id "DracuJ 27 D-27 Volume XLVII, No. 6 J'lARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA Friday, Novenber 10, 1972 ixandra"; •day and Oct. Oct. 23-2; n of Scot! L shows al ’s explanatioH^i of months- .e it also as*^ asizes the f®* )owerto cr®* lecrease as . 3ht this feelf: )f the most slaves of lan. Like ner of the P' ’ini cpting, president of APO and brother Bruce Woocfy- display certificate honoring five years service. APO Receives Service Award talking -bl®^ ^pha Phi Omega *®cently received a ®rtificate for five ^®ars of faithful . ^ce from their y tional office in ^as City, Mo. The jvard was given to Epting, president k the MHC chapter, g^Mr. Bob Davis,’ ‘Airman of the sec- jj^al chapters com- of Western Car- uncA, Mars The national service fraternity has been quite active in community oriented projects. Their pri- maiy fund-raising project of last year was the Rock-A-Thon, which earned nearly $2,200 for Easter Seals. APO is al ready planning a similar project for the first weekend in March. Various other projects in store 'for •APO include a party for the Orthonedic fres, Tuttle Answer^ Accusation h .The new vice- .j^^^ident of the stu- pif't body, Larry chaired his k^"^t Senate meeting te'^ay, Oct. 23. Af- he and Chief Jus- John Howes were ^/tailed by Pres- Cook, the Sen- moved onto new ^^Ress. The most debate- ® issue of the was the pro posal to ask Treas urer liattle to pre sent a conprehensive treasurer's report to the Senate on Nov. 13, 1972. The report would include a re cord of all money spent and every check written from April 9, 1972 through Nov. 13, 1972. The finance committee, Pat White and Jan Sparks, will help Treasurer Tuttle SKL & SAX Placed On Probation Children's Home in •Asheville; distribu tion of Thanksgiving baskets; and a party at Christmas for an Orphanage in Hot Springs. The local chapter is also ac tive in various as pects of area scout ing. The Mars Hill chapter of Alpha Phi Omega consists of 30 members, having as their main goal the service of others. in conpiling the re port. There was ob jection of the bill since Treasurer Tiit tie was not there and the bill directly concerned him. Yet there was a strong feeling that the com prehensive report was a necessary step, so the proposal was passed. S.G.A. must submit a budget in Novenber and will be alloted money for budget from student tuition and fees. The Cafeteria Conmittee was estab lished to handle stu dents- conplaints and suggest improvements to John Bucy about the cafeteria. Two Mars Hill Col lege organizations, Sigma Alpha Chi Soro rity and Sigma Kappa Lambda Fraternity have been placed on social probation as the afteimath of a party they co-spon sored on Oct. 21, The two were charged with the possession and use of alcoholic beverages at a col lege sponsored event and disorderly con duct. They were in violation of items J and G respectfully of the code of stu- ' dent conduct. Both organizations were given social probation until the end of January 1973 This means that they can hold no social functions or partici pate in any extra curricular activi ties , such as spon soring dances or par ties or participating in intramurals. How ever they were not limited concerning their ability to have money-making projects SAC and SKL both opted to haA^ their cases heard by Dr. Gehring, Dean of Stu dent Development, rather than by Stu dent Court. The cases have lead to much discussion as to what constitutes a school sponsored event. There has been suposition that since the site of the party was rented in the name of an indi vidual rather than either of the organi zations that it was not a college spon sored event. How ever , the counter ar- guement has been- given that since Witten invitations indicating the organ ization's name were sent to alumni, and the party was paid for out of the trea sury's of the two groups that it wa^ a college sponsored' event. Furthermore, if any organization is recognized and sponsored by the col lege then any event that they are associ ated with is a col lege sponsored event. The Mars Hill College Fellowship of Chris tian Athletes has started a drive to clean up the Mars Hill College Campus. We urge all clubs,^ organizations, faculty members, and students to help in this drive. So got a bag L'rom any F.C.A. mem ber and help keep our canpus beautiful.

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