Page 4 The Hilltop of Mars Hill College Thursday, October 7,1993 jj^ursday, Octob( By Erik Barlik torn,..?'®*®"* *0 he Sp^ '“fniation Director . h Was the best of 'vas the worst of tir raining m the city , *i and it was a so [^"ore or less). It v aid of rain that evei Dane Heath mans the soundboard for the Lion’s Growl Delta Zeta ’children’ prepare tor their bedtime story skit The L.O.D. jam a court conviction for an MHC Lion Student Perspectives: Homecoming Weekend Woithvdiile Continued From Page 3 still were those who felt as if they had to was filled with fun activities that the entire to another exciting homecoming season i® Some teachers didn’t have class on continue with their classes as usual. Over Mars Hill family could have enjoyed. The 1994. Friday because of the carnival but there all the Mars Hill Lions’ 1993 Homecoming students and alumni should look forward L ~ of rain that eve more than an than a shower bleachers w anythmg else, ^J^reboard for 3 q Bui?' year’ the \^ Wha? quart! Cni!f *^^®ed to dia lead. uL^’^y t 'Vavk scratc yeackintoalostl ?y.Erik Barlik ^®®'stant to the Spc In; ^'■.^eent intervi f-rist, he notec pro IXA prepare to meet the bulldogs with their jungle float First place DKT decorate the campus with their letters Choir Alumnae remembered their past during Sat.’s concert Organizations Compete: Doctor Says Growl Adds was off to tl With the ad 'i'*icl(-— a solid Prom-'^'^^^S offense 'vhich they Co,, »« has held th, Continued From Page 3 performed to the song, “Free Your Mind,” To say a few words about the upcoming Lions were on the prowl and planned „ playing as or by En Vogue. game. Coach Clifton came onto the field, have quite a bit of “pride of the predate ■ y People are tryii iiC-iVi LIJ' opponent! The new MHC Dance Team put in a lot f>y Vogue of work on a hot routine that they game. Coach Clifton came onto the field, have quite a bit of “pride of the prec He made sure everyone knew that the The Bailey Mountain doggers amazed the crowd in the quad President Bentley gets pinned by 1992 Queen Betts Calloway 93 alumnae Crystal Hester and Tim Snyder battle rain. sports MHCh U War Years” Reunion Held During Homecoming By Freda Banther Hilltop Staff Writer As part of this year’s Homecoming festivities, a “War Years” reunion was held to honor those who served in WWII. A memorial service was held in the quad on Saturday afternoon in memory of those members of the Class of’42, ’43 and ’44 who were lost. Around DO people came to the reunion where Mars Hill student Veda Scott sang and Brian Edmonds played “Taps.” Lt. Col. Horace Crouch, one of the “Doolittle Raiders” was guest speaker. The “Doolittle Raiders” are famous fof' raid on Tokyo during the war. , df Later, there was a WWII display* ‘i Centef m Peterson Conference Blackwell Hall. JHE YI^LTOI T A Mars HILL