OLD FORT NEWS M* | VOLUME III OLD FORT, N. C., THURSDAY. JUNE 19, 1930 NUMBER 38 t THE OLD FORT NEWS The Old Fort News is pub lished each week in connection with the Marion Progress. MISS GERTRUDE DULA, Editor and Business Manager. RITES HELD WEDNESDAY FOR MR. J. C. SANDLIN | The funeral services for J. C. Sandlin of Old Fort, familiarly known as thte "'Squire" and affec tionaltely known to many friends as "Uncle Lum," who died Tuesday, were held Wednesday, June 11th, at the Presbyterian church with the Rev. M. E. Hansel officiating. Although he never applied for ad mittance to the bar, Mr. Sandlin was recognized as a legal light and was a friend and benefactor to many per sons in distress. Judge Michael Schenck, presiding over Superior court in Marion, upon hearing of his death Tuesday morning adjourned court out of respect to his memory. ine paiiDearers were F. m. Brad ley, George Moore, C. F. Noblett, Johnson Nesbitt, J. R. Harris, W. S. Epley, I. L. Caplan and D, F. Arney. Surviving are his wife, who was bei'ore their marriage Miss Sue Mc Canless; one son, George W. Sand lin; one daughter, Mrs. P. H. Mash burn; one sister, Mrs. Alice Hoyle of Portland, Oregon*, three grand daughters and one grandson. At Mr. Sandlin's request, his col-! ored friends sang two songs, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" and "There is Rest for the Weary" as the casket was lowered in the grave. Interment was made in the cemetery at Old Fort. Out of town people attending were Mrs. Locke Craig, Mrs. Ella B. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Payne, Mrs. C. N. Allison, John Morris, Guy Crawford, George Lee, Mr. Green wood, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mashburn, Rev. Neal, Mrs. Tom Pritchard, Mrs. Don Young, Mr. and Mrs. Clapp Greene, Mrs. Ballard, Mrs. Irving Patton and others, of Asheville; W.1 E. Landis, Mr. Beaman, W. L. Smarr, Mrs. Wm. Treverton, Mrs. A. V. Nolan, and J. L. Nichols, of Marion; Mr. and Mrs. Will Sandlin, Garland Posey and Miss Sarah Ruth Posey, of Andrews; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sandlin and George Sandlin, of Bryson City, and Mrs. Anne John son and family, of Hickory. A PEACEFUL NIGHT IN THE COUNTRY (Contributed) The sun rolled majestically across the heavens and gradually sank to rest behind the purple mountains, leaving peace behind. The mountains cast long ghostly shadows over field and plain; while one by one the stars appeared above. Little lights suddenly darted here and there and everywhere; the fireflies were danc ing in the dusk. Presently into this silence there sounded an indistinct voice afar off, coming nearer and nearer until the valley echoed with the plaintive wail of the whippoorwill. The country band was tuning up for its evening concert! Crickets chirped from the grasses, while gruff voices sounded from the mill pond—"Knee deep! Knee deep! Peep! peep!" An owl hooted dismally in the distance. But what? Everything became motionless; they seemed to be en tranced in a dream listening to the beautiful voice of the nightingale.' Beauty? Yes. Peace, contentment, happiness; all these are found if we tune our hearts to interpret the message sent to us by these lowly messengers. MASTER EDWARD BURGIN CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Master Edward Jones Burgin cel ebrated his second birthday on June 12th with a lovely party. About 15 little guests were present, who en joyed many interesting games' with him. After an enjoyable afternoon dainty refreshments were served the little people by Misses Alice Laugh ridge, Pauline Gosorn, Mary Marga ret Johnson and Gladys Rowe. CAMP ELLIOTT OPENS Camp Elliott opened their sum mer season this week with an atten dance of 75 boys. Many improve ments have been made in the camp and the Y. M. C. A. officials are ex pecting a very successful season for this camp. Stanley Cole of Johnson City, Tenn., visited friends in Jofmson City during the week. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Miss Marion Nelly, Miss Natalie Epley, and Robert Mackelfresh, of Asheville, were visitors in Old Fort Sunday. Harry Bishop of Knoxville, Tonn., visited friends in Old Fort Sunday. Miss Janie McSwain is spending her vacation in Old Fort. Prof. S. B. Smithey spent the week-end with homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Silvers of Mar ion were visitors in Old Fort Sunday. Mrs. Baxter Moose was a visitor in Old Fort on Friday. Miss Susan Allison of Asheville spent Sunday in Old Fort with rela tives. Mrs. Maggie Long and small son, Gene, were in Old Fort Sunday. L. J. Epply made a business trip to Marion Monday. Mrs. Hicks Hemphill of Marion was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Early Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grant and two small children, Evelyn and Betty Jean, and Elizabeth Jones, of Forest City, were the guests of Mrs. M. G. Turner Sunday. Miss Laura Curtis of East Flat spent the week-end in Old Fort. Mrs. Geo. Moore spent Monday in Asheville. James Robinson of Asheville spent Sunday in Old Fort. Mrs. Annie Graham, who has been spending several days in Old Fort with relatives, returned to Asheville Tuesday. Mr. Ellis Joseph, student at Duke University, spent several days last week in Old Fort as the guest of Spence Ncblitt. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Fowler, of East Flat Rock were in Old Fort Friday night enroute to Greensboro. Miss Frances Grant is spending several weeks in Gastonia with her grandmother. Mrs. W. S. Burgin, Mrs. M. J. Hunt and Mrs. D. Y. Grant were vis-! itors in Asheville Monday. Edward Prince of Asheville spent | several days in Old Fort last week, j T. H. Allison is spending this week in Asheville. Miss Evelyn Feldpouch of Evans- i ville, Ind., is the house guest of Mrs. Etta Kelly this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mason and children of Nebo were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Long on Sunday. Mrs. Fred Wilson of Marion was a visitor in Old Fort Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gosorn of Den ver, Colorado, and Mrs. Kate Van dever of Higginsville, Missouri, are visiting at the homes of Don H. and T. H. Gosorn. Mrs. P. D. Mangum of Marion was I a visitor in Old Fort on Monday. Mrs. D. H. Gosorn attended the ! Eastern Star convention in Asheville last week. Miss Myrtle Lytle, who has been I teaching near Mooresboro, has re turned to her home here for the [ summer. ' Miss Clyde Terrell left Tuesday ! for her home in Andrews. She was accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. Car | rie Bach. The latter will leave Sun day for her home in Philadelphia,Pa. | Pat Rieily of Johnson City, Tenn., [ was in Old Fort Thursday. Miss Laura Lipe is visiting in Asheville. Mrs. J. A. Swann spent Thursday in Asheville. Joe Lee Grant and John Lee Rob inson left Thursday for Fort Bragg to enter military training for thirty days. Mrs. W. A. Fleming spent Thurs day in Asheville. Miss Lula Mae McDaniel, a nurse at Oteen, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed McDaniel. T. R. Kanipe made a business trip to Asheville Thursday. Mrs. Alice Baker and Evelyn Ba ker, who have been visiting Mrs. Hoppis, returned to their home in i Lincolntor Tuesday. | Miss Janie McSwain, student at J N. C. C. W., is spending the summer i in Old Fert. j Mrs. Janie Reid and Mrs. W. P. j Artz were visitors in Asheville last j Friday. j Mrs. C. W. Watkins, who was the ; guest of her anut, Mrs. J. C. Sand lin, the past week, returned to her home in Raleigh on Friday. Miss H :len Watkins, of Raleigh, attended the funeral of her uncle, J. C. Sandlin, here Wednesday. She re turned to her home Thursday, i Mrs. Tom Pritchard of Asheville i was a visitor in Old Fort Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yancey of Salisbury were guests of Mrs. S. F. I Mauney on Sunday. They were ac companied home by Miss Mary ! Mauney, who has spent the past ten ! days in Old Fort. i Miss Nelle Hemphill of Salisbury j spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hemphill. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Westermann spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Dula in Lenoir. Misses Kate, Mildred and Levann Edwards, of Mullens, S. C., are house guests of Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Jenkins this week. Miss Bernice Hooper of Thomas ville is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. S. F. Mauney. Misses Anne and Nelle Porter re turned Tuesday from Greensboro where they attended North Carolina College commencement. Miss Annie Brackett of St. Peters burg, Fla., who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. A. Porter, left on Monday for Chapel Hill where she will attend summer school. Miss Anne Porter has as her house guests Miss Martha Hall of Stanley, Miss Babe Wain of Granite Quarry and Miss Gladys Mitchell of Greensboro. Local officers of the city and coun ty Sunday afternoon arrested Ernest Brownie, formerly of this place, and lodged him in the county jail. He was charged with having stolen clothing and other goods in towns in Tennessee and this state. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Tate, Mr. and Mrs. Millard Hensley, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hensley and Mrs. Lon Burgin attended the birthday dinner given in honor of Mrs. Will Haynes at her home in Montfords Cove last Sun day. Several hundred guests were present for this occasion. THE OLD FORT MARKER Employees of the Southern Rail way Company were in Old Fort the first of the week to place the arrow head marker on the base, which was completed some weeks ago. Quo Vadis? Policeman (to motorist who nearly collided)—Don't you know tliat you should always give half of the road to a woman driver?" Motorist—I always do, when T find out which half of the road she wants. —Boston Transcript. Full of Rats Old Lady—Oh, conductor, please stop the train. I droped my wig out of the window. Conductor—Never mind, madam, there is a switch just this side of the station.—Exchange. After-Dinner Speaker "I understand your husband is something of an after-dinner speak er?" said Mrs. Brown. "Yes," answered Mrs. Tomkins. "What he is liable to say after dinner is the reason we cannot keep a cook." Poor Papa! He—My dear, you talked in your sleep a long time last night. She—What did I talk about? "Well—er—it seemed to be mainly abuse of me." She—I wasn't asleep. Milam Tonic Rheumatism, Eczema, High Blood Pressure, and Stomach Trouble. No alcohol or dangerous ingredient. Old Fort Drug Co. Bradley Drug Co. A REQUEST Old Fort people are reques ted to send news items for the Old Fort News page, in the Marion Progress, to Miss Ger trude Dula, editor of this page, and not direct to the Progress office. This is to avoid the same news item being printed twice on the page. Mailing boxes for Old Fort News items will be found at the Old Fort Drug Store and the Bradley Drug Store. Postoffice Box 191, Old Fort, N. C. Finest Lilies SCIENTIFIC methods of raising water lilies are producing finer j plants in the United States than can he found anywhere else in the world. A few years hack, no one con sidered pond lilies of sufficient importance to spend any time on, but that enterprising Polish wom an, Helena Rubinstein, discov ered that water lily juice has a curious and beneficial effect on the skin. Experiments proved that the juice must be fresh and as water lilies are seasonal, it seemed im possible to make any commercial use of her discovery. However, the United States is blessed with a variety of temperatures and by purchasing lakes and ponds in various sections, she was able to keep a continuous supply of the fresh flowers. Hundreds of people are em ployed in their care and carloads of the fragile flowers are shipped in refrigerated cars to her labor- , atories in New York and Canada every year. More gardens have been planted in Greene county this year and the acreage to corn has been increased j 40 per cent according to reports. j EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix andj Executor of the Last Will and Testa-: ment of John S. Bradley, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons j having claims against said testator to present, same to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of June, 1931, or this notice will be pleaded in bar thereof. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate settlement with the un dersigned. This 30th day of May, 1930. IDA B. BRADLEY, Executi'ix, and FRED M. BRADLEY, Executor of the Last Will and Tes-> jtament of John S. Bradley, deceased. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES—NO. 1247 Take notice that under and by virtue of an order of the Superior j Court of McDowell County, N. C., j entered in a civil action entitled Lee W. Williams vs. Matilda Green lee heirs, said action having been instituted for the collection of taxes due McDowell County for the year 1927 by the defendants, the under signed having been appointed as Commissioner to sell said land for the purpose of satisfying judgment rendered in this case, will, on Mon day the 23rd day of June, 1980, at ten o'clock, a. m., at the courthouse door, Marion, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described lands. Listed for taxation in the years 1927, 1926, in Old Fort Township in the name of Matilda Greenlee heirs as 52 acres and bounded and described as fol lows: Beginning on a black gum on the spar of a ridge, the beginning corner of the Grant, and runs N 34 poles crossing the creek to a stake; then E 14 poles with the meanders iof the creek to a stake; then S 55 E | 60 poles up the creek to a white oak 'at the point of ridge; then E 12 | poles; then N 85 E 20 poles with the I top of said ridge; then N 55 E 30 ; poles; then E 60 poles crossing the ■ ridge crossing, same course 7 poles ! to a pine on the E boundary of said !tract; then S. 60 poles to a black 'oak, SE corner of said 100 acres on 'the E edge of said ridge road; then iW 100 poles to a spanish oak and j white oak; then N 40 W 100 poles ! crossing the creek three times to a Spine; then S 60 W 20 poles to the i beginning. j The terms of the sale are cash and i subject to confirmation by the court, i This 12th day of May, 1930. ROBERT W. PROCTOR, Commissioner. Coal We will unload a car of Red Ash Egg Coal this week $5.75 per ton delivered. Buy now at Summer prices. We will sell for cash only. OLD FORT COAL CO. Henry C. Fisher W. W. LeFevre A GREAT STORE NOW READY TO SERVE YOU Old Fort Dept Store Opening Sale continues with outstanding Bargains in LADIES SILK DRESSES in latest styles and designs. A Complete Line of Men's Suits. An Attractive line of Shoes for both Men and Women. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY Old Fort Department Store Next to Grady Nichols. A Big Dress Sale Mr. Blomberg, of Rosen Dress Company, will have on Sale 250 Dresses of newest styles at Mrs. W. Crawford's Store SATURDAY, JUNE 21st Prices rangins $4.85, $7.85, $9.85 and $13.85 Don't fail to come. SPECIAL-—20 per cent off on all Shoes. The Crawford Store Old Fort, N. C. Keep Your Money in the Bank Are you troubled by having your money "burn a hole" in your pocket? That is a common fault of mon ey. If you have your money in the bank, whether it be much or little, it will not burn any holes and it will be there when you need it. Money carried on the person is a temptation to spending. Money in the bank does not offer this temp tation. You may hesitate before writing a check where you would not hesitate to spend it if you had the mon ey with you. We offer you the advantage of our banking facili ties and invite you to open a checking account with us. THE BANK OF OLD FORT OLD FORT, N. C. J. S. BRADLEY, Pres. F. M. BRADLEY, Cashier P. H. MASHBURN, Vice-Pres.

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