president; Dercuss' ifcond vice-president; ^amrick, secretary- '•Itib for its last meet- Outing to Coleman’s f officers for Or- ^ ^ Leon Raper, presi- P ^ Bruce, vice-presi- I ivlorrison, secretary, f /.'■ais chose Jerry Jor- IDLY ent; Anne Marie Qpd hce-president; and f secretary-treas- :crted tiiAt newly elect- Hill P the German Club; ''ice-president; Mary 'tetary; and Millard Be New ; BA4f Education iessioP*^ tch Christian Education of Deacons unani- accept the pastor’s 'that the church ex- the Reverend Noel |i'Osition of Minister ?tation in the Mars treh. This matter 'We the congrega- '^tion and approval a native of Mount y. He received his ’t) the University of j^'lle, Kentucky. He ■ D. degree from Wary last May and fh. M. degree from ''On this month. He Wta, have two chil- ttionths and David idie* .rwi Ivy Chain cere- by the WRA Wednesday eve- at 6:45 on the of the cafeteria, form the letters '"'n. After a brief Sophomores will Campus, while the ^ back to the little the transfering W responsibilities ’''ores to the fresh- Art Graduates Display Work The Art Department’s spring ex hibition of student work done dur ing the second semester will be on view in the Memorial Library, May 16-28. Featured in this showing of over 70 examples of creative work will be paintings and ceramic objects by three graduating art majors: Lance Henderson, Keyser Levering, and Juanita Williams. Besides paintings and drawings in many media and styles, examples of collage, montage, advertising de sign, architectural rendering, and ceramic pottery will be displayed. Eight freshmen art majors are rep resented in much of this work. The student body and general public are invited to view this ex hibition in the audio-visual room and the display cabinet on main floor of the library during the hours 10:00 - 5:00 daily. Hudson, Collier Win Society Contests Wednesday, May 10, the societies competed in dramatic reading and declamation contests in the Owen Building. Don Shepard and Page Shelton represented Phi, and Art Collier and Gary Stiffler were the participants from Eu in the declamation contest. Art Collier won first place with "President Nixon’s Inaugural Ad dress.” Second place was taken by Page Shelton, delivering "Men, Women and Antennae.” Gary Stiff ler presented "President Kennedy’s Inaugural Address,” and Don Shep ard, "New World.” In the dramatic reading contest, Belva Hudson and Anne Brookshire were the entrants from Clio, and (Cont. on P. 4, Col. 3) «4 , ir ‘61 Laurel Honors Garner and Edwards The 1961 Laurel was dedicated to Miss Collie Garner, Hilltop advisor for the past fourteen years, on Thurs day, May 18, at 4:30 in the Owen Building. Miss Garner has been a member of the English Department since coming to Mars Hill in 1944. The Laurel used as its theme a newspaper using various editions of the Hilltop to carry out the theme. Faith Edwards of Leicester was chosen by Kays Gary of the Char lotte Observer to be Miss Laurel 1961. Faith representing the Mars Hill homes, was chosen among a field of seven girls, who will make up the annuals beauty section. 'They are Joyce Lockhart, Cyndy Cochran, Merle Love, Judy Poyner, Joyce Pin to, and Maude Wells. Reid, Wee President To Deliver Address Dr. Paul A. Reid, president of Western Carolina College at Cullo- whee, will be the speaker of the Graduation Exercises at 9:45 Mon day, May 29, in the Mars Hill Bap tist Church. Dr. Reid received his A.B. and M.A. from the University of North Carolina. He has been working with the schools of North Carolina as a teacher, superintendent of schools in Roanoke Rapids and Elizabeth City and principal of schools in Roanoke Rapids and Raleigh. He served as Controller for the State Board of Education before be coming president of Western Caro lina in 1949. In 1956 he resigned as president of WCC and became Assistant Director of the North Carolina Board of Higher Educa tion. In 1957 he returned to West ern Carolina College. Training Union Officers Announced Gene Hawkins will be serving as Training Union director for the coming year. Other general officers are Don Spriggs, associate director; Joyce Payne, program chairman; Jayne Tomlinson and Morris Wray, secretaries; Ralph Halliwell, song leader; Sherry Greene, pianist. The officers of the individual Training Unions have been elected and they are as follows: Daddy Blackwell Union elected as presi dent, Carolyn Sydnor, vice-president, Gwynn Franks; secretary, Pat Brink- ley; and group captain, Catherine Powell. Arthur Gillespie Training Union elected Joe Newsome as pres ident, "Vic Ku as vice-president; Jan ice Eiland, secretary; and George Mumford, group captain. Yvonne Roberts was elected to serve as president of the John Lake Training Union. John Kelly will serve as vice-president; and Jeanne Nethercutt, secretary. The members of John McGee elected Pat Dixon, ptesident; Mike Davis, vice-president and Glenda Cannon, secretary. Ken Honeycutt and Jean Seay will serve as president and vice- president respectively of Pro Chris to. The Radiators elected Howard Bridges to serve as next year’s pres ident. Linda Pipes was elected vice- president, Merle Love, secretary, Pat- (Cont. on P. 4, Col. 4) MHC Alumni Association Holds Annual Commencement Meeting The Mars Hill College Alumni Association will convene on the Mars Hill College campus for commencement, May 26-29. The alumni will arrive at Mars Hill on Friday for the art exhibit in the library, the inter society debate, and the awarding of society honors. Following the meeting of the board of trustees on Saturday, the business meeting of the alumni association will take place, and the new officers will be elected. The officers serving at the present time are Mr. Elwood R. Orr, :■' —minister of Winter Park Baptist Church in Wilmington, who is pres ident; Mr. Julian A. Glazener, pro gram planning specialist at State College, who is vice president; and Mrs. William F. Pegg, wife of Mr. Pegg of the Mars Hill College math department and a teacher in Bun combe County, who is secretary. Class reunions of the classes of 1896, 1901, 1906, 1911, 1916, 1921, 1926, 1931, 1936, 1941, 1946, 1951, and 1956 will be held Saturday afternoon. Saturday night Mr. Harold Austell of the class of 1941 will be the speaker at the alumni banquet. Mr. Austell is vice president of F. E. Compton and Company, publishers of Compton’s Pictured Encyclopedia, having risen to the vice presidency from the position of salesman. Fol lowing his graduation from Mars Hill, Mr. Austell studied at the Uni versity of North Carolina, from which he received his B.S. degree in business administration. He, Mrs. Austell, and their three children now reside in Northbrook, Illinois. At 8:00 Saturday night the alum ni association will witness the pres- FoPIlItU Tn PrOCOnt emanon of Show Boat by the Mars IfluUlLjf lU I ICwGIIL Hill College music department and nr r J 1. the Dramateers. Tea For Graduates The annual tea given in honor of the graduates will be held on Sun day, May 28, at 4:00 in the faculty lounge of the Memorial Library. The color scheme will be white and gold, the sophomore class colors. In the receiving line will be Dr. and Mrs. Hoyt Blackwell, Dean and Mrs. Lynch, Dean and Mrs. Lee, and Miss Caroline Biggers. Also in the line will be the class president Ron Stamey, and the class sponsor. Miss Nancy Medford. The committee for the tea con sists of Mrs. Lynch, Miss Snelson, Miss Bingham, Miss Hart, and Mrs. Nelson. All graduates and their parents and friends are invited to attend. Sophomores Elect Bruce President Larry Bruce, Moses McCall, Judy Poyner and Audrey Bunce were re cently elected by members of the Freshman Class to serve as class of ficers for the coming year. Larry Bruce, president, served as vice-president of the freshman class and is a member of the track team. Serving as vice-president will be Moses McCall from Acworth, Geor gia, who was recently elected presi dent of third floor Meyers and sec retary of the Men’s Student Council. Judy Poyner of Atlanta, Georgia, will serve as secretary of the class. Judy was a representative for the Miss Laurel contest and a member of the May Court. Audrey Bunce, recently elected C-I vice-president of Clio from Sted- man, will serve as treasurer of the sophomore class. Home Ec. Graduates Receive Scholarships According to information received by Mrs. Mary N. Howell, Nancy Dillingham, MH ’60, has been awarded a .senior scholarship of 1500 at the Woman’s College of the Uni versity of North Carolina. She topped a field of fourteen appli cants. Nancy is majoring in Home Eco nomics. She also has a grant for six- weeks summer study in dietetics at Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D. C. Joanna Powell, MH ’60, also a Home Economics student at WC, has been awarded a $250 scholarship by the Pfizer Company of Indiana, which annually offers a scholarship to a girl interested in Four-H work. Smith To Advise LAUREL,HILLTOP Mars Hill’s two student publica tions, The Hilltop and The Laurel, will be under new faculty advisor- ship next year. Miss Collie Garner and Mr. Rob ert Chapman recently asked Presi dent Blackwell to be relieved of their duties as faculty advisors and Dr. Blackwell appointed Walter Smith, director of publicity, to suc ceed them. Virginia MacNeil, sophomore from Richmond, Va., was recently named editor of the 1962 Laurel. She and Mr. Smith will work to gether in selecting a staff soon after school begins next fall. The Hilltop staff also will be organized at that time.

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