I S: \ A - • Of his 15 •riiit Fs ) 5-2 with wl''® 5set v(^ctory create dreams ^ 1 reached such h® irth place in nged two coni® ifter this and College Hill getting inW' UliC C and lost to - ■ at Chamboi'® le, S. C. Other > na, Newberryp year of fhc politician ollege. ct, are in a n could go hot I doWfl Irit for ®!, e plays'^®,, both of he better ® defense' >9°. *'’11,1 i I said n" 1 e of th® ‘ jtched •ds down In the by any stujj, id, must be j present wh« it is done P' I'^i-^rsc / u/irib riQvei y~/^E-flSUR£R ~ ^roq^ luf le \^H/EF J'UST/CE -frank farrell 3r Colieg®' C-A, Erskih®’ » your s.g.a. o-F-Ti'cers 191^-^3 ^^RE5/J)E/^T ~ ierrj kuykendall ^/C£ VRESIDENT" duane cook ’^ECRETRRY " chns navei '■frorit. iuMv>,N ^PRRRER- UJOMENS ' 6.^ UJoison ^!^ERHER- /lENS ~ doMe gosperson ^opAo/n.6^re ■ /yd / Ro/eF}' l/fc^ president /t'h rr P/c'SSe//- Secretary ! P)eed/s //rderser - Tneeserer eSbe f/rtryer Yarn/ Pite- SMfR /Je/sorj Rits tprper SwJrn Uirner OiMe Paaenforf class officers '75-'73 S)(S.ruor '7/iaY Stram — 'E/ie s/rte/?/ /9far/ Pta/)P - l//cty 7tesi(/s^ Ory - Secretary EJdre. Sr/J7/ro/?s — tnee^crer S^nhtors ^e^66iC' SoocAf //cr? ZJ&hmSte-ue-ns J)a,crtrt EY/c ZTa/j Syar/fs ZTuncor S)ac/'/rt /Pi/(tcre// - Ahfs/rtnt ^ Sr/ Sa/r?5 - l//ce. Prestr/ent v ^ . fW) Cdam/ee 7^rur^Dfr rrr - Serret^t //e/erty Ype - yreaec/rer RrSerr t'rK //JartAr Sanr/erS 2)rLr/ere Sto/fty