Febr Hilltop Published by the Students of Mars Hill College Alumnus^ Joins Na Hike Fad MARS HILL. N. C„ SATURDAY. MARCH 9. 1963 Niunber 10 )llingwood of CBS To Speak Here Radio, TV Personality fnateers Planning 'fe Festival Plays The recent hikini ;rowth of Presidei ihysical fitness proi inly reached the da' f the White House, ound and inspin lars Hillian to tr) ops, feet—at proV^’s Dramateers will 11 Americans are c only four original John Baskin, last given at the Carolina ditor and presi^®sociation Festival in /^eightlifting club, in early April, lile hike from Bis^ndent John Morrow’s sville last Friday of Freedom,” which r persons, include" lan. (We presumel GARDE! ‘duel” in Moore Audi- A reporter for th left Mrs. Elizabeth imes, John may h.ma instructor, with a le title for a coluiulder. •om his experiencei S entitled “Pull u^a students the five g moves by which they to fake a duel, Mrs. St with unusual vigor up with a cracked BURTON - guy. I suppose oor is and that LJCL has gone near tl - r ny more this sefj” \A/ of him. For th^ ttlV 1 a miserable tiij.i^i ition straightene be presented on the 2 little playmake' eville Symphony Or- i 278 points for ^ concert in the „ „ , 8:30 p.m. Tuesday H Henderson, Land the Southwestern .ed for the MouF touring choir from u T TT- ol" Seminary in Fort .ler back. His 2 [ perform at 8 p.m. 2st assets our te^jater. team next y^irfns will be guest cr ies thru Sat., Fr tbe orchestra on one Loven and DoP-tions. by Jabbo BennW mixed chorus, the L an average of dl visit nine college progress and ijnd a dozen churches 1, while Steve X- 2500-mile tour. Their iccording to Director 1 Gladden for Finney, will survey Relays. He plaisers have tried to say oad jump, and ver the last 400 years, ainst some of sing every-day church from Atlanta, "I'the way up to the irgia last year, is spirituals and some >S for lack of sd’ he said. was presented at the Philoma- thian Anniversary in November, and Mayon Weeks’ “My Life, My Son” were among the four entries judged worthy of presentation during the festival. An individual member of the CDA, Morrow asked the Drama teers to produce his play. Because of the work involved in preparing to stage these two productions, the Dramateers’ main entry in the district competition for the festival has been changed from “The Will” to “Go Down Moses,” which was given in chapel recently. This religious drama, starring Weeks as Moses, Arlis Suttles as the archangel Michael, Bill Deans as Satan and Mimi Jones as Moses’ wife, Zipporah, will be given at Western Carolina Col lege on Mar. 23. The two original plays will not be given at the district festival but will go directly to Chapel Hill. Casting of the two plays is in process. CHARLES COLLINGWOOD . . . Lyceum Speaker On the Mars Hill Scene... Replaces Eric Severaid Charles Collingwood, CBS news correspondent and reporter for the award-winner “Eye Witness” series seen at 10:30 p.m. Fridays on CBS-TV, will speak in Moore Auditorium at 8 p.m. Tuesday (Mar. 12). Using the topic, “A Changing America,” Mr. Collingwood will be substituting for equally well-known Eric Severaid, whose appearance here was twice postponed and then cancelled due to his illness. The entire student body, especially those interested in history, gov ernment, political science and world affairs, has been urged to attend; and several hundred persons from off-campus have been invited. Winner of many top broadcasting awards for national and inter national news reporting, Collingwood’s assignments have ranged from his recent “A Tour of the White House with Mrs. John F. Kennedy” through visits with celebrities all over the world in “Person to Person” interviews, to coverage of the Allied invasion of North Africa during World War II. His “Eye Witness” Local Art On Exhibit A painting, “The Briggs Place,” by Mars Hill art major John Huff has been selected for exhibition in the Fifth Carolinas’ College Annual Exhibition, Mar. 10-31, at the Columbia Museum of Art in Columbia, S.C. The exhibition is made up of jury-selected works submitted by students of art in colleges and universities of North and South Carolina. John’s painting was shown here during the student display in January. A sophomore who lives in Mars Hill, John is the son of the local postmaster. He is studying for a career in interior design. Pat Burton and Cecile Plott will represent the Mars Hill Chapter of the American Home Economics Association at a state wide workshop on the Meredith College campus in Raleigh, Mar. 29-30. The two were chosen at the regular meeting Monday night following their presentation of a careers program illustrated by slides and entitled “Facts About a Very Important Profession.” Lola Thomas, Carol Hunt and Terry Sinclair were named alter nates. Secret balloting for “Miss Home Economics” and discussion of plans for open house for high school students and a fashion show were other items of busi ness. company’s Telstar project and show pictures in hopes of stimu lating interest in the field. Mr. Lance of the math depart ment will introduce the speaker. A specialist on the subject of Telstar, the modern miracle of international communication, will speak in the Audio-Visual Room of Memorial Library at 7:30 p.m. Monday (Mar. 11). Interested students are especially invited. C. F. Carroll, program director of the American Telephone and Telegraph Co., will discuss the Library Intern Programs Open Anyone interested in library science should consider the junior intern program sponsored by the South Carolina State Library Board. Interns work in a county or regional library in South Caro lina full-time for three summer monthd at $150 per month. Suc cessful completion of the pro gram can lead to graduate scho larships toward a masters degree. The internships are available to juniors or seniors with at least a B average, who have done the greatest part of their college work in liberal arts and who are in good health. Application blanks and addi tional information are available through the Board; 1001 Main Street; Columbia, S. C. : every prize. -===^=^=======^^=^======== of Football Facilities Explained ir, only to be gr^'°P“‘®nt of facilities t none of you caliber football I eats in the the subject of will give a littk interest as evidenced )ur teams desef^®” ® which occurred ^ week. The HILLTOP letter on the subject ent Bill Deans (see TP A f TTfe k Page 2), and I ^ (in response to a an off-campus writer) ggf ' was made on the sub- • B. H. Tilson, superin- N. C. buildings and grounds, ponsible for a project football facilities. ^aSf SandtilK Reader Deans’ letter e fact that it takes accomplish such im- and that Mars Hill has eng as best it can with ial resources available, ished in an effort to ! new light on the mat- ervice or 9951 ter, which has been of concern to sports editors of several pap ers and other off-campus fans as well as to students and other local residents. According to Mr. Tilson, work on the football field will be re sumed as soon as the weather and soil conditions will permit. The total project has been divid ed into five steps, which are to be accomplished as the availabili ty of funds permits. These are (1) grading and finishing of the gridiron proper, including the in stallation of a storm drain sys tem and a sprinkler system; (2) installation of a new lighting sys tem; (3) installation of the track; (4) erection of concrete stands on the east side of the playing field; (5) erection of suit able fencing around the area. In all probability these steps will not be completed in time for the 1963 football season, he said. Despite the difficulties created by not having a real “home” field. Coach Henderson said Mon day he is arranging a challenging schedule for this fall. Two games have already been booked for local play and the possibility of playing two others nearby is be ing investigated. Aside from the fact that not much can be done in the way of grading and landscaping during the winter months, the most im portant hinderance to progress on this project, Mr. Tilson indicated, is a lack of funds. The decision to improve the football field and erect a modest stadium came last spring without warning. There had been no long- range planning for the financing of such an undertaking as is cus tomary on capital improvements. There was no money available for it. The only way such a project could be financed was to “work it in” to the total college budgets for this fiscal year and next. A $2,500,000 fund-raising drive now under way in behalf of the college includes three-quarters of a million for physical education and sports facilities. Contribu tions and pledges are being so licited from anyone interested. Future plans depend upon the success of this effort. Anyone who knows the history of Mars Hill College, especially since 1935, knows that Dr. Black well’s “faith” has been the real key to the development of the college. The timetable of ad vancement may not always be to our liking — or his — but it has often been fulfilled. —Walter Smith Series is one of the top-rated news programs on the air today. In between these assignments, he has also managed to report for CBS News directly from the scene, many of the momentous news events of the past two dec ades. He has been the chief com mentator on many of the CBS Reports and inaugurated the much-discussed “WCBS-TV Views the Press.” Collingwood began his journa listic career with the United Press in London in 1940. He joined CBS News in the British capital (under Edward R. Murrow) in 1941. Following graduation from high school in the nation’s capital, Collingwood attended Deep Springs School in California and went to Cornell, where he ma jored in law and philosophy and was graduated cum laude in 1939. During the summers, he worked as a cow-puncher in California, a timber cruiser in North Caro lina and West Virginia and as a deckhand on a freighter. Upon graduation from Cornell, he won a Rhodes Scholarship which took him to Oxford. He also won a second scholarship, for the study of international affairs in Geneva. He was in Geneva at the outbreak of World War II. After a few months he abandoned his studies and went to work as a United Press reporter in Lon don. After switching to CBS News in London in 1941, Collingwood covered the worst days of the Nazi blitz. Later, he reported on the North Africa campaign and the Allied invasion of Europe. After the Germans surrendered, he covered the signing of the armistice in a little red school- house in Reims. Following the war, Colling- (Continued on Page 3) Movie Tonight The movie version of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s great love story, “Tender Is the Night,” will be shown in the auditorium tonight at 8 o’clock. The highly-recommended film stars Jason Robards Jr., Jennifer Jones, Tom Ewell, Joan Fontaine and Jill St. John.