0, 1972 on L both per se Dylan, which his a- juately l£-ex- Lthou^ jnqjlain ne and Its re- riXy o£ return was an 5 con- ISHING Volume XI.VII, No. 7 Mars Hill, North Carolina I'^fondav, November 20, 1972 Who’s Who Selected For ’72 TVenty- £our TO . Hill College Seniors have been accepted £or in clusion in Who's ^Qng Students 3^1 American Col leges and Ihiver- ^ties ■ 'These students were cho sen by a committee Consisting o£ £i£- teen students and £ive £aculty mem bers , Nominations £or this honor were based on the s tudents partic ipation and lead ership in academic and extracurricu lar activities; citizenship and service to the school; promise o£ £uture Usefulness; and acceptable scholarship. The choices were: Bobbie Bee ler-head cheer leader, Deborah Bouchillon-- sena tor, Norman Car ter - photographer, Je££ Davis- star £ootball player, Jim Epting-Presi- dent o£ APO, and Frank Farrell- chie£ iustice , o£ SGA. Kay Gregory- editor o£ Cadenza, Ken Gregory=First President o£ CSM, Jane Irwin - head cheerleader ( '71), Ben Jolley - college marshal, Terry Kuyken dall- President o£ SGA and Millibet Mein- NSF project, 1971 Dennis ^tyers col lege recruiter, Joy Rhodes - president o£ CSM, Paul Richardson - head college marshal —^Turn to Page Five Miss Laurel Chosen // The eighth annual ^iss Laurel pageant held last Tuesday ^ight. the various '^orms and classes '^fire represented by fifteen girls who displayed for the ^^dience a varied ar- of talent, and “Sauty. The competition, Posted by Mr. Harrell ^ob Knott ^eriou^ly III Bob Knott, £or- Director o£ ^Bstitutional Re- ?®arch here at Hill, and now ^tudying at the ^^ate University New York at “^ffalo is recov- ®ting £rom a very ®tious case o£ ^Ppendicitis. Bob operated on ast Friday, and / making a satis- ^ctory re cove ry. . Bob's home ad- ,^®ss (£or those ^0 might wish to .^Bd him a card) Apartment 5, ■jyBrose Drive, i^awanda. New York ^^ISO. Wood was divided into three categories. Talent was judged fifty percent; eve ning gown talent twenty five percent and street clothes twenty five percent. The Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonians opened the pageant along with the contestants sing ing a festive ren dition of "Are you From Dixie." The Sinfonians also offered invaluable assistance in staging and lighting during the pageant. The 1972-73 Miss Laurel is Susan Marshal. Susan's talent, a piece by Chopin, was scored highest. First run ner-up was Pam Polk, second runner-up, Jennifer Sims and the remaining finalists were Sheryl Davis and Pam Smith. The pageant was directed by Nancy Buchanan, Kent Gall and Mike Dickson. —^Tum to Page five ‘ * li'y B,! ‘ I d c.nt A ‘.'t Wj, Fmuk nii"* ii'.l ■ , ; • Hilin IBiAAleton iw . .-I'i -I*}- „ R.A.'s Farrell, Usery, Caldivellr and Middleton. Freshmen Elect Leaders ifp ^ Wednesday, Nov- ^l>ber 15, saw the ^^^ond election in j, many weeks at Hill. The ^®ction of fresh- class officers approximately same response in terms of voter participation. Roughly fifty-five percent of the freshman, class voted, but the re sults of the elec tion proved only partially decis ive. Rhonda Price will Elected as handle the corres- freshman senators pondence and were Jean Barton,, Angela Bryant has Daniel Christian, been entrusted Charlene Hess, Val with the class McNabb, Sarah funds. Traylor and ^Keith However, the Wigglesworth. Susan Marshall Resident Hall Duty Systemized Do you ' have problems, ques tions, emergen cies or just want someone to talk with? The hew system of resident assistant coverage on the weekends, for the men's halls may help you. The duty system provides one or two resi dent assistants and a resident counselor in the two men's areas for the weekend. This duty runs from Friday night at 7:00 p.m. to Sunday noon. The two areas men tioned are the men's hill with Gibson, Myers. Brown and Melrose and the area around the admin istration • building where Treat and Spillman are lo cated. To iden- —Turn To Page Five