e Mars Hill College IdAINFID Full details on grand jury probe of MHC fac ulty-student prayer group — see page 3. Sol. MIX No. 28754 WARS HELL, NORTH CAROLINA April, 1970 SU Takes Over Administration Buiiding and Mrs. Gorge Peery (he’s supposedly of the political science department) were to defend their home last week in the midst of the confusion that erupted in j mountain hamlet when 700 Baptist Student Union members took over the Administration '"■dir "3 of Mars Hill College. Campus News Round-Up 5 ®''lng partially recovered from ®®vere bout with the dreaded lower” fever, several depart- ■ivy of Mars Hill College have ’’'fin/ ^'’oounced a list of depart- achievements and have al- bg|^®'03sed some of the plays now Of y made by individual members .j. departments. ® art department, in complete th''‘ ,®^®ment, has announced that |oog)^°l'o9e has finally granted en- funds to construct a formal soig®®'l6ry for the exposition and Thg^ °f art work done by students. arg^93llery, which is expected to %a *°urists from as far away as by ^®'^ille, should be completed Poin,®®®mber of 1972. Modern ap- ciog^^oats of the building will in- '6 ..10 . -■ » ...w.... a a-. hoa. ®®oment) and will be well- the f ®faps and running water (in the of a creek flowing through '®atocj Ton. Mr, during the summer tourist Porj ■ Babelot of the music de- ^td-a T has announced that two- Iri fu'®®tf miles of the catacombs dog ® Fine Arts Building will be to the Religious Depart- WfiQ tor use as labs for students j^^ister for the new course in Ti^^ttucation. ttlsfory department proudly hfira that two faculty mem- Ciillj David Nicely and Mr. Larry y I'fork' completed their Joint A Brief History of the is 1, *7 ^®hn. ond/or Immorality of Ghen- Mr. Jim Whyatt, Librarian, has said that the library will have copies of the book on the shelves in record time, i.e., within seven years of the second publication. The business department will be dissolved at the end of this sem- ster due to mismanagement. (Edi tor’s note: The Landslide staff tried fervently to acquire more informa tion on this very serious matter but the faculty members of this depart ment had gone on a daisy-picking trip up Mount Bailey. The last meeting of the business department professors was taped but the mumb ling was impossible to decipher.) The mathematics and physics de partment, in an effort to update its facilities for students in upper level courses, has ordered 28 stainless steel abacuses from a company based in Hong Kong. The abacuses (or is it abacci?), along with framed copies of explicit directions for their use, will be stored in a special laboratory to be construc ted immediately adjacent to the little glass house affectionately known as Wall's Outhouse. Two weeks ago a truckload of color televisions was delivered to the education department to be in stalled in various county schools so that students on the Block Program might be able to evaluate the im pact of the educational programs on elementary age school children. Since that time no one has seen (Continued on P. 4) In an unprecedented exhibition of brutal force, the Baptist Student Union, approximately 700 strong, overtook the Administration Build ing of Mars Hill College on April 1 after three nights of rock hurling, marches and burning of local Vet erans Club meeting rooms. Led by BSU President Don Mc- Castkill and President-elect Rich- and Sparkerman, a delegation of 32 militant ministerial students organ ized the attack after a list of 95 demands, which had been nailed to the door of the building, had been torn down by Registrar Robert Chip- man as he left his office on the af ternoon of March 26. The attack, which was completely unexpected by the administration and staff, has left the town in a state of shock and the campus in a state of disaster. Students had been expected to leave campus on the afternoon of March 27 for a 10-day spring break. However, following the incident of March 26, BSU leaders decided to call a required meeting of their membership during spring break and set up temporary headquarters in the office of the Hilltop, which has long been suspected of harbor ing subversive elements. The SDS chapter of the Asheville High School, learning of the BSU’s efforts to organize an attack against the administration due to their “latent ignorance of the needs of students in a modern, responsible society,” provided homemade bombs, noisemakers and extra long rubber bands to the BSU officials and promised to solicit boxes of cereal and other high protein food supplies from Buncombe County SDS members for local use in this push for academic liberty. On March 29, at approximately 11 p.m., after two days of highly technical strategizing. President Mc- Caskill led a small group of men up Girls’ Hill where three mammoth sling shots were positioned in trees and loaded with hard rolls which had been meticulously stolen from the college cafeteria. Meanwhile, President-elect Sparker man, armed with his trusty guitar, led a small parade of women Book Review through the main thoroughfares of Mars Hill. The group, singing a med ley of songs including Give A Damm, Bridge Over Troubled Water, We Shall Overcome, and Sweet Hour of Prayer, drew a crowd of approximately 16 sleepy citizens and 34 howling dogs. After an exhausting journey the length of Main Street (both blocks), the group returned to the Hilltop office for rest and recuperation. The next morning. Dr. Freed Berkeley, frustrated president of the college, called an emergency meet ing of the Bored Trustees to dis cuss the parade of the previous evening. It was hurriedly decided that the event had been fostered by a particularly enthusiastic series of local revivals and the meeting was dismissed. Later in the day Presi dent Berkeley flew to Nairobi, Ken ya, to discuss the feasibility of a foreign exchange program for col lege presidents. In an exclusive Landslide inter view, which took place on the morn ing of March 30, President McCast- kili said, “The requests which were made by this organization were quite within the scope of feasibility for this college at this time. For ex ample, we requested that an ABM research center be established in the Wall Science Building within 30 days of our notice, which was posted on March 26. Such a proposal could not have been reasonably rejected; the college has the funds and the staff to provide for such a center. “We are tired of this college per ceiving itself as a pastoral refuse for anti-social citizens. In order for the American society to physically survive, to protect its intellectual personality and to further develop its moral potential, anti-social ten dencies can no longer be tolerated. This is supported by Obadiah 42:8. “We also requested that the Col lege assume responsibility for re placing the slum housing which it condescendingly provides for its rather feudal community. I can only say that I am greatly grieved that this situation has necessitated phy sical force, but I am ready to de fend my position at whatever cost.” At this point in the interview Mc- Castkill broke off his conversation and returned to be with his brood ing, weary troops. For the next two days Mars Hill was repeatedly besieged by a bar rage of flying paper munitions, pebbles and rubber bands. Just af ter morning coffee break on April 1, some 700 students, looking half- starved after a three-day-long diet of cereal, stormed the Administra tion Building. All persons who had been in the building escaped with the exception of Business Mangier Violent Hindersome, who was held as hostage. She was released six hours later when personnel from the Physical Plant delivered 3500 McDonald’s hamburgers to the front steps of the building in answer to a demand made by an unknown faction of the BSU.. One of the most surprising ac tions which followed in near suc cession to the actual taking of the building was that Robert Helvin, Chaplain of the College, resigned from his job and aligned himself with BSU forces. It is understood that he “felt an undying loyalty to the BSU and had to go with them.” About twilight the town of Mars Hill ordered its police force into action, and the BSU and the Mars Hill Police Department engaged in a heated battle which lasted until the final EverReady battery in the last flashlight went out a few hours later. President Berkeley, who had been wired of the situation by one of the Bored Trustees, called President Mixum in Washington, D. C., and re quested that a detachment of fed eral troops be ordered onto the scene. President Mixum said that he couldn’t remember where North Carolina is but that he would try to do something. No federal troops have appeared so it seems that Mixum never re membered where North Carolina is or that federal troops somewhere are AWOL At any rate, Mixum is not "bringing them together.” In a statement made to one hel- meted Landslide reporter, Helvin said on the evening of April 1, “I have an Excedrin headache you (Continued on P. 4) All The News That's Fit To Print Setting a phenomenal record of four consecutive months on the best seller list. Mars Hill College Catalogue continues to hold the number one slot on the top ten in the fiction list. Reporting to be the offerings and requirements of a fictional college in the mythical village of Mars Hill, nestled in the smog-choked Craggy Mountains of North Carolina, Cata logue reveals the stirring passions, agonies and joys inherent In oper ating a small, church-related insti tute of higher learning according to the morals and standards of the early 18th century. Written in a straight forward, no- nonsense style, which is almost as vague as the situations it relates. Catalogue reflects the same hope less frustrations which led its au thor or authors to choose to remain anonymous. Reading like a cast from a Fellini movie, the staff and faculty of this mythical institution defy the human imagination. Per haps this lack of reality reinforces the general lack of credibility in the whole make up of the incidents which occur. The overlaying tone of the book is one of total indifference in an atmosphere of benign mistrust and hostitlity. Perhaps the only bit of feeling is portrayed in the hero of the novel, the student body. The real Importance of this little book is not in the surface situations but rather in the well-hidden mean ing which supports the theme of the small mountain institution — that is, that Victorian Ideology Is not dead but merely dormant. A sequel to this magnificent piece of literature is now being prepared in collaboration with scholars from Bob Jones University and, accord ing to the anonymous authors, will be a light unto the path for this dark world. Undoubtedly, it will match if not surpass Catalogue In sales.