A pril 7. IS! K CThe Hilltop Published by the Students of Mars Hill College rs XXXVI MARS HILL, N. C.. SATURDAY. APRIL 21. 1962 Number 13 rffl)6 New Faculty-Staff ^^f!J^Grsonnel Announced mg into' ‘"C appointment of six new n’s diatti»' ‘'fmbers to the faculty and ad- r, 11-6 >■' j‘*^'strative staff of the college ■ picking' ‘"f the fall term has been an- ame win"' '>ced. d bv S'"" q[ Mary Katherine Logan Southern Pines will become urst on f ^j?ti Qf avomen, succeeding ich Haf* Caroline Riggers, who is sjie ^ member of til staff from 1938 im am meet' "'e the tea' will serving first as hostess probably jgulars * has the inf" ^^ach Speaker Conference leader leaders and drama students ^ j^“'’^Iars Hill will participate las the I Leadership Conference, because ‘‘in pg j.pg First till Church in Mooresville od at t Friday and Saturday. “e conference is being spon- irr at turnedBaptist State Con- ond. Wq ® department of student been sin j j, and will be attended by and 1; j ti,. '*t students from throughout er grabbed Altizer fighting. field be Indies ^ate. rrie Christian Involved in His Tk ..g,^beme of the conference is charges foes \ -• Dr ' Guest speaker will be C|j\ yaldo Beach, professor of ethics and director of L'np study in religion at Duke mop J^’,1 Divinity School. A iking nn ^, religious writer in addition hursday University duties, Dr. Beach ■th Cafj in npen the Friday night meet- e era^p; ■ the conference with a dis- f “The Christian Relat- en Ca.;.^ ufn the ei , the World of His Campus.” tr Ct raps on . Pramateers will present the that evening the Mars earn Yj \\\^ “Eygryj^an” under dash 11 a rtin -|,i week- I, wil. i ted ''^ection of Glenn L. Vernon. § Cast Is Changed 'H ^''al changes have been made 'Or>v,' ''ast since its original per- Lii ^tce. 100 yf‘ yd. 'eli"‘^e- Larry Huls, formerly ,*hip fhas stepped in to "Id 'be lead' as Everyman. His ^ is being filled by Bob *V n||P 'T'ho continues to serve in "icji j'.’^portant capacity of tech- ‘M] '“'■nctor. ^"d it ns Death and as Goods, Jerry Thompson (S' 1, fi EpP (1» fl%5|'nary Horton will portray members of the cast are '%d 'r r un,_Pf\,i Fellowship rp '* r'""d Ij Dottie u’fdl" ’tN^""usin I; Linda Settle, low hn'^ji eeds; Betty Lou Shaver, jump-^j(f pijtG'fge; and Nancy Holley, iA 'Vih • Richard Williams, who '’y Strength, will continue master electrician; and r hes .^ash will continue as stu- .\'"''ector. pttip'' f^ars Hillians, Archer ‘'^nd Dan Keels, will be "'ii^^hose conducting seminars dhp officers. Both are retiring t)Vii*^* of the Mars Hill BSU "1, e, ^1) ’ Archer as president and is head of the Mission 5jii. Mars Hillians who will in the sessions are Gene ..'(M as, \yiuJy Privette, Kay I ti \uHs :> - ' 1,'5k ’ mlly Sellers, Joy Simpson, fh. ^ bp . Merchant, Margaret h'lc, u”®th Briggs, Linda Wil- |hln avid Graig, David Crook, ■fy v^anford, Robert Clyde, 1(1 ^Elliott, 'Pom Halyburton, ^agan and David Montrose. in one of the dormitories for women and later teaching in the English department. Miss Evelyn Underwood, who has been on leave of absence the last four years, ivill receive a Doctor of Philosophy degree at the University of North Caro lina next month and will re turn as head of the social sci ence department. A member of the Mars Hill facidty since 1914, she will succeed Dean Lee as chairman of the dejiartment. An addition to the faculty of the business administration de partment is Roy Wood, present ly an economist with the Ameri can Enterprise Association. A graduate of the University of Virginia, he formerly ivas an economist for the U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture and prior to that was a member of the Clemson College faculty for 11 years. Department Added Two of the new faculty per sonnel will join the music de partment. Mrs. David M. Rob erts, music director at the Mars Hill Baptist Church who was a member of the faculty from 1950-54 will become voice in structor. She will fill a vacancy created by the departure of T. J. Cole for additional graduate study. Robert Rich will suc ceed Mr. Cole as director of the choral groups. Mr. Rich’s wife, a graduate of Stetson University who for merly taught music in the pub lic schools of Baton Rouge, La., will become piano teacher, deal ing primarily with preparatory students. She will succeed Miss Martha Biggers, teacher in the department for many years and former head of the department. The sixth new name on the faculty roster is James W. Thomas of Marion, who will join the faculty of the English department. A graduate of Western North Carolina Col lege, he is currently a graduate student at UNC, where he will receive a master’s degree in Eng lish and speech at the end of the summer term. Previously announced was the selection of John Hough, Jr., to head the newly created depart ment of education and psychol ogy- AlumnusWins Frat Medal Roger Shaw, editor of the 1900 Laurel, has been awarded the Pi Delta Epsilon “Medal of Merit’’ at Virginia Polytech nic Institute, where hs is a sen- Mars Hill may not be much like Fort Lauderdale but Becky Wolfe, a native of the Sunshine State, isn’t letting it bother her spring fashions. Here she smiles pleasantly as if anticipating the forthcoming fashion show, while Alia Weaver checks the hemline of her skirt. In the background Jo Wells and Lola Thomas (right) take time out from their sewing duties to watch. All are freshman home economics majors who will model in the show. MH Lassies Will Parade Spring Fashions On May 1 “Fashions in Orbit” will come to the Mars Hill College on May 1, 1962, at 7:45 in the eve ning when the combined forces of the Mars Hill Economics Department and Winner’s De partment Store of Asheville, will present a fashion show in the auditorium of the Fine Arts Building. Featured will be garments made by tlie clothing class stu dents in the areas of spring suits, summer dresses, and party- dresses; and creations by Win ner’s, spotlighted by sportswear, summer dresses, and cocktail dresses. Slade Is Speaker At Dramateers’ Banquet The highlight of the evening will be the wearing of the wed ding gown by a selected young lady whose name will be kept secret until her appearance. Shaw', editor of Tech’s year book the ’62 in terim editor of the 1961 book. Fle also is chairman of the stm dent-faculty publications board and a member of the staffs of the student newspaper and ra dio station. His home is Glen Allen, Va. The Dramateers’ annual end- of-the-year banquet will be held at 7 p.m. Monday on the mez zanine of the cafeteria. Speaker for the evening will be C. Edwin Slade, new' director of the Ashe ville Community Theater. Other highlights of the evening will include the presentation of awards for participation in the total dramatics program for the year and the presentation of Anton Chekov’s “The Marriage Pro posal.” Slade, who has had a varied background of experience in radio, motion pictures and television and inter-racial theatrical experience, will speak on the topic “All the World’s a Stage.” A graduate of Northwestern University’s School of Speech, the dark-bearded and fine-nosed Slade has been in summer stock from Michigan and Ohio to Marjdand and Delaware. In Pittsburgh he directed the inter-racial Curtain- eers at the Irene Kaufmann Set tlement. He comes to Asheville from Maine’s famed shipbuilding Mr. Winner of Asheville is responsible for making the cre ations available and for their descriptions. center, Bath, where he directed the Bath Little Theatre and w'orked with the Brunswick Players. Also of current interest to mem bers of the Dramateers, who are in the process of voting for their Best Actor, Best Actress, and Best Back-Stage Worker for the awards on banquet night, is the auditorium fund. At their meet ing on Apr. 16, the Dramateers voted to donate ten dollars from the treasury to be used in the auditorium fund. The sum w'ill be presented to Dr. Blackwell at the banquet. The Steering Committee for the fashion show consists of Anne Graham, Judy Poyner and Phyllis Gores. Anne Graham is the current president of the club and she, along with ad visor Mrs. J. V. Howell, is re sponsible for the presentation of the show. TODAY There will be a meeting of the HILLTOP staff at 2:30 in the Montague Building. Any persons interested in working on the staff next year ore cordially invited. The Montague Building is located next to the faculty building. Judy Poyner, former president of the Home Economics Club, is in charge of the script for the show. Phyllis Gores will work for the department with the Dramateers supplying the back ground settings. Models will be members of the Home Economics Club and the various Home Ec classes. Cecile Plott, supported by mem bers of the Art class and several club members, is head of the publicity campaign. Invitations have been sent to the Home Economics clubs of many counties. Students, fac idty members, men, and other interested personnel arc cordial ly invited.

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