iber 12, 0 t • 'i- ite game, id try to mes, also- pare rEH Mars Hill College HiUrop Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Third Class - Bulk Rate Mars Hill, N. C. 28754 Permit #2 XLV No. 3 MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA Saturday, September 26, 1970 SGA “Magna Carta” Seeks Ratification Tuesday, Sept. 15, the Student On ''^''nment Association Senate con- and unanimousiy voted to ac- recommend to the student “y a new constitution. The '963 was drawn up ''y the administration to serve Stud coiiege’s first ®nt Government Association. i,y^p'^°''ding to SGA President Dan- Ijj and Vice-President Lake Ei- 9ove^* 'hfee branches of student tnment receive through the pro- lifv. ° 'constitution a ciearer defini- powers. 30 the constitution wiii be Pg|. by the student body. Ten of the student body must tion. ''' order to vaiidate the eiec- , thirds pre in of that percentage be» Th, in favor of the proposed in order to ratify it. Se^.” ^Constitution, as approved by ®’ is as foiiows; Si ®nt Government Association Constitution We the students of Mars sigd °iiege, in order to promote self-government and student unity, and to insure both the rights and .responsibilities of the students of Mars Hiii College, do ordain and establish this constitution of the Stu dent Government Association of Mars Hili Coiiege. Article 1—Name and Membership Section 1. The name of this organi zation shall be the Student Govern ment Association of Mars Hill Col lege. Section 2. The membership shall be composed of all students enrolled at Mars Hill College. Article II—Supremacy Section 1. This organization shall do all that is possible to achieve re presentation of all students at Mars Hill College. Section 2. This organization shall understand that the President of the College and the Board of Trustees have ultimate authority in all matters governing Mars Hill College. Article III—Powers Section 1. The student body of Mars Hill College shall be governed by three branches: Executive, Legis lative, and the Judicial. %kendall Resigns Editorial Post; ^3ldwin Accepts Hilltop Position Article IV—^The Executive Section 1. The executive branch shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Cabinet. Section 2. The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be nominated, by petitioning, from the student body at-large. Section 3. All members of the Exe cutive branch shall have a 2.0 aver age. Section 4. Duties of President. A. To preside at meeting of Stu dent Senate and Assemblies. B. To preside over meetings of the Freshmen class until their of ficers are elected. C. To correlate the activities of the Student Government Associa tion with the Faculty, Adminis tration, and Board of Trustees. D. To appoint all senate commit tees and ad hoc committees. E. To perform all other duties deemed necessary by the three branches of Student Government. F. To preside over Student Court. kuykendall resigned last 3ii(j I®® ®ditor-in-chief of the Hilltop Po5l(i '^*^3 Baldwin, who held the 1970 °'' 1968-1969 and 1969- by I'eappointed to the post advisor Walter Smith. 9teiy 'Change was effective immedi- Tfirrv tiorij ' ® sophomore from Rich- 3hig(' was appointed editor-in- spring when Linda de- ^ year in the job. He 3dit(jr managing “rgagl '"ing the 1969-1970 year. He the current staff at the 3d the semester and guid- Pablication of the first two '3 pf this academic year. Terry " ^®6ntly Treasurer of the Stu ll G Ta.„°''®''hment Association. 'V will remain on the Hilltop 3dpg(,|^ Research Editor. In this ' he will be responsible for covering stories which demand ex tensive investigation such as basic environmental problems at Mars Hill College. Asked about his decision to resign, Terry said, “I feel that students here at Mars Hill are entitled to the best student newspaper that can be of fered. I feel that in my new position as Research Editor I will be able to offer students a perspective of Mars Hill not encompassed thus far by the paper.” Linda, a senior from West Colum bia, S. C., accepted a position last spring as student coordinator for the 1970 Summer Resource Development Program of the Community Develop ment Institute. That program, which sponsored summer interships for 50 students in agencies concerned with social or economic development, officially terminates Oct. 1. Linda '3 Churches “Cop In” To Needs thg^ 'ihurches seek to minister '3* Mai'S Hill College "ladg Often times students have ''i'ovv"y°®*® information and do not Ihoi church can best minister iflf. at Individual personalities. So lortp * '^^'1 he better determined, Hgfgi '3n has been collected about L 'Churches hoping that It will Mgf, 'Plul. ^3hpQ| Baptist—offers a Sunday rt°"®9e specifically for the (j ®*®'l6nts. Because all stu- 1°' arg° have the same interests on the same level of 3ra., ' ® choice of classes Is of- are classes in Current P the Uniform lesson (taken from new Southern Baptist Conven tion material for college students) and in other areas. At 9:30 A.M. cof fee and donuts are served, and at 9:45 Sunday School begins. On Sunday nights at 7:15 P.M. Baptist Student Fellowship offers students the opportunity to discuss, think, play, worship and serve. "Adopt A Grandparent” is one of the main projects this semester, (See related story in File 34), in which a college student “adopts” an elderly person from the community to visit and help in any way he can. The morning worship at 11:00 (Cont. on page Three) has resigned all official responsibili ties with CDI as of that date. Linda plans to lead a journalism workshop for the entire Hilltop staff, beginning Wednesday, Sept. 30. Workshop topics, which will be dis cussed in seminar fashion, include guidelines for effective reporting, mechanics of layout, staff organiza tion and responsibilities, and the role and potential of collegiate journ alism. When questioned about leaving CDI, Linda said, “The Community Development Institute is a tremend ous asset to this college. It has proved itself worthy of support through its many successes in pro viding needed services to the people of western North Carolina through the efforts of MHC students. Since I first accepted the position as coor dinator for the 1970 summer intern ship program, there has been a poem by Yael Dayan on the door to my office. The last part of the poem reads, ‘I never thought of tying my future to this newness; I knew I would take the road back one day, but perhaps carrying with me a particle of the night’s silence, or the day’s honesty.’ In terms of my own experience with CDI, I have fulfilled the idea of the poem. Being away from the Hilltop for several months has sharpened my perception of the paper and its responsibilities. I’m looking forward to working with the staff for the remainder of the year.” Other editorial positions on the Hilltop staff include: Laine Calloway, Managing Editor; Gary Singleton, Feature Editor; and Frank Farrell, Sports Editor. Section 5. Duties of the Vice Presi dent. A. Preside in the absence of the President. B. Serve as President of the Hous ing Council. C. To perform all other duties deemed necessary by the President or the Legislative Branch of the S. G. A. D. Preside over Commission Court. Section 6. Duties of the Secretary A. To maintain accurate minutes of the meetings of the Student Senate and Assembly. B. To publicize all decisions of Student Government. C. To post election results. D. To perform all other duties deemed necessary by the President and the Legislative Branch. Section 7. Duties of the Treasurer A. Shall keep an accurate account of the funds of the Student Govern ment Association. B. Shall perform those duties deemed necessary by the President and the Legislative Branch. C. Shall serve as chairman of Financial Committee. D. Present record to College Busi ness Manager annually for auditing. Section 8. The President’s Cabinet shall advise the Student Government Association, through the President, on those matters pertaining to the students of Mars Hill College. The membership shall be: Presi dent of Student Government Associ ation, President of Day Students, two Senators appointed by the Presi dent, two members of the Housing Council appointed by the Vice Presi dent, and the chairmans of the acti vity, and long range planning com mittees. Section 9. The term of office of the Executive Branch shall be from their installation before April 15 until their successors are installed. Section 10. Installation shall be public on or before April 15 of each year. Article V — The Legislative Section 1. The legislative powers of the student body rest with the stu dent Senate. A. Composition 1. The Senate shall be com posed of the President of each class and the Day Students, the four S. G. A. officers, (5) Senior Senators, (4) Junior, (3) Soph omores, (2) Freshman, elected by and from their respective classes, both sexes shall be re presented from each class. 2. Advisory members (1) facul ty advisor elected by the Senate and a parliamentarian appointed by the President. Neither shall have a vote. B. Qualifications 1. All upperclass candidates must have a “C” average and be free from any social penal ties of Mars Hill College. 2. Freshmen candidates shall be elected immediately after mid term examination in the fall semester, and shall have no more than one delinquency. (Cont. on P. 3) Rodney Johnson, apparent supporter o( the “ban the bra" look, captured the 1971 Miss American title In the pageant recently sponsored by Sigma Alpha Chi.

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