CECS$CQ4[)$ Bchnont Abbc^ Cdlege Vol. VI No. 1 BELMONT. N. C. OCTOBER I!I77 New sign is erected at college’s entrance They’re coming! The large new sign erected near the new entrance to the College has drawn many compliments since it was in stalled in early September. Designed by Mr. Joseph Sonderman, a nationally noted designer, built by Southwood of Charlotte, and installed by Hunter & Walden, the massive new sign is not only practical, but also blends well with the surrounding landscape.' Two spotlights illuminate the sign at night, and soon the project will be completed with the planting The new sign... History dept, inherits almost $20,000 The History iDepartment of Belmont Abbey College has been the recipient of an almost $20,000 inheritance from the estate of Fred J. L. Hassinger. Belmont Abbey was chosen to receive this gift in appreciation of the education given to friends of Hassinger and the services the school has rendered to the community. He was an associate of John R, Monaghan, Jr., an attorney whose son Jack attended Belmont Abbey College as a history major, class of 75. Monaghan arranged for Belmont Abbey to receive these funds. He learned of the financial needs of the History Department through discussions with Dr. Frank Murray, present chairman of the department. According to guidelines set down by Father John Bradley and the Board of Trustees, the Hassinger Trust money will be used for the following: 1. 'I'o purchase books or manuscript materials for the library: 2. 'I’o purchase audio-visual and educational aids, but not equipment; 3. 'I’o assist, at the discretion of the History Department, any needy or worthy student majoring in history; of a ring of shrubs around the base. As is the case with so many of the improvements at the College, we are indebted to good friends for the new sign: Mr. Joseph Sonderman in designing. Hunter & Walden’s Mr. Walter Poppi in installing, and Mr. Ernest Dwight of Southwood in making the sign, all contributed their services. We are told that had the college to pay for it, the sign would have cost us approximately $5,000. Ernest Dwight, an alumnus of the Class of 1970, established his sign business named Southwood soon after graduating and is rapidly gaining a fine reputation throughout the state for the excellence of his work. The College is most grateful , to these good friends. S.A. to review BAC next month Every ten years each member of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools undergoes a review by the Association to reaffirm accreditation. Belmont Abbey College has spent the past year organizing a self-study report to present to the Southern Association for review this year. 'I’he Visiting Committee from the Association will arrive Sunday, November i:t and will meet with the Steering Com mittee, college administrators and some of the trustees. During the three days that will follow, the ten reviewers will visit classrooms and in terview faculty members and students at random. The object of their visit will be to examine every aspect of the College, Irom bu.siness management to curriculum and student ser vices. 'I’he members of the Southern Association Visiting f^ommittee were selected from the tacuity and administrators ot member colleges; each is qualified to examine a different aspect of the college. Jenelle Spear, Dean of Students at Converse College in South Carolina, will act as chairman ot this com mittee. After their visit to the Abbey, the committee will make their i report to the Southern Association headquarters in Atlanta, Ga. and the Association will then decide on the reaccreditation of Belmont Abbey College. Abbey frats lead MDA drive 4. 'I'o provide modestly for refreshments once a year at a social gathering for history majors and alumni who may be here. BAC CPA scores rank 6th in state Belmont Abbey College ranks sixth among all universities and colleges in North Carolina in percentage of graduates who pass the C.P.A. exam. These rankings were established by the N'.C. .State Board of t:.P.A. Examiners and are based on the results ot the C.P.A. exam given last May. Their research also indicates that Belmont Abbey College ranks first among all small colleges in the state. .loe Graham, chairman of the Accounting Department at the College is proud ol the College's record in this field. Its graduates have traditionally ranked near the top in the state. B.A.C. offers courses leading to the B.A. degree in Accounting at night, as well as during the regular school day, making it possible for those in the local community to attain the degree while still holding a lull-time job. 'I'wo fraternities from Belmont Abbey College presented donations totaling almost $1,800 on the Jerry Lewis Labor Day 'I'elethon for Muscular Dystrophy. Keith Liscinsky, representing Sigma Phi Epsilon, handed over a check for $1,089 to Brad Lacey of WSOe-'l’V during the Charlotte area telecast ol the telethon. Jeff Marlin ol Alpha Phi Omega presented a check for $7(M) on behalf ol his fraternity. 'I’hc total contributions of these fraternities were more than the amount raised by any other college in the Gaston- Mecklenburg area. Sig Ep raised their money last March by going door-to-door throughout Belmont and Ml. Holly and by soliciting con tributions from cars stopped at main traffic intersections. A.P.O. held a carnival last April for the benefit ol Muscular Dystrophy. In addition, proceeds Irom the annual “Most Popular Fraternity ’ drive, cake sales, soliciting ears, and a donation trom the service fraternity's own treasury helped round out their contribution ot $7(K). 'I’he groups were assisted by .Mrs. Robin Hefner, Miss Wheelchair - North (’arolina, in coordinating their elforls with the telethon and publicizing the events. h'ollowing presentation of the check, Liscinsky, Bob tlaprice, and 1( alhy Mcllmail ol S.P.E. and Marlin, Rich Ganus, Mike Worland, and Tony Del rislolaro ol A.P.O. manned telephones for the telethon. other .\.1'.0 brothers helped with a marathon “Dance tor 'I'bose Who Can't, ” a disco- dance run by the disc jockeys ’ from WA\.S radio in Charlotte. Several groups at Belmont Abbey t ollege are planning lo unite efforts in setting up a lance-a-thon next spring similar to this one. The goal will be lo raise $10,000 and send a representative lo the national telethon next year. Lll Keith Liscinsky of SPE and Jeff Martin of APO present their checks to Brad Lacy