oeei M ,"vn .TAGdiTJJST v} ,aoi»A* ,atai»«rwin muuuljb OLD FORT, N. C., THURSDA^ -iNjQyjEMBgR 2ft, 1S30 NUMBER 8 THE OLD FORT NEWS The Old Fort News is pub lished each week in connection with the Marion Progress. MISS GERTRUDE DULA, Editor and Business Manager. AN APPEAL TO MR. DAUGHTON j (Contributed) A telegram bearing the signature of town officials and prominent citi zens was sent to the Hon. R. A. Daughton, State Highway CoGmmis sioner, at Raleigh, N. C., on Wed nesday, asking for work in the near future on the Bat Cave - Old Port highway in order to assist in taking! care of the large number of ianem-j ployed men in this section. In re questing that the paving of ttlas much traveled road be included as a part of the 1930-31 road program, Mr. Daughton was informed of the promises of Gov. O. Max Gardner in Ms speech at Marion as well as those of A. M. Kistler and J. G. Stikete^th er, roads commissioners for the eighth and nirth districts, respec tively, 'that they would endorse and work for the State maintenance of this road. To the local citizen it ap pears that this work, if commenced this fall, could help fill a great need, and offers a timely opportunity for fulfilling campaign promises which if carried out would be gneatly ap preciated by the people of the entire I county. This improvement will bring j No. 28 across No. 20, where it now] stops at Bat Cave, to No. K© -at f01d ; Fort and in that manner bring No 28 on No. 10 through Marion, in view of perhaps routing to No. 105 through the Linville section and in this manner adding to the reputa tion that No. 28 has of being the most scenic route in the Southern Appalachians. If this plan is carried out it will fully justify Mt. Stike leather's vision in the Sapphire coun try, and uphold Mr. Kistter's realiza tion of the beauties of the Linville Gorge. Certainly Mr. Kistler's critics af-! ter riding over this road -when No. 28 is put through the Linwflle Gorge section over No. -105 will feel apolo getic over all the unkind things said about him, since the Linville Gorge, Table Rock, Hawk's BUI, Linville Falls and Linville City are a combi nation of beauty spots undoubtedly unsurpassed in America, wiTl also be included in the route of N«x. 28 al ready famous for its scenie beauty. TRUCK TURNS OVER ON MOUNTAIN ROAD Ransom Simmons of Yancey county, driver for Charlie Fortune, of Black Mountain, was injured on Wednesday of last week when his truck loaded with acid wood turned over on highway. No. 10 at the over head bridge west of Old Fort. As the truck careened Simmons was thrown through the right hand win dow, the frame of the door striking him when the vehicle landed on him. He sustained painful though not se rious injuries to his back. FIRE DESTROYS GRIST MILL Fire destroyed the grist mill on Commerce avenue Friday morning about four o'clock. This mill was owned by Col. D. W. Adams, who stated that a very small part of the loss was covered with insurance. The mill has been in operation with Will Suttles, of Greenlee, operating it. The fire-, of unknown origin, star ted in the rear of the old building which was walled and co^red with corrugated iron which held the flames until the fire had gained great headway. K. G. Rhineheart, conducter on ;the night helper, gave the alarm and in a few minutes the volunteer fire department was on the scene in time to save the two nearbl dwelling houses Which were in great danger. new bakery The Pine Cove Bakery and Food Products Company, of Old Fort, is erecting a new bakery in the foot hills of Pine Cove Sanitarium. They -will specialize on whole meal breads and other lines of unprocessed foods The Kanipe Motor Company of Old "Fort has the order for a new six cyl inder Chevrolet truck