, Friday, Februaf! IS NJ ^5^ '^^MELVII, Number 11 Serving the Mars Hill College Community Since 1926 Friday, March 9,1984 Snelson to Retire After 47 Years expense may be ent and youth he Council. ; primarily unsk"* ;ores, and hotel® more than covet' 3oard. Some pf ^KlSH oney out of thett'v elves tr> a vacatl^,^an claim the Lion’s pride elves - is limited to si"'* assistant to President older. For morei® after being a part of Mars lication forms, forty-nine years. As she PR-WA, 205 "''1^ have served Mars Hill t’ork, NY 100*^; j^^/orty-seven years. 2 Sutter Street, 18. (415) 421-347'% :"nool was o do ’a the footsteps of her four ment: financially suport her Skyland will ^ ^^iss Snelson worked in the *ce operating the college’s PHOTO BY JOHN CAMPBELL " to Mars Hill as a student a junior college, ffee House on , at 8:00 p.m. S' /''"^s-keeping machine for four er, will be ance here at 1" , i,'^hen graduation time came, hhere in the0T^U' \ "'hile maintaining a regular 7he thought of leaving Mars A J-.1 • .fti he/*'® now, “Those were Audilorioi" „ • M ceremonies end- ^ college president at that [Hg to see Miss Snelson about ® i ® "’Oman who was resigning the “College Secretary.’’ accepted the position as Secretary and served for asked for a leave ij[j complete her education. Ventured north to Temple yea**' Philadelphia to finish her "'hich she loved dearly. ND OMGl^ of its kind sin^ atet" lUSE NEWSPAPEI®* , rd and relivf %il I were 17, " (s!" XING AMERICA tiill to Temple to represent %j|“°hege on several occasions, the duration of her ca- Snelson has served under ®hts. Dr. Moore’s last year irch 4 iissj , ’Sef^'*®^^on’s first, and she contin- "'tll ® ^'Venty-eight years with Dr. is finishing her eight- *C4[|j"^hh Dr. Bentley. Miss Snel- a tender smile, “They years. Never a blue ;*'tiie \ I "'^fnith in her face and the eyes, Miss Snelson has ^^Pturing the hearts of stu dents and faculty throughout her years at Mars Hill. She plays the role of “Adopted Mother’’ on campus as she shares genuine love and concern for all the people that surround her. One of the benefits she has enjoyed while working in the President’s office is “getting a view all across campus and watching students develop in their par ticular area.’’ She feels a great sense of pride as she recalls the students that have passed through Mars Hill College and gone on to accomplish so many things. In addition to working very closely with the Board of Trustees and Board of Advisors, Miss Snelson has enjoyed , working with international students as an advisor for about thirty years. Last September she traveled to Greece with a former student. She has also been in volved with the International Club. The special feeling Miss Snelson has for the people at Mars Hill has become evident through her sincere interest in their lives. She has directed over fifty weddings of the children of faculty and staff as well as faculty members them selves, including The Chapman’s and the Fishes’. . Of all the aspects of her job, the daily routine is what Miss Snelson will miss the most. She says, “I’m not looking forward to the mornings to sleep late.’’ There is no doubt that her days will be well spent. She is state treasurer of Delta Kamma Gamma which has 96 Chapters in North Carolina, and is also active in her church serving as President of the Women’s Club, chairman of her mission group and member on the Board of Fi nances. She looks forward to putting more time into these things as well as the opportunity to travel. When Miss Snelson leaves. Mars Hill will feel a great sense of loss, but there will always be a part of her that will re main and continue to bless the campus of Mars Hill College. Addresses Governors’ Conference Dr. Fred Bentley, the 1 ^ Southern Association of Q Schools, addressed the *^ernors’ Conference in J^-c. 'Concerned the standards K i}j^^7itution can become affil- to College Commission. Ac- fientley’ the standards enough to insure qual- Therefore, in December of 1983, the College Commission adopt ed a stricter new criteria for accredita tion by the commission. In addition, Dr. Bentley traveled to Tallahassee, Florida on March 6 and 7 to address the.Florida legislature on the same subject. These meetings constitute the beginning of an effort to improve the standards of preparation of teachers and students, according to President Bent ley. ■ rt- MISS SNELSON Miss Frances Snelson, Assistant to the President. PHOTOS BY DAVID WACHTER V - y Last week’s snowstorm turned the Mars Hill campus into a battleground, as snow ball fights broke out across campus.