1993 Thursday, October 7,1993 The Hilltop of Mars Hill College Page 3 s about ; senate jobs on lublican ; party’s le’s just s grown as been -ograffls ister has not too jr untied vorld, if mt on? ring iteria. Student Perspectives Mars Hill Lions’ Homecoming Weekend Worthwhile By Patrick Nelson Hilltop Staff Writer The Homecoming season has come and gone, here were many activities hst Went on during the of September 20-25, ’’^ging from a magic show powder puff games to he parade on Saturday. All students at Mars hi had different opinions how the week went and '^hat they thought of it. William Peacock ^ated, “The week was . because I was '"'plyed in most of the but it also was j '^ving at the same time to all the work paying at the end.” ~ a member Peacock of the o memoer oi tne '^aiecoming Committee, because of this he knew about all the work that was involved and the time that it took to get everything just right. The co-chairperson Bethany Burgess said, “I was extremely pleased with how everything went. Late nights and early mornings were definitely worth it to make this weekend successful, rain, or shine.” She also gave her thanks to the Homeciming Committee and the students by stating, “It wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication of the wonderful committee and the support and participation of the students.” Another student, Tony Thompson, a freshman this year, said, “The functions held over this week were hard at times as well as fun, but over all I’m glad it’s Some students, on the other hand, had different views of the events held. “No one had time to really “The Homecoming was exciting! President Clinton was there.” Alec Cort over. There were even , some students that were excited about the homecoming week for different reasons; for instance, Alec Cort said, “The Homecoming was exciting! President Clinton was there.” He said this because the president showed up for one of the skit performances at The Lions Growl. enjoy the activities that were planned during the day because the majority of the students had class to go to. At least the Friday should have been put aside for the mini-carnival and whatever other plans the Homecoming Committee had plaimed, however, the Homecoming weekend was still exciting,” said Milo Henderson, a first year student here at Mars Hill. See Page 4 Chris Gibson gives the bannisters of the iibrary some fiair ■ nd Jo Hof •n ! „ to ■eactio>' , ansvvef^^^ )bechoS^ rsHiU- idlaifl^ tyear.’ ial P^lii affthef-'c rs haod” veD* ^ Organizations Compete For Spirit i^octors Say Growling Adas Pep Ni)u^''®da Banther Staff Writer tnj^be Lion’s Growl is a pep rally held for the purpose of spirit and for weekend. Growl for 1993 24 ^riday night. Sept. the ^^3fes Stadium with annual campus and competition Cqjj^ ^'^•^ecoming parade foil f^bfion held the ye^ for the by > "'hich is sponsored Student Union for p ’ are prepared feflp^f^*'faininent and the ^ridg fbe theme, fbe predator skits humorous for the For the Greek organizations, participation in the three events is not only an opportunity to show school spirit, but also a chance to compete for prizes. The prizes were awarded to the group that best kept the theme for the 1993 Homecoming (Pride of the Predator) in all three events totalled. First place prize money amounted to $100 with lesser amounts for second and third places. This year. Delta Kappa Theta fraternity won first, followed by Delta Zeta national sorority placing second and Theta Chi national fraternity placing third. Among the notable skits was one by a non-Greek organization, the Ladies of Distinction or L.O.D. They fashioned a comedy-drama courtroom scene in which a Mars Hill football player was on trial for the murder of a Wingate mzmmi COVERAGE player; the verdict was that the Lions’s player was guilty, but the plaintiff had to understand that that’s what happens when one goes up against a predator such as a Mars HiU Lion. The MHC Cheerleaders also highlighted the Lion’s Balloons like Kristian Wieda's were all over the campus during the festivities. They didn’t lose their color when it rained, fortunately. Growl with an exceptional dance routine ending with a pyramid formation and chants to get the crowd involved. See Page 4 w rr Her Highness, Queen Carol Jo Howell working on Moore before her ascension to the throne.