f^riday, Septe The Opinions Page POLICY The Opinions Page is a forum for any member of the Mars Hill community to express their ideas, problems or thoughts. The Hilltop does not discriminate against anyone who wishes to submR a letter. All letters must be signed, but the editor can withhold the name rf requested. Send all letters to THE HILL TOP, PO BOX 6148, MARS HILL, NC 28754. The views pre sented on this page are not necessarily those of the Hilltop or of Mars Hill College. Are You Screaming Money? Amy Webb's 3pider's U/ebb "TO LAUGH" PaiHflc The other day someone said to me, “You are always smiling or laughmg.” My reply was, “Thanks. A smile or a laugh always makes me feel go6d inside and out.” I sometimes wish I could share my good feelings with everyone. However, I must remember that not everyone feels as I do. Sometimes I vwsh I could sprinkle a little happy dust in the air and just for one day we could all laugh. Maybe we could laugh until we all ached and tears stream from our eyes. To have the whole world chuckling at the same time would be a dream come true. It is ama2dng what a giggle can do. It can chase away a bad thought or a lonely feeling. It can fill an empty heart and comfort a stressed student. A laugh doesn’t cost a dime, but it is worth millions. The following is an excerpt from a book entitled Whatsoever Things. It shows how so-called great minds underestimated laughter. you CAN EARN UP TO $27 IN CASH ON yOUR fIRST DONATION "Magic Medicine” Laughter makes a tremendous contribution to man’s happiness. Think about what the world would be like without it! The wonder of it is - not that we pay our comedians better than we do our philosophers -but that lau^ter ever could have been frowned upon by philosophers. Lord Chesterfield considered laughter beneath a gentleman’s digpity. “/ am sure, ” he wrote, “that, since I have had die full use of my reason, nobody has ever heard me laugh. ” Even the poet, Shelley, who could be enchanted by a sky lark, sadly insisted, “I am convinced that there can be no entire regeneration of mankind until laughter is put down. ” Joseph Addison declared that “Laughter... unbraces the mind, weakens the faculties, and causes a kind of remissness and dissolution in all the powers of the soul. By Gerald Horton Both ALPHA PLASMA CENTER 167 Merrimon Rd. For More Info Call (704) 252-9967 mon.-thur. 10am - 5:30pm fri.-sat. 9:30am - 3:30pm $20 for donation Plus First time donors receive an additonal $2 wiht this ad and $5 with student ID EDITORS:' STAFF 1994 CfiAfetobfieii ^ Josln CaMok inGS lOn Sports Editor: Qdk ^mdik Layout: Qinnij ^/licfges Columnist: tAmg QAiebb Staff Writers: ^onda ^aihj Candice ^^^jani Tliagon ‘Tou^ ^088 9bmmg T)Br«bin8fcg Photographer: Chhistine Cihe^Hi Student The QOUrCe NEWS O FOR 77te Hilltop is a bimonthly coverage of the campus of Mars Hill College and is the official student newspaper for the college. The Hilltop is printed by Groves Printing, Inc. of Asheville, N.C. Last yi the youth Were inv juvenile cc help comb Madison i theMadisc Program, essentially brother/bi| program. This ii state-funde program which bega years ago. relies volunteers do most of Workinvolv The progr •s preset looking adult Volunteers help with ( children, >tii a?*’