PAGE TWO MARS HILL COLLEGE HILLTOP FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13,1974 FRIDAY Going into my third year at ttHC, I have come to the conlcu- sion that "you can please some of the people some of the time, but you cannot please all of the people all of the time." So is the case concerning the College Union's Snack Bar. Those of you re turning from last year must remember the hassels pertain ing to the hours of the Snack Bar. It was opened from 8 AM- 9PM, meaning it was closed during the "hungry hours" of 9PM-11PM. Therefore, due to complaints from students and faculty the College Union Board presented a proposal to change the hours so that the Snack Bar would be opened during the hours of 9-11. Thus we have succeeded in satisfying some of the people. This year, however we face another prob lem concerning the hours. I have been approached by several students and faculty who wished to express their displeasure of the time schedule. So I took it upon myself to find out the rea sons for the schedule^ To begin with the Snack Bar is open Monday through Friday, 8 AM-3 PM and 7 PM- II PM. The reason for the break in the hours is due to two main factors: 1) In reviewing the finan cial report from 1973-74 it was found that the Snack Bar SPEAKERS FOR I. C. By Becky Stone The Philippines and Indonesia will be siibjects of discus sion at a talk • spon sored by the Inter national Club on Sun day, Sept. 15 at 2:30 p.m. in the Li- was not doing enough business during the hours of 3-7. Since the Snack Bar must break even why should it operate when -it is losing money? 2) It is difficult, if not impossible, to find an adult supervisor to work after three o'clock. Therefore, this year Phil Weast, director of the Col lege Union, has named Larry Edmonds, a stu dent, night super visor. Then, of course, a- rises the question of the weekend schedule. The main difficulty in opening the Snack Bar on weekends again stems from lack of help. Mr. Weast said it was virtually im possible to find stu dents and adults to give up their Satur days and Sundays. This would also mean hiring extra help and finding the money with which to pay them. Here are the facts. Mr. Weast stated that if anyone could guar antee him Saturday and Sunday business and workers who are willing to give up their Saturdays and Sundays, then perhaps something could be done to rectify the present situation. If you have any questions comments pertaining to the above; or for that matter questions/com ments about anything feel free to send a Letter to the Editor at Box 1148 - C. —Sarah Traylor brary Faculty Lounge. Natives from these two countries will be talking about the way the Philippines and Indonesia used to be and how they are now. Everyone is welcome.' Refreshments will be served afterwards. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP The following in formation regarding ownership, management, and circulation is published in accor dance with postal regulations for sec ond class publica tions . The HILLTOP is published 17 times during the academic year, approximately twice a month. It is a student publication to which all students who pay the $40 gen eral fee each semes ter are subscribers. In addition, the pa per is distributed to members of the boards of trustees and advi sors , and to others who request a sub scription and pay a $2.00 fee. Copies of each issue are distributed through the HILLTOP office. Wren College Union, and other points on campus. The HILLTOP has an office in the student publications area of Wren College Union, and receives mail through Box 1148-C at Mars Hill College student post office. The editor for this year is Sarah Trayloi; a junior. The advisor, who compares to a publisher, is John H. Campbell, assistant to the director of public information for the college. The HILLTOP is not like most commercial papers. That is, it is not owned by a corporation. It func~ tions as a student publication offi cially recognized by the college from which it receives funds for operation (the expenses of publication slightly exceed subscription income, and the defi cit is made up by the college). The board for student communa- cation media sets the policy for the HILLTOP. The college is governed by a 36 member board of trus tees, which exercises supervision through the president of the college. Dr. Fred B- Bentley. letter? to the editor BITS & BRIEFS The North Carolina State Bicycle Club Dear Editor, The one thing the students on this campus do have is apathy. Mars Hill College has cornered the market. We can really be proud to be the leading school in the nation. But enough sarcasm. I attended the SGA convocation along with 45 other people. Of these, 3 were teach ers and out of 1600 students that is a very poor showing. "But I didn't know about it" you may say. I saw at least 3 signs advertising the convocation. There are signs ad vertising everything in the cafeteria. College Union build ing, etc. There are at the most 20 people from each class who go through school doing everything in S.G.A. Why? Because no one else will ever do anything. If nothing is done, it is your fault. I have heard so many people complain ing about the poli cies of this school. Until you get in volved and try to do something, I say, "Quit your bitching." Judv Bates invites the bicycl ists of MHC to form a team and enter two bicycle races, which the NCSU Bicycle Club will sponsor. The races will take place on the mornings of October 12 and Novem ber 16. They will begin at approximat ely 7:30 AM, preceded by registration, and will consists of 1^ laps around a criter- uim course of approx' imately 1.6 miles. Mars Hill is invit ed to send up to eight racers who must be full time students A registration fee oi $1.25 will be charged Continued pg. 9 THE Hilltop Staff ADVISOR WRITERS .SARAH TRAYLOP ■JOHN CAMPBELl* DAVID MCGEE, JIM BAKB^ CONNIE MONTAGUE, WYATT BIBBS ' DICK NEWSOME, JEFF CUDP RUTH RCHLEDER, ERIC GARNE^ WES PIERCE, SUSAN GEORG^ ^ HARRY SCHWEIZER, MARK GRIME^ 'r ben LIVERMA^ BECKY STONE, JEAN BART^^ CHERYL THOMAS, BELINDA SCAL2^ PHOTOGRAPHY \NDY STEFANl^^ The HILLTOP is p\:ibTished approximately every' two weeks by the sts dents at Mars Hill College. Mailing address is Box 1148-C Mars Hil^ N. Carolina 28754. Advertising rates are $2.50/column inch. ^ It