fiJ’i e fcc^ J MtlUnp M|rsHilLN.C., 28754 Vol. L , No,6/Friday; Nov.19,1976 The Ugly Duckling’, Trevor’ Sure to tevide Uncommon EnlertoinmenI One-act plays directed by ^ Ments have become over the two years a very inte- part of theatre at Mars «tr, Invaluable to the the- ® arts major's understand- unique problems one- j ^ of the uiixquc: pxu. by directors, the ^cts ^V( provide an enjoyable jj^®ting for theatre goers. year is no exception. Jill Edwards- and Cheryl Abood ..''iors ^.^J^enson each direct plays in the bill scheduled November at 8:00pm in Owen The- first play, directed by 1^1 Edwards-Stevenson, is jj^^T;ten by the author of the "Winnie the Pooh" A. A. Milne- Taken the fairy tale of the name,"The Ugly Duckling" Ben Vogler^ as the King^ and Jayne Jaudon^ as the heaut'iful maid, Dulaibella, plan strategy on how to trick Prince Simon into marrying the ugly Princess Camilla in "The Ugly Duck ling". Photo by Kirk Hall frhe Insidi Story Editorials People Four 1 Travel Five Around Campus Six Sports Eight Features/Review Ten Pauline Pratt(2) Eleven I Television Twelve J ^^itutes people for ducks, in classic fairy tale concerns the love be- j^®®n a prince and a princess. ^ this is no ordinary story, can tell by the title. ll^,^cess Camilla is no fair- maiden but rather a 5(jJ; so ugly that an artist to paint her PME’ l-or The College, a on fhe FuTure ^ "'‘issioned L in the process. In mat- ^ of marriage, however. Parents are insure that '•vt' will not undone .- a handsome indeed say the the King and Queen get J-ia' s voluptuous maid iij bella to play the part the "beautiful" princess, there is another problem, handsome Prince Simon (of ^5^ Eodeo Circuit) is not ’5^,iy handsome at all. Con- ^^®ntly, though, his serv- Carlo meets the qualifi- ^'^n. One can only guess as i^^'^hat happens next. Ben freshman music major, Charlotte Tiencken, a tg ^^E~ACTS, page nine The twelve years since Mars Hill became a senior college have seen many rapid and dram atic changes, not only in the physical characteristics of the campus but also in the orientation of the institu tion in general. Major trans formation of the curriculum— now competence based— and significant additions as the Continuing Education Program and the Southern Appalachia Center are part of the col lege's redefinition of its academic and regional mission. Earlier this year the col lege submitted a proposal to the Department of Health, Ed ucation, and Welfare's Ad vanced Educational Institute Development Program (AIDP). In late May the college was awarded a $2 million grant— the largest in its history— to use in completing its full development as a senior in stitution . A major portion of that grant called for the estab lishment of a Planning, Man agement, and Evaluation Sys tem (PME). This system covers the entire college operation and provides information for policy-making decisions and evaluation of the success of the college in attaining its mission. "PME will allow us to have more say about the future and will give us a greater oppor tunity to become what we want," commented Dr. David DeVries, Director of Institu tional Research. "We will actually be refining what ex ists. That is,we have a plan, we do management-type deci sions, and we evaluate those decisions; however, with the PME in effect we will be doing those things more care fully and basing the deci sions on a solid data base." There are five interdepend ent areas that make up the whole of Mars Hill College: finances, students, staff, facilities, and curriculum. The first step in establish ing the PME is to institute a system common to all five areas. In the techinal lang uage of the proposal, this data base is referred to as the Transactional Information System (TIS). As an example of how the TIS can work, the Admissions Office of the college awarded $1,325,290 in financial aid during the 1975-76 school see PME, page nine