Jay, Novernb®^' Convention Passes Resolution Baptist State Convention, "S in Charlotte passed a reso- 5ubmitted by two MHC stu- ®ilowing North Carolina Bap- conscientious objector status on the grounds of prior reiigious training. The students, Brock Henry and John Mason, sub mitted the proposai on Tuesday, November 23, at 2:30 P.M. It came to a vote at 11:45 Wednesday. The vote, according to Mason, was “may be two or three to one. When asked if he was surprised by the conventions action, “to a certain extent I was surprised that the convention is as liberal as it is. I had expected them to be ultra conservative.” He went on to say that the resolution, that was ex- Have A Cool Yule, The Hilltopers Mars Hill College HiUrop MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA Thursday, December 9, 1971 i Grooves a centerfiel^^'j, Iso hit with P j 3 home ru”® on o a SI ,ugh John offensive , defensive jt numerous ' j and has hi' g his careet' P Against The Wall % r' .^thp Ken Chamlee 'Se of you who do not fre- v'® hiain floor of McConnell, 9°- '^'Sh Societies section have Upon the blank expanse on'divides the old II be countihS court from the English :k bat and Languages Lab. Be- uccesS'^, t ^ all kinds of paint, cray- Iloi^ markers and other im- of destruction, the poor Become the scrapgoat for °hs and hostilities brought ,!,■ it hg exams. Projects, paint- Posti n)(jl -‘Ors, collages and other j, BBenomena now adorn the area. The Humanities bg Buring their weekly meet- that some way should ,, oped for everyone to enjoy >iii^ lere is one P year. He I® a. round six r big galhS- , ided provic Idition to e other hie runh' determlh^ itiO'’ fljlhristmas Stocking ^o! Ho! Ho! for the ^ We'll all his teaiT'h’® fill suppo^’ ^ iproving 1^’ ,s grown the guys B a to bencB'P small adit''®__(,|f1 weight ro' pif of the compete of Treat- lep ‘s' »Un /‘Bri f.T9a, projects that their classes ®uing. The present idea Primarily the brainchild of ^ ret Verhulst. jtljg Casual observer, it appears \l , .Breat god of graffitti has linri'* Wrath upon Mars Hill. '((1 ^ ^ Comments of odd, pro- B Weird quality scrawled amidst the “mural madness.” Ran dom remarks concerning the cafe teria, Boones Farm and other epicurian adventures add to the visual college of nonsense or bril liance. Many rock oriented students found this an opportunity to air bits of wisdom from their favorite groups. You can read the hallowed words of the Moody Blues, the Rolling Stones, Jethro Tull, The Who, and other artists. Those who dream of large universities were represented too. Sentiments were expressed for the likes of LSU, Wake Forest, Alabama, Tennessee and Penn State. A series of inscriptions (epitaphs) taken from Tombstones has also appeared along with several poems, tacked up by mysterious authors. By all means, go down to McCon nell Building and see the wit ex pressed by Mars Hill students. If you feel inspired enough, contribute something yourself. Remember the words of an unknown MHC philoso pher whose choice expressions may be seen there: “When in danger, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.” ui';'', i % - 5 lai fi 1 iiilm m * rtV' /■ 1:7/ ff 'Wn A) Ken Chamlee adds his quibble to the multitude presented on the McConnell wall. Sentiments range from the ridiculous to the sublime. Human Societies sections. The wall was painted by the tensively reworded in committee, “says everything that we had wanted to say.” Henry added that the reso lution was “more iiberai and ail em bracing than the originai proposai.” Mason also said he felt the “con vention was a good convention and the meeting was a good meeting. The spirit of God moved them and you couid teii it.” This is the text of the resoiution as passed by the convention. WHEREAS, the young men of this nation have continuousiy been con fronted, since 1940, with the neces sity to respond to the cali to military service, and WHEREAS, the Federal laws per mit options with respect to military service, including provisions for registration as conscientious objec tors to war of those of draft age, and WHEREAS, Baptist bodies, includ ing the Southern Baptist Convention and the Baptist State Convention of North Caroiina have recognized that some Christian young men make a conscientious decision to enter mili tary service while others, for con science’s sake, affirm their con scientious objection to war, and elect this form of Christian witness, and WHEREAS, Baptists have sought to minister to the young men who enter service and also to the con scientious objectors, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE SOLVED That this Convention commend its Council on Christian Life and Public Affairs for the pubiication of the pamphlet “The Church’s Ministry to Youth Facing Military Service” That we urge the widespread dis tribution and use of this pamphlet as a practical aid to pastors and others who counsel, and by young men facing military service, and That we further call up ourselves and our fellow Baptists to respect the integrity of young people who conscientiously serve and those who are conscientious objectors, and That we work for a climate of compassionate acceptance without attaching a stigma to the conscien tious participant or to the consci entious objector, and Finally, that we join with ail peo ple of goodwill who work to remove the causes of war and who promote a just peace in this fateful era of human history. Claus, Ifljg^^'shed talking to my best- ea *“Barlle B. and we were Aist what we wanted 'tias. Suddenly I realized -«5s| the one we should be requests to! You tlig ^°ne around here is get- \|. ^Bristmas spirit one way 6 ^ Vou’d be really pleased. are putting their '6's decorations up early. - 3 5)i.. Bouse down the street that '■ '^9 of red lights across the Santa's Going Sleigh know what else? Rick ^Oh ''''Bo lives in that big IfSg ®o) has already cut down ■St ' Bvo of them, from Pisgah sent his friend Henry never getting anywhere. Fast-talking Bill Eary might like an SGA that doesn’t SAG. Too much flab where their guts are supposed to be. Ed Sams, critic-famous, might like a copy of “What Made Oscar Wilde.” The drama department is really in need of some actors. They are having to resort to use of faculty in productions. Oh yeah, and the Owen building could use a ghost from Blithe Spirit. The cafeteria deserves a silver platter for improvements in a disaster area. And John Buoy wants a copy of the “I Hate to Cook” cook book. He’s a good man, Santa. Dean Gehring would flip over a new Mickey Mouse coloring book. His you if you gave them a list of things to do in the Holy Lands in January. Doc Blevins would also like a copy of “Judea on Thirty Pieces of Sil ver A Day”. Doc Leininger could use some new clothes. The other day he came to Philosophy in his gym shorts. Poor Jack Willis has been up late at night working for once in his life. Please Santa show him what to do with a typewriter. As for Walter Smith, he might like a board tor communication. Terry Kuykendall is desperately trying to find a copy of “The Once And Future King” I wonder why? The library needs some books to put all those markers in. Mad Joe to China to buy some other books were burned in a fire Franklin needs a new camera. His 511 Balls. RED ones, you’re wondering what to Us here I thought I’d p a rough list. So here yi, ®y attention and you’ll do ® Sf Court really would 1 (q '^^'ve a giant kangaroo and ^fQgB'otcB. They’ve been hop- B from case to case and and he had almost finished coloring one of them. And by the way his crayons melted, you better bring some of those too. The Greeks might like a statue of Goliath. Didn’t he have rocks in his head? Jim Long would groove on the two page pamphlet...“How To Become A Baptist”. The Religion Dept, would bless Instamatic broke when he tried to make an artistic shot of the under neath of his shoe. He stepped on it. Crunch. The CSM wishes that its letters would stop changing into BSD. That would make it easier for them to change their image. The Alley Door would like some kind of gift that would change it into something more than just another hole in the alley. Renew that spirit!! A.A.R.G.H. would like some paper to continue it’s creative graffeti pro gram in the cafeteria. WMHC would like a “Fish” dinner with all the fixings. Betty Moss would like somebody to read her senate min utes. Laine Calloway might like a Mickey Mouse watch. John McNutt would like to go through one week without falling asleep in class. I’m sure the Freshman class is looking for a way out. ■ Ralph Nadar doesn’t want anything. Rent-a-Cop wants an autographed picture of Frank Rizzo. Kae Sherrill would like something to say, other than “Far Out” in Leiningers class. Mars Hill could definitely use another horse... just to raise the towns status. Miss Snelson would like a copy of “the King and I”. Dr. Hoffman could use a lemon with 4-1-4 inscribed on it. The Hilltop might like a staff every now and then. Betty Jolley would look super great in a shag wig. And “Doc” Jolley could use some road maps. Miss Bierbaum needs an electric cake cutter. The NSF’ers, past and hopefully present, would like some clean air and also $19,000. Karen Cummings wants a Give-A-Show projector that turns itself on by itself. My friend Charlie B. especially wants you to bring George Peery an “Inquirer of the Year” award. And also a guide to understanding Capricorns that blush constantly. As for gifts to bring Charlie B, bring these: one chocolate pound cake, a dictionary that spells “facetious” and pronounces it, a living breathing swimming goldfish, some more pro tein, a chili dog and a picture of “little jimmy”. To “Doc” Bentley I suggest a new rag to clean his car with and a 14 carat button that says “I AM THE PRESIDENT”. Now Santa, these next gifts are super important so don’t forget them. Please bring to Sharon Ziglar one fantastic wedding, an even better honeymoon and happiness forever. And please Santa, as you are pass ing over South Carolina, stop and give that nice lady named Myrt a hug and a kiss. Love, Little Harvey Hilltop

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