161 See You at the Gym Tonight The Hilltop Published by the Students of Mars Hill College See You at Church Tomorrow Volume XXXVI MARS HILL. N. C.. SATURDAY, CXITOBER 21. 1961 Number 3 Barter Theater Coming Tuesday Mars Hillians To JIttend State BSU Convention At least a dozen Mars Hillians planning to attend the state- 'vide Baptist Student Union con- ''fintion in Raleigh Nov. 3-5. President Archer Turner will Jl^sd the Mars Hill delegation, ^thers scheduled to go are Ralph Halliwell, Sherry Green, Starr teller, Faye Coker, Sharon Pur- Hazel West and Dixon Free, ‘■*‘1 rnemhers of the BSU council. Hopkins Bmilal ScliediN 0(130 The first of several recitals bv jl'embers of the music faculty will e presented in the new auditorium ^onday night, Oct. 30, by Dr. °hert Hopkins, head of the de- P'^rttnent. Passacoglia” by Almond, a f'^'^ata by Mozart, two selections Chopin and “Variations and j^Pgue on a Theme by Handel” y Prahms will be included on Pe program. A graduate of Eastman School Music, Dr. Hopkins joined j ^ Mars Hill faculty in 1954. ^ ater he took a leave of absence ^ 'Complete the work for a doc- ^®tate in musical arts and to accept Pulbright Scholars»hip for a ^^ars study in Vienna. He as- ^^nied the responsibilities of head *^he department when he re- jto the campus last year, '^'^eeding Miss Martha Riggers. In addition, Susie Walker, Yvonne Roberts, Birdie Lou Hill and Juanita Hamrick have indi cated they plan to attend. The meeting, which will attract Baptist students from nearly all of the college campuses through out the state, will be held at the Forest Hills Baptist Church, where a Mars Hill alumnus, the Rev. Douglas Aldrich, is pastor. The convention program will he centered on the theme “A Living Church in a Revolutionary World.” Among the speakers will be Dr. Pope A. Duncan of South eastern Seminary, Dr. Sam Hill of the University of North Caro lina, Dr. Elmer West of the Foreign Mission Board, Dr. Will iam Hall Preston of the Sunday School Board and Dr. J. Allen Easley of Wake Forest College. The State BSU Choir and the Shaw University Choir will sing. Deadline for getting names and fees to Raleigh is Oct. 24. ^sail To Pky Today ffingate Game ./^^tee more performances are Schedule for the Mars Hill in the immediate future, John Sumrall announced this week. band will play at the gj ‘Pfiate-Mars Hill football game (, ^ P-m. today on the Wingate In order to make the 1^^ 'Oaile trip by game time, the rj ^ niust leave here at 9 a.m., ‘'■J'-all said. '''ill Saturday night the band fin 1 halftime show at the . . home game of the season, of^'hog team will be the cadets stjtj^arion (Ala.) Military In- (lyP" the following Saturday in the band will take part ig ^ giant “welcome home” parade 4-■^^heville for the new Miss lU^'^'ca of 1962, Miss Maria Fletcher of Asheville. \vj[i Touts for the concert band tgii h® held soon, and Mr. Sum- t'Us' • * ^®hed that all qualified Pig I'^'ans who are interested in Spp J^^g with the concert group 'Oi as soon as possible. Carter, Luck Head Two Choral Groups The Touring Choir and the College Chorus have elected of ficers. Bob Carter is president of the College Choir; Ray Luther, vice president; Marj’ Beth Brundage, secretary; Toni Snider, treasurer; Bill Masten, robe chairman; and Pat Bowers, librarian. The choir will give its first concert on Dec. 10th, Mr. Cole, the director, has announced, per forming “Gloria by Vivaldi. Ron Luck is president of the College Chorus; Bob Carter, vice president; Carol Moore, secre tary; and Joy Simpson, treasurer. On Dec. 3rd, the chorus will sing “The Messiah” by Handel for its first concert. Debaters* First Tourney Delayed A novice debate tournament sponsored by Wake Forest Col lege and originally scheduled for Oct. 18 was postponed un til Nov. 3-4, but the Mars Hill team still plans to participate. Mr Vernon, the team coach, said ken Huneycuti. John Rea gan, Suzanne Beck, Bill Mad- drey and Don Dalton will leave Thursday afternoon, Nov. 2, .,nd will enter six rounds of competition in the tournament. Additional competition on the schedule includes tourna ments at Duke. Appalachian State and Lenoir-Rhyne. y Jerry Hardin and Diane Hill appear in a scene from Shakespeare’s “As You Like It,’’ one of six famous plays from which the Barter Theater group will present love scenes here at 8 p.m. Tuesday. The performance will combine tenderness with buffoonery, poetry with pratfalls. Mclntire Leads Methodist Students In Busy Year A busy year is in store for the Methodist Student Movement. This group may be small in num ber but big in plans. Through the next few months their busy schedule will consist of a series of discussions on the Great Re ligions of the World, a study on Christian Faith and an interest ing study of Denominational In terpretation of the Christian Faith. Following the Sunday evening suppers each of these discussions will be high-lighted by color film strips. Within the near future the group will take a hiking trip along the Appalachian Trail. Recently the officers were elect ed for 1961-62 and they are as follows: Mary Sue Mclntire, president; Beverly Wells, vice president; Brenda Warmer, sec retary; Jimmy Hoffmen, treas urer; Dick Ergenbright and Cath- ryn Crocker, publicity chairmen: Martha Blaine, Dennis Brown and Lem Fisher, pianists; Tom Halyburton, song leader; Barbara Grant and Linda De Loach, social activities chairmen. The Methodist Student Move ment is eagerly looking forward to the U.N. model assembly which will be held in Raleigh, October 27-29. This assembly is spon sored by the North Carolina Methodist student movement and it is anticipated that a team will represent Mars Hill. “The Methodist Student Move ment is a friendly group; why don’t ‘y’all’ come and see us?” Miss Mclntire asked. yWA Conducts RA's Will Visit Prayer Meetinss CattipuS NCXtWeek 1 he campus Young Women’s .Mixiliary is anticipating an ac tive year. The group, which meets the fourth Wednesday of each month, has as its yearly project hall prayer meetings in the girls’ dormitories. rite Y. W. A. has made no complete plans, but the girls are hoping to attend two con ventions, one in January and the other in February. Leaders of the Y. W. A. are: Starr Keller, campus jtresident; Ann Chambers, .Stroup presi dent; .Martha Hunter, Edna Moore president; and Hilda Dean, Huffman president. Mrs. Don Henderson is the advisor. About 200 boys, ages 9-16, who are members of Royal Ambassa dor chapters in their home churches are expected here Satur day, Oct. 28, for a first hand look at college life. Similar RA campus visits are held each year under the direc tion of B. W. Jackson, RA secre tary' for the Baptist State Con vention. The boys and their adult coun selors will arrive on campus Sat urday afternoon, be welcomed and receive instructions and be guided on a tour of the campus before suppertime. That night they will be guests at the football game. Six Great Love Scenes To Be Given “Are you lonely? Do you wish you’d never been born? Are you looking for a suitable bridge to jump off of? Don’t do it! Go see ‘the Course of Love’ instead— it’s the answer to all problems of the heart.” That’s the sales pitch of a fa mous theatrical group whose per formance has just been added to the college’s lyceum series. Excerpts from six famous plays by three great playwrights will be combined in “The Course of Love” by the Barter Theater play ers from Abingdon, Va. Curtain time is 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 24, in the new auditorum. Starring in the performance, which covers some of the greatest love scenes ever written—humor ous ones as well as serious ones— will be Jerry Hardin, a former Texas cowboy, and his attractive wife, Diane Hill. Four of the scenes are from Shakespeare’s “Troilus and Cres- sida,” “As You Like It,” “Romeo and Juliet” and “The Taming of the Shrew.” Another is from “The Honey moon” by Dorothy Parker, and the last is from “The Boor” by the Russian master Anton Pav lovich Chekhov. Farm Boy Founded Group The Barter Theater was found ed 29 years ago by Robert Porter field, a farm boy from Southwest Virginia who, like many another actor, had been left high and dry by the Depression. In an effort- to avoid starving Porterfield decided to take the theater where he knew there was food and to barter—trade—an eve ning’s performance for a mess of greens or a jar of jelly. After a summer’s season the actors and actresses had nothing to jingle in their pockets, but the pockets were a lot tighter. The cast had gained a total of 305 pounds, and the theater had been established in the hinter lands. Alumni of this famous theater include Gregory Peck, Hume Cronyn, Ernest Borgnine, Pa tricia Neal, Jeffry Lynn and Lisbeth Scott. Foremost Theater South of Hudson Today the theater is the oldest in the country under continuous directorship and the foremost one south of the Hudson River. Folks can still barter for admission to a performance (the genial manag ing director was never one to turn down a him), but the pride of admission has, with prosperity, taken a turn upward. For the performance here, of course, the admission has already been included in the general fees already paid.

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