3, 1962 ws, last of our a main tic pto; esponsi- etics as realistic money money -the-Sky n their college >rograin -St they ithletics I educa- liversity nth the ranked yard 0* ninence f Vince rs, it is f hall.” St froin n Lee’s le I feel )US, rogra^: ;pu te if I’' rblie' the ill ek. \rk.,f 235 li’’ tiy- . le agef of If/ VPi' the mti>; r gua’’., m on rip in ba“ Ash' Y Qlie Hilltop Published by the Students of Mews HiU College 'Volume XXXVI SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1962 Number 9 MR. GRANT MRS. GRANT MR. REES teain irs Hih s found ramuca* der tW lalfback ,r Mars ick thh m hah' Conner ey ha''e sir edn' Girls Outnumber Boys 2*1 On Dean’s List vj,/^ary Etchison of Mocks- Itd ^ Sandy Brooks of Pembroke ^ the first semester dean’s list with j, tr>tal of 56 quality points, al- .j.°righ neither made straight A’s. ° Virginians, a Texan and two j native North Carolinians straight A’s. As usual the tat'^ riutnumbered the boys by a P of two to one. Qf^rol Hunt of Forest City is one for Ai ""A xiuiic ui ruiCbL vyuv- St- . ^ North Carolinians to make A’s. Carol was Miss-Hi- r* v>^uui wa:> of Cool Springs High School c d ao *. pi.V g ^aynesville. stj,^Photnore Sandra L. Harvey year at Mars Hill Sandra rr member of the Beta Club, other North Carolinian, Judy ff/^oard, is a pre-nursing student her f. Virginia soil. During "'as Sandra den ^°opareil hostess, vice-presi- sej,/ of the Science Honor Club, and president of the pre- club, and secretary of BTU. gnj ‘'’g from Roanoke, Sandra is ton ^ nursing. Paul L. Hous- otij’ ^ native of Farmville, is the Virginian to receive straight jN Sanford Makes A's 'l’ejj^''fa Sanford, born in Amarillo, Qj but now living in Savannah, g;also c made straight A’s. hst P^omores who made the dean’s iojo'^fode Priscilla Beck 52, Reg- Atn/i.^bck 51, Patsy Bowers 43VS, BtQ^*^ Brtx)kshire 51, Jeannie Bto *^ 43, Mary Brown 40, Shirley 47, Suzanne Brown 46V^, at, Bruce 451/2, Thomas Bry- tougi ’ -4^udrey Bunce 48, Jon Bur- ■nju ^ 42, Marsha Byassee 52, Reg- 50 Carter 47, Kenneth Cathey A I J'ldy Clark 53, Patricia Joyce Craft 41, Anne Marilyn England 42, UtJ4 Estes 40, Mary Etchison 56, 5l, j^Earrell 48, Judith Ferguson "ty 54*'^ Glasgow 45, Sandra Har- l?Ns / Bobbie Hohman 42, David 5alh Marion Keller 51, John Chin-Ho Ku 44, John Alf Sandra Merrimon 45. included are Laura Nash 48, ''ie Nussbaumer 48, Peggy Ctot)^,45, Joyce Payne 48, Judy .j, ^1, Patricia Sparrow 40, Bob- 40, Susan Towe 44, V^V t ''ncr 45, Hazel West 42, \y ^Woodard 54, and Morris Freshmen who achieved a dean’s list stams are Basil Akers 40, James Baley 43, James Bates 54i/, Bren da Beasley 45, Ruth Brinkley 42, Joyce Bradley 43/2, Mary Briggs 41, Olivia Brooks 421/, Sandy Brwks 56, Philip Cerveny 50, Dud ley Chandler 43, Brenda Collins 50. Also, Betty Crawford 44, Johnny Dalrymple 41, Joyce Edmonds 4l, Carolyn Ellis 42, Patricia Everhart 491/, Stephen Fleetwood 43, Mary Forbes 5014, Adolphus Frazier 4914, Ernest Gruetter 45, Lorena Hines 42, Marilyn Henson 41, Marilyn Hogsed 4114, Nancy Hol ley 45, Harold Honbarrier 42, Fred erick Horton 48. Also, Paul Houston 54, Carol Hunt 54, Charles Hunt 44, Eliza beth Jones 44, Miriam Jones 49, William Jones 40, Mary Moseley 40, Edward Murray 47, Kenneth Murray 4014, Mary Lou Newman 40, Myrtle Owenby 4414, David Parks 42, Patricia Perkinson 47, Beverly Piper 42, Nancy Plemmons 42, Peggy Plemmons 46, Verna Popplewell 45, Angela Priester 40. Also, Marguerite Robbins 45, Darla Sanford 54, Mary Shearon 40, Frances Smith 42, Blanche Staf ford 4114, Charles Stevenson 50, Ronald Stewart 41, George Tun- stall 53, Elizabeth Vernon 45, Vivian Wang 41, Lindsay Watkins 45, Walton Whittaker 40, and Mary Yoder 40. , , . In addition to those on the dean s list 198 others received c-nough quality points (30 or more) to qualify for the honor clubs. Alumnus Raised By Humble Oil W. R. Edwards, Mars Hill alum nus, has been promoted to senior research chemical engineer in Humble Oil and Refining Com pany’s Research and Development at 4ytown, Texas. He is engaged in the development of processes for the manufacture of ch^ical raw materials and intermediates that may be used for the production of synthetic rubber, plastics and other finished products. Edwards attended Mars Hill Col lege 1951-52 and received his B.b. degree at North Carolina State. M. H. Student Elected To Political Post Seventeen Mars Hill students at tended the N. C. State Republican Convention at Greensboro Feb. 3-4 at which 450 young Republicans assembled. Bob Johnston, a Mars Hill Col lege sophomore, was elected vice- president of the eleventh district college council at the convention. Bob is to serve a one-year term, during which he will be trying to reactivate clubs and to form new ones. Mr. William E. Cobb, chairman of the N. C. Republican Party, spoke to the Mars Hill YRC con tingent Feb. 5. Mr. Cobb discussed the N. C. political situation, in cluding the rise of the Republican party. He emphasized the openings for Republican Party leadership in N. C. and opportunities available for promising young Republicans. The Mars Hill YRC is starting a membership drive with its goal set at 300 for this year. Oldest Alumna 98 Years Old Celebrating her 98th birthday Feb. 12, Mrs. Jackson (Granny) Clouse, is the oldest living Mars Hill Alumna. The former Miss Eliza Jane Sams, she is still living near Mars Hill, the community in which she has spent most of her life. She is a member of the Sams family which has meant much to the college almost since its found ing. She is the daughter of the Rev. Leroy W. Sams and Mrs. Alsie Brown Sams, who sent their twelve children to Mars Hill. Mrs. Clouse attended Mars Hill College in 1879-1881. Her father was pastor of the Mars Hill Baptist Church in 1861-1862 and 1878-1890. His son, John Robert Sams, who served as president during the trying years of the Civil War, was one of Mars Hill’s staunchest friends. Mrs. Clouse still enjoys remark ably good health and is alert men tally and cheerful spiritually. Mr. and Mrs. Clouse had seven children, six of whom are still living. Secretary, 2 Missionaries To Speak At Focus Week Christian Focus Week, which be gins at Mars Hill Monday and will continue through Friday, Feb. 23, will be based on the theme "Christ, the Christian, the World.” Guest speakers will be Mr. Howard Rees and Rev. and Mrs. Worth Grant. Christian Focus Week services will consist of evening worship from 7:15 until 8:15 Monday through Friday nights in the Mars Hill Baptist Church. Seminars will follow the evening services in the lower floor of the church led by the guest speakers and Mr. Richard Hoffman and Rev. Charles Davis. Mr. Rees and Mrs. Grant will speak in chapel on Tuesday and Thurs day. The guest speakers will be available for personal conferences during the afternoons. Rev. and Mrs. Worth Grant are Baptist missionaries to Japan who have served since 1950. In I960 Rev. Grant became associate secre- Hough To Head NewDepartment Plans for the formation of a department of education and the hiring of John M. Hough, Jr., 26, of Hampton, Va., to be its chair man have been announced by Mars Hill College. 'The Baptist school is converting to senior college status with the addition of the junior year this fall and the initiation of an education curriculum is part of the conver sion process. Hough, whose father is superin tendent of Leaksville Township Schools, attended Mars Hill during the 1953-54 school year. An out standing student, he was president of the freshman class. In 1956 Hough earned a bach elors degree from Wake Forest. He also holds the Master of Education degree from the University of North Carolina and has completed the course work there for a Doctor of Education degree. Currently principal of an ele mentary school in Hampton, Hough formerly taught and coached at Gray High School in Winston-Sa lem, taught at Bethany High School in Reidsville and served as assistant principal at Hampton High School. He will leave his present position to take up his new duties in Au gust. Mrs. Hough is the former Bev erly Nance, a graduate of the Wom an’s College of UNC. 'The couple has a daughter born Nov. 17. While teaching Mars Hill’s first courses in education next fall. Hough will be responsible for or ganizing the department to meet state requirements which will as sure its graduates of certification as elementary and secondary school teachers. As the college moves further into the senior college program, the course offerings in education and the departmental staff will be ex panded. tary of the Jordan Press, the pub lishing house of the Japan Baptist Convention. Mr. Grant was a Mars Hill student, graduating in 1939. He received his A. B. degree from Furman University and graduated from the seminary in Louisville, Ky. The Grants have a family of four daughters, ages 3-18. Grant Questions Rev. Grant’s subject at the serv ice Monday night will be "What Are You Doing with the Gospel.^” Wednesday night, "A Christian in a Non-Christian World;” and Fri day night, "Unto the Ends of the Earth.” 'Ihe topic of Rev. Grant’s seminar will be "Christianity Faces Other Religions.” Mrs. Grant, who will be here only Thursday, will speak in chapel on the topic “Enter to Greatness” and conduct her sem inar on '"The Role of the Mission.” Mr. Rees, who has been BSU sec retary of Maryland and the Distria of Columbia since 1934 received his B.A. and M.A. degrees from George Washington University. He has also smdied at Richmond, Cam bridge, and Catholic University. Mr. Rees is married and has three chil dren. He will speak in chapel on '"The Role of the Meaningful Faith.” On Tuesday and "Thursday nights his topics will be "The Divine In itiative” and "The Healing Fellow ship.” "The topic of the seminar is to be World Wide Opportunity through Christian Vocations.” Hoffman Speaks Mr. Richard Hoffman, Mars Hill government teacher, will conduct a seminar on "Christ and the World Political Crises.” Mr. Hoffman has been active in the Baptist church, having taught Sunday School, and having been associated with the BSU while serving in the Marine Corps. The Rev. Charles Davis, minister of the Mars Hill Baptist Church, will lead a seminar on "The Intel lectual Responsibilities of Chris tians.” 39 New Students JoinMH Family A total of 39 new students reg istered for the spring semester, the registrar’s office reported. The newcomers are: Larry Randolph Allen; James Ralph Anderson; Tricia Irene Butte; Vernon Marie Carpenter; Mitchell Kyle Carver; Benjamin Chen; John Lanitdon Christy; Shirley Kathleen Denchfield; Ernest Clean Edwards, Jr.: El is Grady Pnlbrisrht; Sanford Patterson Gilley; Joe Hamilton Ginn: William Bent ley Gordon, Jr.; Ranald Eucrene Hender- son; Clay Gray Hipp, Jr.; Robert Duke Jenkins; Joseph Ray Killen. Winston Camp, beil Little: Homer Glenn McElroy, Jr.- Morns Crain Mason; Curtis Andrew Pitts: Delmar Harold Pander; Robert Harold Hoffman Reynolds, Jr,; David ^ton Shaw; Franklin Ray Shield; Carole Terry Sinclair; Ronald K, Spear- man; John Charles Stanton; Charles Ed- win Stevens; Ronald Ted Street; Janet w“n- B“fbara Jean Webb; Hu»h S-il U DuBose Whiteside: aifford Wm. Trumbell Wood; Frank Boegs Wright: Mary Lou Beale,