OLD FORT VOLUME III OLD FORT, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, i NEWS NUMBER 16 THE OLD FORT NEWS The Old Fort News is pub lished each week in connection with the Marion Progress. MISS GERTRUDE DULA, Editor and Business Manager. MRS. G. I. STEPPE HOSTESS TO LADIES AID SOCIETY The Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Church, South, met with Mrs. G. I. Steppe on Wednesday af ternoon of last week. In the absence of Mrs. R. L. Jor dan, the chaplain, Mrs. Mattie Nes bitt conducted the devotionals, after which the roll was called and sixteen members responded. The chief fea ture of the afternoon was the col lecting of birthday money from ev ery member. Everyone seemed to enjoy the merriment of this occa sion and, best of all, the sum col lected added right much to the bank account of the Aid. After the business session, a New Year's program, arranged by Mrs. Horace Early, was given. During the social hour delicious refreshments were served. It was decided that the ladies give a benefit Valentine party on Valen tine ^evening. Mrs. S. F. Mauney very kindly offered her house for the affair. Mrs. Lee Jordan, Mrs. George Moore and Miss Gertrude Dula will be in cahrge of the program. The meeting adjourned to meet in February with Mrs. J. C. Umberger at the parsonage with Mrs. A. C. Tate assistant hostess. OLD FORT SCHOOL HOST TO LOCAL AND COUNTY BOARD The County and local school board, Supt. A. V. Nolan of Marion, and Prof. S. B. Smithey, principal of the Old Fort School, were dinner guest of the Old Fort School on Sat urday, Jan. 4th, at 6:00 p. m. in the dining room of the Home Economics j department. This meeting was both a business j and a social affair. The dinner was under the direction of Miss Bula I Kanipe, instructor in Home Econom ics, and was served by the members of the Dometsic Science class. The dinner guests were Supt. A. Y. Nolan, Miles P. Flack, of Vein Mountain; T. W. Stacy, of Nebo; J. N. Nesbitt, W. W. LeFevre, Dr. J. B. Johnson, Col B. W. Adams, 3. M. Kanipe and Prof. S. B. Smithey. * MRS. MOORE ENTERTAINS Mrs. Geo. Moore entertained with five tables of bridge Thursday even- j ing at her home on Main street. Missf' Carrie Saunders was the win ner of the prize for high score. Geo. Sandlin won the gentleman's prize for high score. Mrs. Effie Mashburn cut the consolation. A delicious salad and sweet course was served at the conclusion of the games. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Graybeal, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Crippen, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Smith ey, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sandlin, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rockett, Mrs. Hart Taylor, Mrs. D. M. Mcintosh, Mrs. Eddie Ragle, Mrs. Effie Mashburn, Miss Maude Crawford, Miss Louise Griff en, Miss Margaret Maness, Miss Carrie Saunders, Messrs. F. M. Bradley, L. J. Whisnant and George Moore. BRIDGE PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Mosre en tertained on Thursday evening with a bridge party. Five interesting pro gressions were played. The winners of high score were Miss Carrie Saunders, Mrs. Effie Mashburn, Mr. Geo. Sandlin. Those assisting in serving a delicious salad course were Mrs. A. Crippen, Mrs. Geo, Sandlin, Mrs. P. H. Mashburn, and little Miss Maud Lou Moore. Those enjoying Mr. and Mrs. Moore's hospitality were Prof, and Mrs. S. B. Smithey, Miss Carrie Saunders, Mr. Fred Bradley, Miss Maud Crawford, Mrs. Hart Taylor, Miss M. Maness, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rockett, Miss Griffith, Mrs. D. M. Mcintosh, Mrs. Effie Mashburn, Mr. George Bistline, Mr. and Mrs. A. Crippen, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sandlin. Mr. and Mrs. C. Graybeal, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Ragle. Quite a number of Old Fort peo ple who have met and liked Major W. A. Collett have expressed them selves as being well pleased that he has cast his lot with The Progress, the home paper, and the Old Fort News extends its congratulations to Major Collett. H. C. Fisher made a business trip to Charlotte on Thursday. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Miss Louise Griffen is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harvey Rockett. A dance was held at the Sandlin store building on Thursday evening. Mrs. R. A. Raymer and four child ren spent Sunday in Statesville. Mrs. J, C. Umberger and small son Walter are ill with influenza. George Bradley of Henderson ville visited his brother, W. H. Brad ley, Sunday. Mont Grant was in Marion Mon day. Mr. and Mrs* Ralph Harris of Mor ganton moved to Old Fort last week. I. H. Bradley spent Monday in Marion. I. V. Yount of Hickory was in Old Fort Saturday. Miss Estelle Lavender was a visi tor in Asheville last week. Miss Blanche Lewis of Marion was in Old Fort Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Allison were visitors in_ Morganton last Sunday. H. E. Gibbs spent Tuesday in Ash eville. Mrs. Sigma Morrison of Asheville spent the week-end in Old Fort. Miss Annie White spent Wednes day in Asheville. Frank Allen of Asheville visited relatives in Old'Fort Sunday. Miss Mamie White of Asheville is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Hyams. Mrs. Nannie Justice spent Thurs day in Asheville. Mr. W. Patton of Morganton vis ited J. H. Allison Sunday. Miss Anne Allison of Morganton was a visitor in Old Fort Sunday. Miss Fannie Nichols who is a teacher at Nealsville, N. C., spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Dora Nichols. Mrs. J. M. Lawson of Marion spent several days last week in Old Fort. Miss Millie Kanipe, a teacher of Nebo School, spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. Albert Noblitt, principal of Dysartsville School, spent the week end with his pai'ents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swann of Ashe ville spent the week-end with rela tives in Old Fort. Miss Mabel Jennings of Statesville visited friends in Old Fort last week.! Gayden Swann and M. E. Head attended court in Marion last week, serving as jurors in Superior court. Mrs. Farnsworth and her sister, Mrs. Fred Farnsworth, of New York, were visitors in Old Fort last Friday. Mrs. I. H. Greene and Mrs. Hart Taylor were dinner guests of Mrs. Tom Pritchard in Asheville on Wed nesday. Misses Nelle Porter and Frances I Miller spent the week-end in Bilt more and West Asheville. Mrs. S. J. Rogers of Morganton is spending several weeks with her j parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hemp-j hill. Mr. and Mrs. Bulo Carver and Jess Sutton of Waynesville spent Christmas holidays with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Carver. J. R. Harriss, Jr., spent Christmas holidays with his grandparents in Montford's Cove. Francis Mauney is attending the part-time business course in Marion. I. H. Greene spent several days last week in Asheville. Misses Hazel Swann and Polly Ann Greene were visitors in Ashe ville last Saturady. Charles Mears is the guest of his sister, Mrs. I. H. Green, at her home at Dendron. lurs. u. Kix is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Swann. Miss Frances McCurry was the guest of Polly Ann Greene for the past week. Miss Nelle Allison and Miss Edyth Arwyn Steppe returned to Asheville Normal on January 7th, after spend ing more than two weeks at home in Old Fort. Prof, and Mrs. Loy Cornwell of Rutherford College, were1 the guests' of Mrs. Lee Stirewalt last week. Miss Gertrude Dula entertained a few friends with bridge off Thurs day evening. Mrs. W. M. Goodsott of Asheville was a guest of her sister, Miss Ger trude Dula, on Thursday afternoon. "The fishing is fine in Sarasota, Fla.", is the report from H. A. Wes termann and Rev. M. W. Dargan, who are spending the winter in that place as near neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Goodson of Asheville expect to join this Old Fort colony in Sarasata this month, and Capt. and Mrs. Homer Mason of Spartan burg will drive to Sarasota the first of February to spend several months. Captain Mason rates as an erpert fisherman with this group, who are anxiously awaiting his ar rival. T. P. Richardson returned to Liles ville, N. C., on Wednesday after speeding several days visiting his daughter, Mrs. Clifford Nesbitt. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Jenkins and their guests, Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Day, motored to Spruce Pine on Friday where Dr. and Mrs. Day expect to make their home. Miss Brady Silvers and her guest, Miss Ruth Hunter, of Morganton, spent the week-end with Miss Silvers parents in Old Fort. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Black, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Nichols and Misses Thelma and Martha Hyams motored to Shelby on Wednesday evening to attend a dance. Dr. W. A. Robinson, who has been employed as company physician for the Duke Power Company at Mt. Holly since last March, has returned to Old Fort.. His many friends are glad to welcome him back. Martin Baylen of Asheville was a guest of Baxter Moose for two days last week, enroute to Miami, Fla. Mr. Baylen will again play on the Asheville Baseball team this coming season. Mrs. Leona Lachery, of Laurel Hospital, White Rock, N. C., is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. E. A. Norton. Miss Sue Lachery of Asheville spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. E. A. Norton. Mrs. Frank Settles, who under went a very serious operation at the Mission Hospital, has returned home Mrs. Zeb Lackey was taken to the Mission Hospital in Asheville Mon uay. Mrs. W. W. Arney returned last j week to her home after spending the past ten days visiting- relatives in Washington, D. C. Mrs. Clarence Williams who un derwent an operation at the Mission Hospital about ten days ago, is rap idly improving. Mrs. Will Settles who recently un derwent an operation at the Mission Hospital, is improving. Rev. and Mrs. I. A. Rhinehardt have returned to their home east of Old Fort, after several days' visit with the former's brother in Hay ■"rjod county. Henry C. Fisher attended the fu neral services of Dr. Anderson in Asheville last Saturday. Mrs. James Payne and sister, Mrs, I Malone, of Asheville, were visitors! in Old Fort Sunday. Miss Natalie Epley and her friend,' Miss Porter, were visitors in Old j Fox-t Sunday. Miss Ila Briggs, instructor of mu sic in the Burnsville High School, visited Miss Louise Griffen and Miss E. Rowe Grady on Sunday. Funeral services for Mrs. John Davis, who died on Thursday night, January 9th, were held on Fviday at her home. Interment was made in the Old Fort cemetery. Pictures of Lee and Jackson will be placed in the Old Fort school by the Old Fort U. D. C., and a program | in honor of the birthday of these two great Southern leaders will be given at the school auditorium Mon day morning, January 20th. Mrs. M. H. Grant is ill at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr.; and Mrs. Will Grant. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steppe and family were Mrs. A. T. Allison and son, Wilburri, Miss Sue Allison, Miss Tipton and Miss Cagle from Asheville; Miss Coyd Woody, of West Asheville; Mr. Ven-j ard Steppe, of Bryson City; Miss Ethel Lane, Misses Lois Byrd and Elizabeth Byrd of Brevard, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Steppe and little son Tommy of Marion. Dr. D. M. Mcintosh attended the funeral services of Dr. James Gar rett Anderson of the Aston Park Hospital, who died Friday morning. Dr. Mcintosh was one of the honor ary pallbearers. The services were held at the West Asheville Methodist Church. The news of Dr. Anderson's death reached Old Fort early Friday morning and cast a shadow of regret over the entire community, where Dr. Anderson had many fnends and was highly esteemed by tho e who only knew him by the reputation that his great ability as a physician has made for him in the state. CHURCH SERVICES WELL ATTENDED HERE SUNDAY Church services were well atten ded in Old Fort Sunday morning, Rev. Hansel of Concord conducting the services at the Presbyterian Church, Rev. L. C. Laylor at the Baptist Church, Rev. J. C. Umber ger at the Methodist Church. Rev. Umberger paid an eloquent tribute to General Robert E. Lee. using the life of this great soldier and Southern leader to illustrate his subject "The Pure and Christlike Mind". BUILDING AND LOAN ENDS VERY SUCCESSFUL YEAR The Old Fort Building and Loan has completed a very successful year, having recently matured their first series of stock of $57,100. Or ganizing in March 1923, the associa tion has operated since that time without the loss of a single dollar. During the thtte of its operations its members have built and paid for quite a number of homes while other members have used it as a means of investing their savings. The Old Fort Building and Loan has occupied a very important place in the finances of the community and its members are very proud of its great success. The affairs of the association are guarded by the following officers and directors: J. M. Kanipe, presi dent; W. W. LeFevre, vice-presi dent; F. M. Bradley, secretary-treas urer; P. H. Mashburn, D. M. Mcin tosh, W. P. Artz, J. A. Lowery, J. B. Johnson, H. B. Early, J. W. Win borne, attorney, directors. MRS. J. B. JOHNSON HOSTESS TO U. D. C. A splendid attendance character ized the meeting of the Old Fort chapter of the U. D. C. held at the home of Mrs. J. B. Johnson, Thurs day evening, beginning at 7:30. At the conclusion of the business session, a Jackson-Lee program was enjoyed, after which a delicious salad course was served. Those attending were Mrs. Geo. Hyams, Mrd. Winslow Burgin, Mrs. M. G. Turner, Mrs. Geo. Sabom, Mrs. B. Y. Allison, Mrs. Hessie Steppe, Mrs. Geo. Sandlin, Mrs. P. H. Mashburn, Mrs. S. F. Mauney, Mrs. I. L. Caplan, Mrs. Chas. Jenk ins, Miss Mary Burgin, Miss Ger trude Dula, Mrs. Effie MasKburn, Mrs. Don Gosorn, Mrs. Ed Burgin and Mrs. R. G. Day. BIRTHDAY DINNER On the night of January 12th, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Caplan gave a dinner, the occasion being the celebration of one of Mr. Caplan's birthdays. The guests present were Dr. ami Mrs. L. G. Day and little Day, "Moonshine"; Dr. and Mrs. Clrarles McB. Jenkins and little daughter Betty Jeane, Dr. and Mrs. John B. Johnson and the two little Johnsons, Miss Mary Burgin and Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Marley. Mr. T. C. Bradley got as near as the front door but after viewing the assemblage departed in haste. After a gorgeous dinner and an elaborate display of candles the ev- i ening was concluded by singing some old familiar songs such as "Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep" and "Hail, Hail, The Gang's All Here". WOODMAN CIRCLE ENTERTAIN! One of the biggest social events ] of the holiday season was a watch I party given by the Woodmen Circle j for all members of the circle and i their husbands and all woodmen and their wives. The W. 0. W. Hall was beautiful ly decorated with red and green i crepe paper and potted flowers. The; electeric lights were covered with red paper and a burning candle stood on every pedestal. Those invited began to arrive about 8:30 and by nine o'clock a large crowd was present. The program consisted of songs, recitations, games, and string music. During the social hour several splendid talks on Woodcraft were thoroughly enjoyed. At eleven o'clock the ladies served sandwiches, coffee, cakes and candy. Just before the close of the old year all became quiet and some one began to sing "Silent Night". The whole crowd joined in, and as the church bells rang out the old year and rang in the new, a jolly crowd of Woodmen and Woodmen Circle members sand out the old year and sang in the new. In the very beginning of 1930 a very happy crowd left the Woodmen hall to return to their homes for a little nap before the peep of New Year's day. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Norton entertain- i ed a group of friends with bridge j and dancing at their home on Main j street Thursday evening. Three tab les of. bridge were in play. Refrsh- j ments were served during the even-1 ing. Among those present were Miss j Marie Hunt, Miss Sue Lachery, Mrs. j Alma ordan, Mrs. Helen Stone, Miss Katherine Finch, Francis Mauney, | Mr. Morrison and Mr. Sink, both of Asheville. Dr. S. I. Floyd, state sanitary in-! spector, was in Old Fort on business Thursday. t 1 . | Special Prices I on an assortment of ! Good Used Cars I | Will sacrifice on these cars to I I start the New Year right. j l * i j See us at once. j I Fisher Motor Co. \ OLD FORT, N. C. r 1 OUR 1930 CHRISTMAS CLUB IS NOW OPEN Join now in one of our classes ranging from 10c to $10.00, payable each week, and have your Christmas Money all ready next year. It's not what you earn that makes you rich, but what you SAVE. f tV 1 ~ THE BANK OF OLD FORT OLD FORT, N. C. J. S. BRADLEY, Pres. F. M. BRADLEY, Cashier P. H. MASHBURN, Vice-Pres. [ Closing Out . | I All Wool Dresses 1 | ! Save Money By Buying Now. j Come in and See 1 Our Sweaters. i I They will be just right for the cold days in j February and March. j Boys Knickers and Pants j Good Quality, Low Price. I A Good line of Children's Shoes. j j Mrs. W. Crawford I Old Fort, N. C. I NEW SILVER AND GOLD HATS Latest Styles in Felts at HALF Price. MARCEL WAVING THE DULA HAT SHOP Old Fort, N. C. Florence and Woodrow Harriss' made a business trip to Marion Fri- \ day. | Mr. Duckett, electrical engineer of the Duke Power Company, of Charlotte, was in Old Fort last week.