vw rum ntws The Old Fort News is pub lished each week in connection with the Marion Progress. MISS GERTRUDE DULA, Editor and Business Manager. GOOD-BY, OLD YEAR Good-by, Old Year! Good-by! We have been happy—you and I; We have been glad in many ways; And now that you have come to die, Remembering our happy days, Tis hard to say, "Good-by— Good-by, Old Year! Good-by!" Good-by, Old Year! Good-by! We have seen sorrow—you and I— Such hopeless sorrow, grief and care— That now, that you have come to die, Remembering our old despair, 'Tis sweet to say, "Good-by— Good-by, Old Year! Good-by!" —James Whitcomb Riley. i TO DiE OR TO DIET' NO. 3 By H. S. Anderson The Real Fountain of Youth: Natural foods, as they come to us from the hand of nature, including their valuable salts and juices, furn ish practically every requirement of health, and tend to correct and to re pair diseased conditions and make sick persons well. Instead of spend ing our time and energy in an endless search for the baubles called "The Fountain of Youth," we should spend our time in mastering the science of keeping young. The up-to-date farmer studies the science of stock raising with the ob ject of producing the most beautiful ly developed and strongest specimens of the kind. He does not overlook tie matter of proper nutrition, for it is by proper food that he supplies the essential building materials for the animals in which his money is in vested. Because the prize horse, cow, sheep or dog are fed scientifically, they grow the way they should grow. Their muscles are full of tone and their teeth are in perfect condition. They are never fed on demineralizd and devitamined foods so common to day in the average civilized commu nity, but they are fed on natural foods containing all of the mineral : salts and vitamins that whole grains and grasses contain. These organic salts and life-giving vitamins are just as necessary for the perfect de velopment of human bones and blood and muscle, and nerve fibre in the human, as in the healthy animal. jyiouerri science uj. uicuita 10 uaocu on a reform rrovement, the essential principle of which is a return to na ture, and to seek for those paths which lead into harmony with nature and with ourselves. It happens that some of the greatest discoveries along dietetic lines have been literal ly stumbled upon in the search for something else. For instance, only a few decades ago, men of science ("bug chasers") were looking for the germ that caused beriberi which was taking a great toll of lives in the marine service. Seemingly, by ac cident, they discovered that it was not a germ, but a lack of something in the food that was the cause of the trouble. Among peoples who lived on ■whole unpolished rice, for instance, l>eriberi did not develop, but among those who were fed on the pearly white rice, beriberi appeared. It was found that the outer coat of rice con tained something that prevented beriberi. In later years, through ex periment on animals and birds it has been shown that the same holds true with reference to feeding animals or humans on exclusive diets of white or whole wheat bread. (To be continued next week.) LETTER OF THANKS To the Editor of the Old Fort News: win von allow me space in your Mr. T. We Sell for Cash Only, Old Fort Coal Co. W, W. LeFevre When You Want A Good Book Go To Your Public Library You Will Be Welcome Not More Money But More Wisdom V WHA'f this country needs % ' < is not more money, but more people who know how to use it wisely. Banking a goodly portion every day is wise. THE BANK OF OLD FORT OLD FORT, N. C. STRONG COURTEOUS HELPFUL