Page Six Till- ;LVRS illLL COLLEGE HILLTOP Friday, - February 23, 19 ^^iday, 1 English Opportunities Financial Aid Available ACROSS 1 Grassland Students are ur gently invited to help in archaeologi cal excavations in England this sununer. Deadline for applica tions is April 1. City center rede velopment, new road building programs and rapidly changing land use are threatening the disappearance of prehistoric graves. Iron-age settlements, Roman villas, fascin ating relics of med ieval towns, all over Britain. American students free from mid-May, and with previous ar chaeological experi- Excliange. Six acad emic credits can be earned from partici pating in this low- cost program which ends by three weeks participation on digs in different parts of England and Scotland. These include the Association's own mesolithic dig on the island of Oron.say in the Hebrides which last summer was vis ited by Queen Eliza beth, ence, are invited to join an international team on a dig of the important Anglo-Saxon site at Spong Hill where the 1973 exca vation hopes to find new evidence of tlie early pagan settle ments. Experienced helpers will receive free board for help ing in this important work. Similar help is also required on work on a medieval manor near Chester. Other students without experience are invited to join British Archaeology Seminar at Lincoln College, Oxford, or ganized by the Asso ciation for Cultural MHC GETS GRAkNT Cont. from pg. 1 ing the academic guidelines of the new program. The stu dents will not only apply what they have learned in class but will learn even more on the job. Dr. An derson commented that he "thinks a student learns more by super vised v7ork outside of class." The funding begins Jul> 1, 1973 and con tinues till June 30, 1974. The new pro gram offers a degree in sociology and is open to interested freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. If you are inter ested, contact Don Anderson or Ken San- chagrin. Let's Discuss Leather and Suede Cleaning! Swannonoa Cleaners, your Ram leather care dealer, has the speciol Suede-Life process which protects the beauty of your garment and insures its longer wear. Swannanoa is a leather and suede specialist who uses Suede- Life technology to restore your garment to its original quality through scientific cleaning that retains the natural oils and color. Take your fine leathers and suedes to any of Swan nanoa Cleaners' 5 convenient locations. { Swm V r/r, Swannanoa anrs by Frank Farrell h'ee.d money? V7or- ried about next se mester's tuition? Now's your chance to rid yourself of some of those problems. Mr. David 1 la thews, Director of Financial Aid, announced that applications are be ing accepted for many scholarships for next year. Among these are the Dean's scholar ships. Fifty of these will be awarded ranging from $200 to $500. Other scholar ships include the $300 Taylor debating scholarship, the $500 Brazil pre-medical scholarship (for a rising senior) and the $750 Ella Pierce scholarship for .an outstanding English major. Students in terested in these scholarships should contact the related department chairman. Several scholar ships offered by Al umni chapters, mostly of $500 are also a- vailable. Mr. Mathews stated that federal aid to students was still in question since action was pending in Con gress. However, he said that the college work study program would continue at the , present level. The weekend of March 15, 16, 17 is scholarship weekend for freshman and transfer students. D uring this weekend they will visit the campus for auditions and to be interviewed for possible scholar- H I UL, TLO-Risr s oon as possible Information can o btained from 1 Mathews in the admin istration building 4.1.4 Studied Mr. Mathews s tressed that those returning students applying for scholar ships should do so as • Four committees are studying the 4-1- 4 curriculum and its effectiveness at Mars Kill College. The four committees are headed by Page Lee, Dr. David DeVries, Joe Schubert, and Ed Shields. They are presently reviewing the general core stu dies which are of fered and the part that each course noids in relation the ten competencie that were establishc last summer. Xhe coramittc meets together one a week and they ai preparing a series proposals for presei ration this comi fall to the facul workshop. DEAN'S UST Cont. from pg. 5 Robert; Turner, Gie grin, Mary Wallace; Sanders, Martha Grace; Sanderson, Ma ry McGaha; Shelton, Louise; Sherrill, Sa rah Katherine; Shore, Susan Threatt; Smith, Debra Hutchison; Smith, Joseph Kiplan; Snyder, Michael Gene; Sparks, Jan Carol; Spivey, Kathy Carol; St. Clair, Harry Neil, Stokes, Jo Anne; S troud, Paul Thomas; Stultz, Doro thy Carol; Summers, Mary Elizabeth; Ted der , Ronald McRae; Thrash, Henry Lee, III; Tintle, Andrew Jackson; Turnet Juanita Marilyn; U® ery, Terry Alan; Vat ner, Sandra Eliz^ beth; Walker, Ginil Elizabeth; Walket Martha Gail; Walli® Pamela Diane; War** Patricia ColleeH Ward, Patricia Le« Watson, Debra KaJ Wellborne, Geoti Daniel; White, MarJ Mac; White, Patric* Catherine; Wbit^ Teresa Joy; Wilsoi' James Martin; WilsO" Jessie Ruth; WyaC^ >Iargaret Elaii'^ Yates, Mary Frai'*‘ Strom, Samuel Thad> 7 Perniciou 11 Measure 15 Bread am dish 21 Exempt 22 Spanish painter 23 Unfledge 24 Chaplet 25 Neon syn 26 Vehicle 27 Wrestlers 29 Spigot 30 Three-to( sloth 31 Jardinien 33 Waif 35 Hindu cy 36 Irish cout 38 Expert 39 Shield ^1 Always: poetic ^2 Turkish c 44 Gods: La 45 King of b 46 Canopies 48 Drinking vessel 60 Supervis 62 Little rinc 64 Separate 66 Beg 69 Develop 61 Outer 62 Excrete 66 Awry 67 Discipline 69 Wild buf ^1 Italian Prince r 2 m Two Points / /Debbie Young appears to be headed for the // basket during ^ trampoline exhibition at ' halftime of a basketball S^me in Chambers ^3^ c 5 Convenient Loeotiona in Asheville /ffgrjflil/ ^ Sjf- Shoe Shop jilicane I GREAT '7/^'",*aSERyiCE lUHYirTE* 4* Channel tKit eiecTJtourtCi upptf m«U dny i ^t>ec'i ^ooki