Octobe ers Newport made its oi imaxing a 58-yard r moving 14 yariXXVII rength of a surprii= ke, David Faui" Qhe Hilltop Published by the Stiulents of Mars Hill College The new WRAY square dance club will meet at 6:45 on | Wednesdays beginning Nov. 7. Beginners are welcome! MARS HILL. N. C.. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1962 Number 4 ed the ball nine yai uchdown, leaving th ore 20-6. EW BSU PAPER, un- There was only one 'direction of President the game, a 28-yard''kins, has been named ck Reece to Scott and will be appearing e third quarter, givijwith articles of interest id Gold a final 26-6ts concerning the BSU mtest was marred 1 iry of Spencer Penlai^ ^ lard, who sustained ART exhibition se ear will open Monday splay of 50 items, in- The Lions gained thographs and etchings ishing, compared toie sponsored by the In siders’ 148; and 62 1 Artist Group of Paris, g, compared to 10 eir opponents. Both WALKER, president of eted two passes. Ha^> ^as announced that anted for the Lions, underway for the 5 yards in three atte^*^eptien scheduled for “The first term was ^*^ash,” beamed Susan, . —. from Roanoke; “We in- g’ 1 new members and some p ^^^C^FVeven lived through it!” the Mars Hill scene... I Lincoln comes to Mars Hill vill be aided in her du- Jsident by Jewel Dowdy, :eman the strong team -we on. We still think j . . rsday game with til IS e gomes remainin'! played a n,aior plCge tO WD They ground out i 7 yards rushing by r were more effects pi,, ^ Is from them, compf ® ^'^ded had one of the fin^ n a long while. normal gridiron game, rleaders and majc players to a team ring Homecoming, against its competitors 'here and enthusia^ yards. Judy irking together •welP^^’^^'^nral coach, devised liforms, showed se'*’® rules. A goal can be y kicking, running or .nd one team can throw :oming was well atlpasses In the same play y high, but probot^ish as long as the ball gone to the troublePPed. The girls say that ince they couldn't leat game.” BY would try to lecil_, r could help genei , BLACK, the the students at Wake illege, published an ar- :eball team has si?ning that the campus :ontract. Graduatintun by the students and eague in home run^tudent body presidents, oking prospects in tl presidents, publications first base for the l^d other “leaders” could ge, hits and home in the ill-fated Demp- , truck.” shmen die-hards wf campus trying to sETERSBURG JUNIOR general. Some pe*'lorida, has a new addi- ces between high &its student newspaper, afraid to face the 'DEN HORSE. It is a remove their lettdalled “For Men Only,” its, even if they d^se of which is to relax Mars Hill become ^ of the male populace athletes' conventioftxasperated by the fem- V. u 'v. system. The first ar- roaching, we begin bqopH w,.. > i i, U'li . men’s clubs and itudent body which ies. No person's ISIPPi COLLEGE, Clin- 3 body is not exerc^, received only one letter tablished to help thudent on the Mississippi 1 by those students his letter the student ■ts are usually lAat the President of the ods are sparsely tates made a historical e of these physical when he attempted to m into physical d^r state’s sovereignty.” ■ minds will folloVoyernor Barnett a “Great Hilltop Poker Cup le main event. In student . With the onset ■ iL ■ -f^^^istration for the vio- o either improve ol ^^oj^the literary vice-president; Pat Ken- nington, reception vice-president; Jo Ann Oetzman, secretary; Mar tha Sligh, censor; Charlotte Cloud, chaplain; Mimi Jones, treasurer; Vicky Mayle, chorister; and An gie Priester, chief hostess. BISHOP HENRY, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina, who will be the speaker in chapel Tuesday, is known for his speaking ability “which,” says Dean Lynch, “causes few people to sleep. Last year he gave us one of the best ‘Baptist’ sermons we’ve ever heard.” The bishop is an old friend of the college. ONLY 18 MORE DAYS left un til Thanksgiving holidays. After gobbling the turkey, only 23 will be left until Christmas vacation. NOVEMBER 8 IS THE LAST day for dropping courses without penalty. PLAY REHEARSAL—Lines for the production “Abe Lincoln in Illinois” are studied by four of the characters: (I. to r.) Mac Watson, who portrays Joshua Speed, a friend of Lincoln; Mayon Weeks, who plays Ninian Edwards, Lincoln’s brother-in-law; Arlis Suttles, who is Lincoln; and Betty Lou Shaver, Judith. Harless to edit yearbook HARLESS Work on the 1963 Laurel pro gressed this week with the ap pointment of an editor-in-chief and the announcement of plans for the “Miss Laurel” contest. Judy Harless, sophomore from Greensboro, was officially named editor- in-chief of the yearbook by the faculty’s publi cations commit tee. Prior to formal approval she has been serving in temporary capacity since last spring. “Judy and I have already been working with the engraver, the artist and the printer on the 1963 annual,” Mr. Smith, the advisor, explained. “The general plan of the book has been determined, the cover has been designed, the indi vidual pictures have been made and we are now awaiting arrival of the dummy in order that lay out and added photography may begin.” Mr. Smith also announced the selection of John Lackey, a former Laurel editor now a junior music major, as director of the “Miss Laurel” contest for the ’63 year book. Miss Laurel is the fea tured beauty of the book and the contest provides the coeds for the beauty section. Ballots for nominations for “Miss Laurel” have been distrib uted by Lackey to 38 campus or ganizations. A girl may be nomi nated by only one organization, and the organization must have the consent of the girl before sub mitting her name. There will be a preliminary judging to reduce the finalists to seven. “Miss Laurel” will be selected by an outstanding off-campus personal ity yet to be chosen. Copies of the 1962 Laurel are still being held for a few students who did not receive theirs last spring, but these must be picked up in the Montague Building by Nov. 15, according to Mr. Smith. After that the remaining copies will be distributed to high schools, he said. Briefcase can carry library as new equipment is added Adopting the tactics of such well known “honor clubs” as the FBI and the CIA, the Memorial Library is now using microfilm. A new addition to the expand ing library facilities and also new to many college students is the recently acquired Recordak Film Reader, which uses either 35 or 16 millimeter microfilms. Mrs. Bridges, head librarian, claims the new machine will en able the library to “carry a whole section of professional journals, newspapers or case records in the narrow confines of a briefcase.” Works no longer in print can be secured on microfilm for the microfilm will take up only one per cent of the space usually re quired to shelve bound volumes. The new Recordak has been in stalled in the bound periodicals room and the library staff is al ready ordering periodicals and re search materials on microfilm. The machine also will be useful in recording theses if Mars Hill ever institutes a graduate pro gram. Europe offers Germancourse Dream of studying abroad? Well, here is your chance, but you must hurry. Applications for the spring semester at the universi ties of Vienna and Freidburg must be in not later than Dec. 10. The program at Vienna will admit those with sophomore or junior standing as of Feb. 2, 1963. The university combines English- taught liberal arts and general studies courses. There is intensive German language instruction and regular university courses taught in German for those competent. The “Das Deutsche Semester” program at the University of Frei burg is open only to juniors. It stresses political science, German language study, German philos ophy and literature and European history. All classes are taught in German. Each program requires a C-plus college average. Admission will depend on the student’s academic achievement and the recommenda tions of his dean and department chairman and a professor familiar with his recent college work. Information can be obtained from the Institute of European Studies, 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago. Food awaiting HEC lassies Approximately 23 delegates of the Mars Hill College Chapter of the North Carolina Home Econom ics Association are attending a breakfast this morning at Grove Park Inn in Asheville. “Music in the Home” will be the topic of discussion at the next regular meeting of the MH chap ter in the Science Building Mon day night. Featured speaker will be Mrs. David M. Roberts of the music faculty. Great moments in American history and intimate glimpses into the formative years of one of the nation’s greatest presidents will be acted out for Mars Hilllans next Friday night. “Abe Lincoln in Illinois,” a mov ing drama by Pulitzer prize win ning playwright Robert E. Sher wood, will be produced on the main stage in Moore Auditorium by the Dramateers beginning at 8 p.m. The part of Lincoln in his pre beard days will be played by six foot, five inch Arlis Suttles of Mars Hill, a junior. Others in the cast include Darden Battle as Mentor Graham, Mary Horton as Ann Rutledge and Mimi Jones as Mary Todd. John Huff will be stage manager, and the production will be under the direction of Mrs. Watson, drama teacher. The play, which starred Ray mond Massey in its Broadway presentation, depicts the emerg ence of a great statesman from the most unlikely source, a hum ble, awkward backwoodsman. It centers its story on the critical years of Lincoln’s early manhood, tracing his failure as a storekeeper and capturing the tenderness of the love which the townspeople felt for the young man. Lincoln’s maturing and the gradual realization of his poten tial as a leader and as a humani tarian are revealed as the drama progresses and the gateway of his political career begins to open. Romantic interest is included in the plot through the portrayal of the two great loves of Lincoln’s personal life, his ill-fated romance with Ann Rutledge and his even tual marriage to Mary Todd. The Lincoln-Douglas debates and Lincoln’s election as president are included in the play, captur ing two important events in American history. Freshmen elect Nominations for freshman class officers will be made by secret ballot at a called meeting of the class at 7 p.m. Thursday (Nov. 8) in the Owen Building and elec tions will be held the follo'wing Thursday. Mr. Emmett Sams of the fac ulty’s student activities commit tee will preside at the nominating session. He and other members of the committee—Miss Medford, Miss Logan, Mr Kendall, Mrs. Fish and Mr. Roberts—^will man the election tables in the student center when ballots will be cast Nov. 15 from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Candidates for nomination must be passing a minimum of 14 hours. Character and leadership ability are required of class offi cers who must also declare them selves in accord with the prin ciples and ideals of the college.

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