a hastily assetn- :o Magnolia HiU another true-tO" that her long' 1 may have af ■ composure awl ne for the cam- to burn, Paulin^ j about the j gether unrelated | tha, that firejus^ ' 'ar student, but !s only recently I turmoil wheu | bout her suUifu j auline can coin' Horace rushes j Colorado spruces j d roller skates i i S.B. • Students tot supposed to ration Buildinl- j td Found. le pair of rolld vin Allen’s ne'^ 450 new doiltd nistration Buili' rs to these and thrilling episode ■ drama PaulirtS am. Poems may ''The permanent temptation of life is to confuse dreams with reality. The permanent defeat of life comes when dreams are surrendered to reality.'' - James Michener wi a-. ^ IV*- .N , »: r.» lAji > •'T-. ' - *1^ r’ *f. V t;..'