OLD FORT NEWS j VOLUME III OLD FORT, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1930 NUMBER 39 W THE old fort news The Old Fort News is pub lished each week in connection j\vith the Marion Progress. MISS GERTRUDE DULA, Editor and Business Manager. ALLISON REUNION HELD AT RIDGECREST SUNDAY! | The second Allison reunion was held at Ridgecrest last Sunday, at iended by a large crowd of relatives and friends. A very enjoyable pro cram of worship in songs and speeches was given followed bly a bountiful picnic dinner. Those taking part on the religious | part of the program were Rev. R. L. Creasman of Haw Creek, Rev. Mr. Truett of Swannanoa, and W. H. Al lison of Lewiston, Idaho. At the close of this part of the service, some reminiscent talks about the Allison family were given by L. J. Allison, J. R. Allison, Mrs. Ben Alli son and Joe Kanipe of Old Fort, Very pleasing music for the occa sion was furnished by Mr. Harrison j Eller and his three small daughters, j Everyone went away feeling that j it would be a day long remembered. | ORGANIZE SENIOR CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR An enthusiastic group of young people met at the Presbyterian church Sunday evening and orga nized a Senior Christian Endeavor. The following officers were elected: Jane McSwain, president; Betty.! Crawford, vice-president; Carolyn Mcintosh, secretary; James Bistline, treasurer; Elizabeth Hansel, pro-1 gram chairman; Nancy Miller, social J chairman; Dorothy Spencer, look-; out chairman. All young people over fourteen | years of age are welcome and are urged to join. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY MEETING TUESDAY i The Woman's Auxiliary of the' Presbyterian Church met at the i ^church on Tuesday evening at eight o'clock. The week of services to be- j gin July 2nd was discussed and each i member asked to join a prayer band j praying for the blessing of the Holy | Spirit for guidance. Circle No. 1 and 2 reported intei" esting meetings with programs. Home Circle, Mrs. Hansel, chair man, visited all her members and held her first meeting on last Tues day afternoon. OLD FORT BALL TEAM WINS TWO MORE GAMES The Old Fort town baseball team played Marion-Clinchfield Mill Wed nesday with the town team taking the count 8-7. The game was very close, which made it the more inter-! esting. Another game was played Friday —areturn game with Montfords Cove. The game resulted in another victorv for the town team, the score I being 15-7. It will be interesting to! know that of the six games played \ the town team has won five. MISS NOBLITT ENTERTAINS j Miss Annabelle Noblitt was hos-! tess at a delightful party at her home in New Fort Friday evening, honoring the Gleaners Sunday I School class of the Methodist church, j The home was attractively decor ated with sweet peas and other gar den flowers. Games and contests occupied the evening and a salad course composed the refreshments. Special music was rendered by Miss Margaret Weaver, Miss Helen Nes-{ bitt and Mrs. J. C. Umberger. Those enjoying Miss Noblitt's hos-J pitality were Mrs. J. C. Umberger, j Mrs. Geo. Moore, Mrs. Horace Ear- j ly, Mrs. Max Hunt, Mrs. Dennis! Haynes, Miss Marie Sabom, Miss J Helen Nesbitt, Miss Gladys Stump, j Miss Louise Laughridge, Miss Sally; Finley, Miss Susan Allison, of Ashe-| ville, Miss Margaret Weaver, of Montreat, and Miss Elizabeth Lipe. ! A NEW SCHOOL BOARD At the annual meeting of the Mc-i Dowell County School Board, held in Marion on Monday, the following Old Fort citizens were elected to serve on the Old Fort School Board: J. A. Burgin, Wade Davis, J. R. Har ris, P. H. Mashburn, and Horace EVANGELISTIC SERVICES Evangelistic services will begin in Old Fort church, Wednesday, July 2, at 8 p. m., Dr. J. E. Flow, Presby vterial evangelist, assisting the pas tor. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Mx*. and Mrs. K. G. Rhinehardt and two children, Kenneth and Dor othy, motored to Spartanburg, S. C., Sunday. C. F. Noblitt and Annie Belle Nohlitt were in Marion Tuesday. Little Claxton Sawyer of Asheville is visiting relatives in Old Fort. Miss Aleda Gilleland, a nurse at Aston Park Hospital, is spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gilleland. Walter Burgess, of Mill Springs, was in Old Fort last Wednesday. J. E. Long motored to Nebo on Sunday. Mr. Chas. Noblitt and two daugh ters, Annabelle and Jennie Mae, spent Sunday in Anderson, S. C. Miss Pauline Noblitt, who spent last week in Anderson, returned to her home Sunday. H. R. Early was in Marion Wed nesday afternoon. , Merrill Kanipe is ill with tonsil itis. Little Harry Tisdale of Forest City is spending several days in Old Fort. Howard Greene spent Thursday night in Asheville. P.'H. Mashburn, D. W. Adams, I. H. Greene and D. H. Gosorn are camping on Toe River for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gosorn of Den ver, Colo., and Mrs. Kate Vandiver of Higgensville, Mo., left on 'Friday morning. They will stop in Norfolk, Va., Washington, D. C., and Cum berland, Md., enroute to Denver. Mrs. T. H. Gosorn is accompanying them as far as Cumberland, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thompson and small son, of Marion, spent Sunday j in Old Fort. Mrs. L. J. Epply and Mrs. E. J. Burgin spent Wednesday in Ashe ville. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Noblitt spent Tuesday afternoon in Asheville. ! Charles Bright, of Marion was in Old Fort Sunday afternoon. Miss Goodloe Haney of Nealsville was a visitor in Old Fort Sunday. Ben Goforth of Hendersonville was in Old Fort Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pritchard and daughter, Lucy Anne of Asheville were the guests of Mrs. I. H. Greene over the week-end. Members of the Old Fort chapter 0. E. S. attending the Silver Anni versary Jubilee session of Grand Chapter in Asheville, June 10, 11 and 12, were Mrs. J. M. Charles, Mrs. K. G. Rhinehardt, Mrs. J. N. Nesbitt, Mrs. J. A. Swann, Mrs. Will Grant, Mrs. W. A. Fleming and Mrs. Don Gosorn, of Old Fort; Mrs. J. E Melton, Mrs. C. F. Barnes, Mrs. W. F. Grant and Mrs. Kincaid, of Mar ion. Friends and relatives had begun to crowd in with full baskets and gifts before Mrs. D. H. Gosorn real ized she was having a birthday, Sun day. About twenty-five or thirty were present and a delightful time was had by all. Clarence Northcott and Dick Smith of West Jefferson, N. C., were in Old Fort Sunday. Miss Polly Greene is visiting rela tives in Asheville this week. Mrs. L. J. Stirewalt and Mrs. Hel en Stone spent Thursday in Ashe ville, N. C. Miss Bessie Rue Fleming of Ashe ville spent several days last week with her parents. Miss Margaret Weaver of Mon treat is spending several weeks with Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Umberger. Mrs. Geo. Moore and Mrs. J. C. Umberger spent Thursday in Ashe ville, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Jud Barnard and daughter of Asheville spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Nolan were visitors in Old Fort on Saturday. Miss Genevieve Reed of Biltmore was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. ! C. Fisher the past week. Miss Carolyn Mcintosh who has been attending school in Washing ton, D. C., returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rowe, Miss Ed ith Rowe Grady and Miss Gladys Rowe spent Thursday in Asheville. I Judge and Mrs. T. C. Johnston of | Lumberton, N. C., visited Mr. and Mrs. George Sandlin last week. Misses Bula Kanipe, Milly Kanipe and Margaret Marley will leave on Monday for a motor trip through the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. They will visit Richmond, Va., and t Washington, D. C., before returning home. John Bancroft and Robert Cook of Joseph Bancroft and Sons Co., were breakfast guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Sandlin on Tuesday. "MISS BLUE BONNET" TO BE PRESENTED IN OLD FORT Bright, snappy music, clever dan ces, and romance combine in making "Miss Blue Bonnet" a musical com edy for everybody in Old Fort to look forward to. The plot relvoves around the schemes of an ambitious mother to marry off her daughter. The psychologist she calls in to aid her plans apparently scrambles them hopelessly until the- final act when things are explaine dto the entire satisfaction of the audience. Under the auspices of the Ladies Aid, the play is to be given on Tuesday even ing, July 1, at 8:30. The cast of characters is as fol lows: Dr. Evans, the country doctor, Mr. Henry Fisher. Mrs. Evans, his wife, Mrs. Henry Fisher. Magnolia Evans, the old maid daughter, Eunice Wilkinson. Janie Belle Brannahan, rich mar ried daughter, Elva Noblitt. Burton Hills, gospel singer, Van Hughes. Blue Bonnet, psychologist, Fran ces Sherrill. Wes Evans, son of Evans, Russell Tate. Thad Penny, his friend, Carl Rock Minerva Maddox, village gossip, Edna Tate. Una Brannahan, granddaughter of Evans, Arwyn Steppe. Kate Brannahan, granddaughter of Evans, Kathryn Finch. Susie Perkins, who writes poetry, Nell Allison. Saly Hazzard, friend of Magnolia, Caroline Mcintosh. Hickory Stout, in love with Mag nolia, Woodrow Harris. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS OLD FORT GROUP OF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES M. E. Hansel, Minister Old Fort Sabbath School 10 a. m. Junior Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. Young People of the Church 7:15pm Public worship 8 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 8 p. m. Siloam Sabbath School 10 a. m. Public Worship with Commu nion of Lord's Supper __ 11 a. m. Oakdale Sabbath School 10 a. m. Little Norma Gosorn has been put to bed again for an indefinite length of time. Milam Tonic Rheumatism, Eczema, High Blood Pressure, and Stomach Trouble. No alcohol or dangerous ingredient. Old Fort Drug Co. Bradley Drug Co. A REQUEST Old Fort people are reques ted to send news items for the Old Fort News page, in the Marion Progress, to Miss Ger trude Dula, editor of this page, and not direct to the Progress office. This is to avoid the same news item being printed twice on the page. Mailing boxes for Old Fort News items will be found at the Old Fort Drug Store and the Bradley Drug Store. Postoffice Box 191, Old Fort, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator with the will annexed of the estate of C. M. Hall, deceased, late of Mc Dowell County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his home on or before the 19th day of June, 1931, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 19th day of June, 1930. F. VERNO HARRIS, Administrator with will annexed of C. M. Hall. GOOD POSTURE IS QUITE IMPORTANT I i i Avoid Faulty Ways of Standing and Sitting. (Prepared by the United States Department j of Agriculture.) Good posture throughout her active I day is a matter of more importance to j the homemaker than she may realize, j It makes all the difference between j weariness and freshness when her j work is done. Faulty ways of stand- j ing and sitting cause much unneces sary fatigue, backache, tired feet, and a general feeling of slump which must be quite out of proportion to the amount of work done. If bad pos ture becomes habitual the spine may be affected, the shoulders become "round," the ankles may have a ten- i dency to "run over," or other defects I may develop. Sometimes these are j sufficiently serious to cause displace- | inent or cramping of internal organs leading to many physical ailments. It is fairly easy to catch oneself stooping unnecessarily over the sink, the kitchen table, the wash tubs, or Stand Properly When Working at Stove. ironing board. Sometimes a little ad justment in the height of these work ing surfaces is what is needed. Good sitting posture is often neglected be cause a natural tendency to relax in a chair if one is already somewhat tired. Putting tlie feet squarely on the floor and sitting with the base of I he spine well back, helps to throw other parts of the body into good sit ting position. Perhaps the least noticeable and most frequent tendency to slump the shoulders and chest and thrust the hips out of place occurs when one is doing work that requires continuous To prevent waste of hotel station ery a holder has been invented that dispenses a single sheet of paper and an envelope when a knob is turned. LAND FOR SALE UNDER MORTGAGE Take notice that the undersigned, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a mortgage deed, executed by E. C. Spencer to Farm Supply Company on the 14th day of ! May 1929, and recorded in Book of Mortgages 41 at page 94 in the of ifice of the Register of Deeds for Mc Dowell county, conveying the here inafter described tracts of land to secure the payment of a certain sum of money, and default having been made in the payment of the same, after due demand, will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door in Marion, Mc Dowell County, N. C., on Saturday, July 12, ]930, at 12 o'clock noon, the following described lands for the purpose of satisfying the said in debtedness: First: Those two tracts of land embraced in a deed dated the 3rd day of July, 1924, from J. D. Pitts and wife, L. A. Pitts, to Lassiter and Spencer, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of McDowell County, N. C., and registered May 15, 1924, in Book 64 page 300 of said deed records, to which refer ence is hereby made for a full and NEW SUMMER HATS "V Latest Styles in Summer Hats. Beautiful Hair Braids in Black and Col ors at Reduced Prices. Dula Hat Shop OLD FORT, N. C. Important Notice Conditions over which we have no con trol such as reduced commissions, higher operation expenses, etc., will force us to operate on a strictly cash basis unless those to whom we have extended credit pay their bills promptly each month. Ac counts that are over 60 days old will be placed on a cash basis until paid. Thank you. THE FISHER MOTOR CO Old Fort, N. C. TAKE TIME BY THE FORELOCK And be prepared to enjoy the Summer by being the OWNER OF A NEW CHEVROLET SIX Let us demonstrate the IMPROVED FEATURES of the New Chevrolet Six—a smoother, faster, better Six, at prices within the reach of all. Kanipe Motor Co. OLD FORT, N. C. Keep Your Money in the Bank Are you troubled by having your money "burn a hole" in your pocket? That is a common fault of mon ey. If you have your money in the bank, whether it be much or little, it will not burn any holes and it will be there when you need it. Money carried on the person is a temptation to spending. Money in the bank does not offer this temp tation. You may hesitate before writing a check where you would not hesitate to spend it if you. had the mon ey with you. We offer you the advantage of our banking facili ties and invite you to open a checking account with us. THE BANK OF OLD FORT OLD FORT, N. C. J. S. BRADLEY, Pres. F. M. BRADLEY, Cathier P. H. MASHBURN, Vice-Pres. complete description of said lands. ! Second: All that land conveyed by Dora Lassiter and R. F. Lassiter to E. C. Spencer the 16th day of Sep tember, 1926, which is one-half in terest in a certain deed dated May 28, 1923, from the Board of Educa-] tion of McDowell County, N. C., to1 r ' G. W. Kirkpatrick et al., and recor ded in office of the Register of Deeds of McDowell County, N. C., to which deed reference is here made for full and complete description of said land. This 10th day of June, 1930. FARM SUPPLY CO., Mortgagee.