JL page MWF MWF MWF Manske MansW Holtkai”!’ Holtkai”!’ bnor System Appraised by Student Affairs Council Edye Edye Therrelli Wright Therrell' SS.t* WalWti Wright Outtae Outiah Therrell’ Moser Waikeh Moser God^'h’]!: Godwih’ 1? Lynch BaughjJI Baughr"? Cheek’ r hlans and Poiicies Committee lad its recommentdations for MHC Honor Code. This pro- ^ Code has already been ^ by the faculty and student ® and seeks final ratification Student Affairs Council. Honor Code. ’* Honor System is the means ^^Ir which the Student Body f's to achieve the ethical goals in its Honor Code. Ac- ! 9 to this code, lying, cheating, ttealing are dishonorable. In this code, the student , abstain from violations and , Wth violators according to '’I'rirements of Section 4 of the System. This is not a system abolishes lying, cheating, and 3’ but one which puts each on and honor which transcends rules and regulation. Our commitment to basic principles of honesty, rather than rules, is our guide. Section II Pledge When a student applies for admis sion to Mars Hill College, he shall sign a statement pledging himself to support and abide by the Honor System, if accepted as a student. Upon his initial enrollment, the stu dent will sign a pledge thereto. his honor to support a hment that does not tol- , things. This system IS ruies and regulations, but Klnna^“ Kinna""^ Gray j Cheek; ‘ •hatter of personal integrity Section III Definitions The Honor System will be applica ble to all cases of lying, cheating and stealing. A. Lying refers to willfully and knowingly giving false information, either written or oral, to students, college officials, or faculty members. B. Cheating is using information not allowed by the instructor or re ceiving credit for work that is not one’s own. Exampies would be; Giv ing or receiving aid on tests; copy ing term papers, assignments, es says, or book reviews and claiming them as one’s own work; removing and/or copying test questions from office files. C. Stealing is the unauthorized taking of the property of another and/or the knowing possession of stolen property. Section IV Enforcement The enforcement poiicies of the Honor System will be conducted ac cording to the following principles: A. Each student and faculty mem ber is personally responsible for en forcing the Honor System. B. Any faculty member or student who sees a violation has several prerogatives: 1. He may contact the student and discuss the incident with him per sonally. 2. If he does not wish to contact the student personaily, he may ask a member of the Fact Finding Com mission of SGA to speak to the individual. 3. He may file a formal complaint with the Attorney General or the Dean of Students in this manner. When a student (or faculty member) sees or is aware of a vioiation of the Honor Code, he may report with in one week of discovery this viola tion and the name of the violator to the Attorney General or the Dean of Students. Within the next twenty- four hours, the Attorney General will go to the accused and Inform him In writing of the accusation, explaining to him the trial procedures as out lined in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Student Government Associa tion of Mars Hill College. Evidence concerning the alledged violation will be heard by the Honor Court as sub mitted by the Fact Finding Commis sion within six school days after the accused has been informed of the accusation. The accused will always have full right of appeal. Section V A. Fact Finding Commission. This Commission shall be composed of two students selected by the Senate, two faculty members elected by the faculty, and a student chairman selected by the President of SGA and approved by the Senate. B. Honor Court. It shall hear only cases dealing with this Honor System (except those cases dealt with by Civil Court). The Court shall be composed of: four students selected by the Judicial Council (SGA Constitution, Article 6, Section 6) from applicants from the entire student body; three faculty members selected by the faculty. The seven members shall choose one of their members as Chief Justice. The Justices shall serve for a one-year term. Appeals. All appeals from Honor Court shall be heard by the College Appeals Board (Article 6, Section 4, SGA Constitution). Bau9' Hole® Hole® cooperation jolle/ Kel9«' ^No.;y^ sS Keis®; Keis® Mars Hill College communication understanding progress. MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA Saturday, January 30, 1971 loted Alumnus To Head HoW® Howe Hovk® Linda Baldwin and Nni Woe® celebration of ,, , Hocus Week begins Mon- ,C‘^9 with a welcome party in tor Dr. Raiph Langley, ^9elist. Dr. Langley, alum- Hill and Baylor, has around the Kog® Phlill?! r walk®' Ken® gievi® ivi®. jeo tf'f- 1,09' Christian Focus Week Poll Probes Student Attitudes ®van ^ars j extensively •t. is a noted speaker on ®arnpuses across this coun cil! ®Peak in chapel next Tues- ii|j Thursday and will lead Services next Tuesday, Thursday evenings ■ k\uditorium, beginning at ?. . each night. Mr. Ron Aiex- i*'^®tessional church musician Isho 1.1- Or soloist, will provide for each service, aid- \ P'^os Week choir comprised 'u I In October Mr. Dave Halferty’s Sociology 331, "Social Values and Social Structures” class, conducted a random survey of MHC students to determine some definite ideas about their backgrounds, goals, knowledge of MHC affairs, and opin ions of their organizations. The sur vey was conducted in cooperation with Mr. Bob Knott, Director of In stitutional Research, who advised as to the technical aspects of computing the solicited information. The results of the survey are: IDENTIFICATICN NUMBER SEX: 1) Male 57% 2) Female 43% AGE: old or younger 2% students. Mr. Alexander Dr. Langley of Mrs. Gayle Gooch ‘.''Hi r . ... w ^ j the English department. to Mr. Bob Melvin, Col- >li V to the purpose of Focus present possibilities for "'9 °t one’s own personal V®Pt ■ . to Christ and one’s own N ...9 of Christian joy. The i/stijj. tie, at the request of "c.. 6nts. much more evan- 1 V th ■ * Has been the case In lof Co-chairmen respon- W. He week’s activities are ^Hd Clyde "Soupy” Camp- la, ^>ley. children, is pastor of married and the ft ®®Pows Baptist Church in HI® ts co-author of A former BSU presl- at Baylor, Dr. Lang- ® Include being a mem ber of the Program Coordinating Committee of Baptist General Con vention of Texas, a former member of the Board of Trustees of Memorial Baptist Hospital in Houston, and member of a White House confer ence on civil rights sponsored by the late President Kennedy. Travels made by Dr. Langley in clude a 1965 trip to Honduras with 50 members of his church on a historic medical missions expedition to help Immunize nearly a half-mil lion Hondureans. Students who are interested in sharing In informal discussion with Dr. Langley are invited to participate In dorm sessions Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Dr. Langley will be available for personal confer ences during the afternoons. 1) 17 years 2) 18 25% 3) 19 21% 4) 20 23% 5) 21 18% 6) 22 4% 7) 23 2% 8) 24 2% 9) 25 or older 1% CLASS: 1) Freshman 29% 2) Sophomores 26% 3) Junior 24% 4) Senior 21% 5) No Answer 0% FATHER’S OCCUPATION: 1) Professional 23% 2) White Collar 38% 3) Blue Collar 25% 4) Retired 1% 5) Disabled 2% 6) Deceased 7% 7) Others 1% 8) No Answer 3% MOTHER’S OCCUPATION: 1) Professional 7% 2) White Collar 27% 3) Blue Collar 18% 4) Retired 0% 5) Disabled 0% 6) Deceased 2% 7) Other 1% 8) No Answer 2% RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE; 1) Methodist 9% 2) Presbyterian 8% 3) Baptist 66% 4) Catholic 3% 5) Episcopai 2% 6) Jewish 0% 7) Lutheran 2% 8) No Preference 7% 9) No Answer 3% SELF IMAGE; 1) Conservative 16% 2) Moderate 58% 3) Liberal 26% HEARD OF SCHOOL: 1) School 31% 2) Family 26% Religion 7% Friends 25% 5) Other 9% 6) No Answer 1% 3) 4) DRUGS AT MHC: 1) Non-existant 2% 2) Exists, but not a problem 77% 3) Serious problem 20% 4) No Answer 1 % RESTRICTION ON DRUGS: 1) College should control yoiir behavior 20% 2) Individual should control his behavior 77% 3) No Answer 3% DO YOU SMOKE: 1) Not at all 54% 2) Occasionally 21% 3) Regularly 23% 4) No Answer 2% DO YOU DRINK BEER: 1) Not at all 42% 2) Occasionally 42% 3) Regularly 12% 4) No Answer 2% DO YOU DRINK LIQUOR: 1) Not at all 35% 2) Occasionally 52% 3) Regularly 7% 4) No Answer 5% REASON FOR COMING TO MHC: 1) Location 36% 2) Grade 12% 3) Family 11% 4) Religion 5% 5) Size 6% 6) Other 26% 7) No Answer 3% MEETS EXPECTATIONS: 1) Yes 64% 2) No 29% 3) No Answer 6% WEEKENDS OFF CAMPUS: 1) Every 20% 2) Occasionally 56% -- 3) Only at Breaks 23% 4) No Answer 1% ACTIVITIES YOU WANT: 1) Dance 45% 2) Athletics 12% 3) Culture 12% 4) Movies 8% 5) Other 21% 6) No Answer 3% IMPORTANCE OF GRADES: 1) No real value 29% 2) Job Ticket 26% 3) Important measure of learning experience 27% 4) Other 17% 5) No Answer 1% RATES MARS HILL ACADEMICALLY: (on a 1-10 basis, with 10 as ex cellent) 6) 6 9% 7) 7 21% Cent, on P.3

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