OLD FORT NEWS VOLUME III THE OLD FORT NEWS The Old Fort Nfews is pub lished each week in connection with the Marion Progress. MISS GERTRUDE DULA, Editor and Business Manager. THE GOSPELS IN HOPI To the more than 800 tongues in to which the Bible or its parts have ! been translated, two more were ad-! ded in 19*29. Pause over this a minute. It may jar the atheist as it will please the believer who remembers the injunction, "Feed my sheep." It is from the Nashville Christian Advocate (Methodist, South) : "For the fh'st time the four Gos pels were issued for the Eskimos of the Bristol Bay and Kuskokwim River district in Alaska from a translation made by Moravian mis sionaries aided by a group of na tives. "The four gospels were also pub lished in the Hopi tongue for the In dian tribe of that name living near the Grand Canyon. This is the first time that any part of the Bible has been made available for this tribe, and is the thirteenth Indian language spoken in the United States in which the American Bible Society has pub lished Scriptures. "The Book of Psalms, translated by Mr. George Allen and his daugh ter of San Pedro, Bolivia, has been published in Bolivian Quechua, a language spoken by a large Indian population in the Andes Mounains. "The Book of Proverbs, published early in 1929, was the first portion of the Bible to appear in tthe new Turkish alphabet , in obedience to the edict of the Gevernment forbid ding thte further use of the Arabic alphabet. "Thus this great agency for dis seminating the Scriptures pursues and enlarges its works."—Literary Digest. MRS. GEO. SANDLIN 2ND DISTRICT DIRECTOR The U. D. C. Chapter of the sec ond district held their annual dis trict meeting in Morganton on Wednesday, April 16th. This meet ing was held in the First Methodist Church. The program arranged by the hostess chapter for the enter tainment of the visiting ladies con sisted of solos, with violin and piano accompaniment. Group singing by students of the State D. and D. School was touching in its appeal, and made a strong im pression on the listeners. Mrs. E. L. McKee, state president gave a very inspiring talk at this meeting. Her descriptive account of the unveiling at Gettysburg of the North Carolina monument was very vivid and interesting. During the business session Mrs. Geo. Sandlin of Old Fort was nominated and elected district director. A delicious dinner was served in the dining room, which was attractive with its profusion of spring flowers and pot ted plants. Members of the Old Fort Chapter attending were Mrs. J. B. Johnson, chapter president; Mrs. M. M. Bur gin, Mrs. C. W. Graybeal, Mrs. Janie Reid, Mrs. P. H. Mashburn, Mrs. Geo. Sandlin, Mrs. S. F. Mauney, and Miss Gertrude Dula. ~ MOOSE HONORED ■4 " '"on Thursday afternoon from 4:00 till6:00, honoring Mrs. Baxter Moose, who, before her marriage a few weeks ago, was Miss Mabel Jennings, of Jennings, N. C. The afternoon was the occasion of a miscellaneous shower, and the varied and lovely gifts were presen ted to the recent bride during thte late afternoon by Misses Rowena Smithey and Caroline Sandlin, who were dressed in . white and carried the gifts in a huge white basket, decorated with white narcissus. The delicious refreshments were served in two. courses. Assisting the hostess in serving were Mrs. D. M. Mcintosh, Mrs. P. H. Mashburn, Miss Bula Kanipe, Mrs. George Sandlin, Rowena Smithey, and Car oline Sandlin. About thirty-five guests enjoyed Mrs. Sandlin's hospitality. Out of town guests were Mrs. H. C. Hawn, Miss Clyde Jennings, and Miss Lena Spencer, all of Marion. The Old Fort Public Library will be open on Tuesday and Saturday from two till five o'clock beginning this week. The public is cordially invited to patronize it. Smithey was at home T. M.. Greene was in Asheville last Thursday on business. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Miss Elaine Mashburn of Ashe ville spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. J. M. Mashburn. Miss Bertha Curtis of Marion spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Noblitt. Miss Smith of Asheville was a visitor in Old Fort Sunday. Mrs. Dayton Ayres of Marion spent Saturday in Old Fort. Mrs. Marion Padgette of Marion spent Saturday in Old Fort. Mrs. Hemphill of Marion was a visitor in Old Fort Sunday. Miss Madge Finley of Marion vis ited relatives in Old Fort Sunday. Miss Virginia Early and Mr. E. R. Early of Nebo were in Old Fort on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Giles of Mor ganton were visitors in Old Fort on Sunday. Elbert Nanny of Pittsburg, Pa., is spending several weeks with rel atives in and near Old Fort. Miss Emmarie Giles of Morganton was the week-end guest of Miss Hazel Swann. Mr. and Mrs. Swindale and small son of Marshall visited friends in Old Fort Sunday. Miss Davie Mae Arney spent Tuesday in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. B. Thompson of Morganton spent last week in Old Fort, with relatives and friends. Miss Mildred Mackey, a nurse in Knoxville Hospital, Knoxville, Tenn., is spending several weeks here with her parents. Miss Sadie Burgin returned to her home Tuesday after spending several days in Charlotte with her sister. Misses Annie ana uzzie wnite were visitors in Marion Tuesday. George Allison of Marion visited relatives in Old Fort Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Long spent Sunday in Nebo. Mrs. Carl Kelly left Saturday to spend Easter with her parents in Statesville. Miss Laura Curtis of Flat Rock spent the week end in Old Fort. A crowd of boys and girls froir West Asheville, Black Mountain and Old Fort spent the week-end at Lake James. Crawford Fortune, of State Col lege, Raleigh, is spending the Eastei holidays in Old Fort. Miss Genniel Kerlee of Blact Mountain, was a visitor in Old Fori last week. Miss Harriet Adams of Ashevilk i spent the week-end with her father 0. E. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fisher, Miss es Edith LeFevre and Cathryn Find attended an Easter cantata at th< Trinity Church in Asheville Fridaj evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ledbetter o: Old Fort spent Saturday in Ashe j ville. I Misses Genevieve Reed and Ruth( j Greene of Biltmore spent the week I end with Mrs. Henry Fisher. | Mrs. D. M. Mcintosh, Carolyn am ! Archie Mcintosh and Miss Eunici Wilkinson spent Saturday in Ashe ville. Miss Edith LeFevre spent Satur day in Asheville. Mrs. Robie Harding spent Satur day in Asheville. Rev. M. E. Hansel attended Pres bytery in Mooresville last week. Miss Clara Artz of Asheville spen Sunday with her parents here. John Artz of Columbia, S. C. spent the Easter holidays with hi | parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Artz. Miss Carolyn Mcintosh, who ha; been attending the Central Higl | School in Washington, spent th< j Easter holidays with her parent; i here. [ Carlos Newton of Hickory spen j the Easter holidays with friends ii Old Fort, j Miss Nancy Miller, of Montrea j Normal, spent the week-end witl , her parents here. I Miss Eunice Wilkinson, of Mitch ! el College, spent the week-end her( ! with her parents. j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sweeney ol ! Johnson City, Tenn., are visiting Mrs. Sweeney's parents, Mr. ant Mrs. Sam Wilkinson. Donald Mcintosh, of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, .. spent th< Easter holidays with his parents. Crawford Fortune, of State Col lege, spent the Easter holidays witl homefolks in Old Fort. Cary Hedgepeth, of Wake Foresl spent a few days here with friends Charles Jackson, of State College was in Old Fort Friday. S. B. Smithey, Guy Grant, Wood row Harris, and Merrill Kanipe at tended the singing convention a1 Greer, S. C., Sunday. This Old Fori quartet participated in the contest Leslie Mauney, of State College, | spent Easter holidays with parents, j Mrs. C. C. Wyche of Spartanburg C. S., was the week-end guest of her mother, Mrs. J. R. Crawford. Miss Mabel Crawford of Greens boro spent thte Easter holidays boro spent the Easter holidays with her mother in Old Fort. Mrs. Baxter Moose spent the past week-end in Jennings, N. C., her former home. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Payne of El lenboro are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Wilkinson for several days. Miss Nancy Miller, of the Mon treat Normal, spent the Easter hol idays with her parents, Mr. and j Mrs. Clyde Miller. Miss Audry Gosorn of Akron, O., is visiting her parents here. Mrs. Lee Jordan of Asheville i spent Friday with her daughter, i Mrs. Robie Harding. Mrs. George Sandlin and daugh ter, Nannie Sue, spent Saturday in Asheville. Charles Justice of Asheville is spending the week with his sister, Mrs. I. H. Greene, at Dendron. Harry Greene, who has been at tending school in Bakersville has arrived here to spend the summer with his parents. Miss Ruth Greene and Miss Gene vieve Reed of Asheville are spend ing their Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Fisher of Old Fort. Miss Edith Rowe Grady attended the Cherry Blossom ball in Ashe ville Tuesday evening, as the guest ! of Mrs. J. A. Groves and daughter i j Virginia. man raagett narrowly escaped 1 death by drowning on Sunday night when the car in which he was driv ing turned over into Mackeys' Creek east of Old Fort.. He was pulled out of the water by Austin Harris and Mr. Allison who saw the car leave the road. The Training School for Sunday School workers being held at the Methodist Church in Marion this week is being attended by a number of people from Old Fort. Those at tending on Sunday afternoon were \ Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Umberger, Mr. | and Mrs. Charles Noblitt, Mr. and i Mrs. Will Burgin, Miss Gertrude i Dula, Miss Jennie Mae Noblitt, Miss ; Agnes Noblett and Miss Martha j Hughes. B. Y. P. U. SOCIAL The B. Y. P. U. of the Baptist ! Church has been divided into two groups for the purpose of conduct ing a contest for obtaining new members. Group two succeeded in getting more members, so group one was hostess at a party at the home of Blanche Harriss,, Tuesday evening. Delightful games and de ; licious refreshments were enjoyed by the entire B. Y. P. U., plus sever al visitors. OLD FORT-VALDESE GAME The high school baseball team of > Old Fort twice met the team from - Valdese high school last week, on Monday and again on Thursday af [ ternoon. The score at the end of the ; game Thursday was eighteen to - eight in favor of the visitors. EGG HUNT On Friday afternoon Mary Sue Young was hostess to an Easter egg hunt complmentary to the "Full Day Folk" dancers, calisthenics ! drill participants and their direc -; tors. Everybody present reported a I very enjoyable afternoon. I ;;EASTER CANTATA PRESENTED On Easter Sunday evening the ; choir of the Baptist Church and ; some of the members of the Bilt _; more Church very ably presented |; the cantata, "From Death Unto ' | Life." This musical offering was an ! unusual treat and was given before 11 a large and appreciative audience. CARD OF THANKS ' I I wish to thank the young men 1 [ who rescued my dear boy on last j Sunday evening, and for lending ' | him a helping hand when he could ! | not help himself. I want to thank ! all who helped him in any way. And 11 praise the Lord for answering my ; prayer, for I was praying for him. Mrs. A. A. Padgett. ■j LAND FOR SALE Take notice that wheireas under ; date of August 7th, 1925, Charles . | Lytle and wife, Jane Lytle, execu ! ted and delivered to F. rM. Bradley, 1! secretary and treasurer of the Old | Fort Building and Loan Association, j a certain Deed of Trust, securing an indebtedness of Three Hundred I ($300) Dollars, which said Deed of j Trust is recorded in Book 31 page ! 47 McDowell County Mortgage Deed Records, and WT ereas there has been default in the payment of said indebtedness jas in said Deed of Trust provided: ; Now therefore, the undersigned j will, under the power of sale con Believe It Not We Are Going Out Of Business In Old Fort Visit our store and see how prices are cut and slashed and you will know it. Big Bargain Specials for Friday and Saturday Ladies New Spring, Fall Aha Ualf DfS t>t> and Winter Coat at I ■ I !Uv Men's and Boys' Suits at One-half Price New Line of Shoes for Ladies' and Children's just arrived Ladies Patten Straps, $3.50 Values, Priced at $1.9S Chilhren's Patten Straps and Oxfords, Values to $2.50 for 89c, 98c, and $1.29 Ladies' and Children's Wash Dresses New Line Just Arrived, 1 Q Wonderful Values at * EVERY DAY A BIG DAY Grocery Specials, Friday and Saturday, Sugar 5c per Pound Only 10 lbs. to customer with other purchases That Good Loose Coffee, 3 pounds for 50c Everything must go at once, only a few days left to move it, Bryson - Snyder Company OLD FORT, N. C. * tained in said Deed of Trust, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, on Monday, May 5, 1930, at twelve o'clock noon, at the court house door in Marion, McDowell County, N. C., the following descri bed land, lying and being in Mc | Dowell County, N. C.: All that lot of land in Old Fort, N. C., specifically described in a deed from Mary E. Sandlin to Char les Lytle, dated October 7th, 1901, and recorded in Book 35 page 364 McDowell County Deed Records, to which reference is here made for a more specific description. Excepting and reserving, howev er, those two portions of said land described in the following deeds: 1, From Charles Lytle and wife to Herbert Lytle, recorded in Book 45 page 10 of McDowell County I Deed Records, and 2. From Charles Lytle and wife j to Winslow Mathis and wife, recor ! ded in Book 40 page 39 of McDow j ell County Deed Records. j Said sale will be for cash and sub ! ject to confirmation by the court. This 2nd day of April, 1930.6 F. M. BRADLEY, Sec. & Treas. LAND FOR SALE ( Take notice that under and by virtue of a certain Deed of Trust1 dated April 9, 1929, and recorded in Book 37 page 258 of McDowell, j County Mortgage Deed Records,! executed by E. A. Grindstaff and wife, Allie Grindstaff, conveying the lands therein and hereinafter described, as security for an -indebt edness therein described, default having been made in payment of j said indebtedness as provided in the | said Deed of Trust and demand1 having been made on the undersign ed Trustee by the owner of said in-j debtedness, to exercise power of sale contained in said Deed of Trust,: the undersigned Trustee will, on Saturday, May 3, 1930, at twelve o' clock M., at the courthouse door in Marion, McDowell County, N. C.,! offer for sale for cash for the pur pose of satisfying the said indebted ness, the following described land, lying and being in McDowell Coun- j ty, North Carolina: First Tract: Being 3 certain lots in the Town of Old Fort, as follows: Being Lot 8, 9 and 10 in Block "K" of the subdivision of the P. H. Mashburn property as surveyed by E. C. Harris, plat of which is record- j ed in McDowell County Deed Rec-; ords in Map Book No. 1 at pages 2 and 3. Second Tract: Being a certain1 tract of land deeded to E. A. Grind staff by P. H. Mashburn and wife i on the 28th day of March, 1929, and being a part of the P. H. Mash- i WHAT A DIFFERENCE MONEY MAKES Yes, what a difference money makes in getting the most out of life, in being pre pared for an emergency, or ready when opportunity knocks at your door. Join now in one of our classes ranging from 10c to $10.00, payable each week. It is not what you earn that makes you rich, but what you Save. THE BANK OF OLD FORT OLD FORT, N. C. ' % / J. S. BRADLEY, Pres. F. M. BRADLEY, Cashier P. H. MASHBURN, Vice-Pres. Chicken Dinner The Old Fort Woman's Club will serve a Chicken Dinner Saturday evening from five until eight o' clock in the showroom of the Fisher Motor Company on Main St. The public is cordially invited to attend. B burn subdivision as surveyed by E. C. Harris and including lots No. 23 to 42 inclusive. Map on file in Regis ter of Deeds Office of McDowell County, Map Book 1. pages 2 and 3. This 2nd day of April, 1930. F. M. BRADLEY, Trustee. / Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. Vo one knows it except you. Subscribe for the Marion Progress —the home town paper.