ig team Sam Tunsl of the stated Ly^*% [ )rced to ,* ison. I a quicker^ from def^ ^ depef® ourse defensive to run mor® still striveJ ■ r'l?! re to the freshmen of tD* success 01 L.ions ha''®J,T( lome of h depends p into pla^, leed to ms ^ lake freslpei nf lonsists o‘ j fferent toots lilligan tout iments ha ice and W'‘‘ p e guys, sbO|j, lason plaV' , hopes, hy'lj ality of te«1 ill be extra 4 /offs, but tl>1 PHONE: aonitt* 4 ^^0 neither shall be born In housen, nor in hall, Nor in the place of Paradise, But in an ox's stall. -Old English Carol i ff ©he a V ol. LI., \n. 7. I)(‘C(‘ml)(‘r 8. 18