Vol. XLVIII No. 5 Mars Hill, North Carolina Monday, December 10, 1973 SGA HOSTS THREE NEW OFFICERS ary er Let's urals LS [ay and le dates ! Inter- .1 Play- the top .1 enter !. Mon feature le Hill rs. Pika md Mama 8-1 vs. ;e, 7-2. lost the bh games Lonship. 2 in the tfas pi followed gh 4-5, -5 ( tie lace) , 2-7 and e bottom and G- 0-8. ion in volley- basket- doubleS 11 begin 19. In- sketball ow being 1 organ- luld have s in to il Office liristmaS Ben Sprouse Two new officers to the SGA have taken office and a third will be sworn in after Christmas break. These are Susan Perry Brenda Hale, and Rick West. Susan Perry, a junior from Raleigh, N. C., is now serving as SGA Treasurer. Susan is an ele mentary education major and is presently doing her internship "'ith the 5th grade at Glenn- Arden Elementary School. Be fore becoming SGA Treasurer, Susan served as junior class sena tor, intern treasurer, and house council member. Brenda Hale, a junior from Hgerville, S. C., is our new SGA Secretary. Brenda, a history major Freshmen hy Jonathan Riddle The Freshman class has just recently elected officers for the 1973-1974 school year. These r'cw officers, bringing with ihem the enthusiasm of the class fhey represent, hope to add •resh ideas to the business of ^udent government at Mars Hill, fhey are: Steve Yacobi, presi dent; Benny Sprouse, vice-presi dent; Patty Mills, secretary; and Lillian Lightsey, treasurer. Steve, a political science major from Greenville, S. C., has hopes of going to law school in the fu- Tet, he also has goals for he present, especially in regard o the role Freshmen will play in student government. First of all, e hopes to be instrumental in the oitg range idea of liberalizing ?ocial policies at Mars Hill. More •rnportant though, his goal is to Set Freshmen involved in student has high hopes of attending graduate school and becoming a high school teacher. Brenda was class president in high school and has worked with several student subcommittees. Due to the graduation of Frog Howes, Rick West will undertake the duties of Chief Justice after the holiday break. Rick, a junior and a biology major, is from Marble, N. C. Rick has served as a justice for three years. Rick, himself feels that his past ex perience will play a vital role as he undergoes his new duties. The Hilltop Staff, along with the student body, extend to these new officers the hardiest wishes for success as they step into the spot-light of leadership. Rick West - Chief Justice Brenda Hale - Secretary elect new officers government, believing that once the spirit of cooperation starts in the Freshman class it can continue throughout the three succeeding years at Mars Hill. Benny, an accounting major from Forest City, N. C., hopes to further his education at the seminary, eventually working through the Southern Baptist Convention’s financial services or simply becoming a missionary. Benny enjoys working with people, as shown by his rank of Eagle Scout, and hopes to play an important part in helping the Freshman class become a strong unit in all phases of academic and social life. Patti, a political science major from Fort Mill, S. C., has high ambitions in the field of politics. In fact, she hopes one day to be come governor of her home state. South Carolina. Patti knows no strangers because she loves to meet all sorts of people. Her goal, as secretary is to help make it known that there is a Freshman class by helping all its members get involved in student affairs. Lillian, a double major in Art and Home Economics from Green wood, S. C., hopes someday to become an interior decorator. Lillian is a lover of people, truly interested in all the members of the Freshman class. Her goal, as treasurer, is to help bring every body closer together through school spirit. All these officers are concerned about the wishes of the students they represent. They are pledged to making their government more responsive to those wishes and more effective as an instrument of progressive change on the campus. The staff of the Hill top welcomes them. When You Wish Upon a Star Marcia Cope So far in this century, there “''e been very few spectacular ^oniets. Comet Kohautek, of- ically called 1973F, will be cross- "8 the earths’ orbit during the ^nstmas season. Scientists ready know a considerable ^Wount about Kohoutek and its nuiy. -phe comentary nucleus li ®*'*rially alot of frozen gas, a Water, possibly some complex ydrocarbons, but mostly methane rn 1, with small bits of r:k and dust. Combined, the eus is probably only a few ' across and weighs, perhaps, ® trillion tons. Generally, these big space int^ hang together in V space about midway Q "'een our sun and Alpha ^ntauri, recently named Oorts to°K^ Since Oort doesn’t seem sid ^ anywhere, it is con- system. cb awhile, one of the icy and f ^ cloud falls towards the sun. Solar radiation melts the ice, liberating the frozen dust and hydrogen gas which the solar wind blows backward forming the bright tail, millions of miles long. Kohautek will make its closest approach to the earth on Januaiy 15. The best viewing time will be January 10-20. Until New Years, Kohoutek can be seen near the horizon in the southeast sky before dawn; then in the west near the horizon after sunset. Kohoutek provides a host of interpretations on almost every Susan Perry - Treasurer Exam Schedule Class Exam time time Tues. Dec. 11 3:00 8:30 11:00 2:30 Wed. Dec. 12 10:00 8:30 2:00 2:30 Thurs. Dec. 13 9:00 8:30 1:00 2:30 Fri. Dec. 14 8:00 8:30 12:00 2:30 Sat. Dec. 15 Dorms close at 10:00 SGA Senate Report By Valerie McNabb The regularly scheduled senate meeting was called to order by Vice President Ken Chamber. Treasurer, Susan Perry led in prayer. David Robinson, Senior class senator, brought up a point recommended to him by one of his constituents. He suggested that the senate recommend to the administration that the original exam schedule be moved back one day. This was recommended due to the recent gas shortage in light of students with Sat. after noon exams. This suggestion was sent to the administration and approved. Larry Pike is good-looking, intelligent well-behaved, wonder fully considerate and well- mannered. This motion failed 0-2-24. Class allotments in the pro posed budget were distributed accorduig to the number of stu dents at $1.50 each per class. The Senate wants your involve ment in SGA. Let your oppinion be heard by voicing your views to your class senators. Proposed Budget for S.G.A. Received: SGA Dues 1406 Students at S4.00 each $5,624.00 Class Allotment: 1406 students at $1.50 each $2,109.00 287 Seniors $430.50 306 Juniors $459.00 350 Sophomores $525.00 463 Freshman $694.50 Officer Scholarships: $200.00 President $100.00 V. Pres. $100.00 Publications: $750.00 Operating Expenses: $2,565.00 Total Budget $5,624.00 Respectfully submitted Susan Perry S.G.A. Treasurer LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Bibler level. It has been labeled with religio - metaphipic connotations - being our closest replay of the star of Bethlehem in recent times, to premonitions of some sort of doom. Premonitions aside, if the tail formation proceeds as hopefully expected, it should be a spectacular entrance into 1974. Scientists estimate that comet Kohoutek is on a clearly parabolic orbit that will not bring it back for at least ten thousand years. Look closely then, it could be the last unmolested comet in this century. "COUUO you GALL RACIC? GKAPiyJQ rGm lasHr ncv/. "