M. L. THOMASON JEWELER Repairs A—L—L Types of Watches — Swiss Watches A Spcialty Located in ;5-R Barber Shop ALL WORK GUARANTEED Fitts Electric Shop Makes New Motors Out of Old Ones CALL 268-J TWIN CITY HAPPENINGS Mr. and Mrs. Tom Outland of 600 Street spent the week-end in Smith field with relatives. Rev. J. E. Kirk is attending the Baptist State Convention in Shelby this week. Mrs. Velma Lyerly and children of Franklin, Va., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Lyerly. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Coker of En field spent Sunday with Mrs. J. A. Twiddy. StomachTestFree If poor digestion makes you suf fer from gas, bloating, heartburn, acidity, or sick stomach, try the Dlotex 15 Minute Test. Absolutely harmless. Works fast. Five posi tive digestive aids, in pleasant tab let form. No soda, dopes or laxative. Get Dlotex from your druggist today for only 60c. Absolutely free under the money-back guarantee, If it doesn’t give stomach comfort In 15 minutes, and soon help restore good digestion. Mr. Ernest Bidgood of Portsmouth, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ray. Mr. Heni-y Baggett of Sampson County spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. Robert Hudson. The Womans Missionary Society of the Rosemary Baptist Church held their regular monthly meeting last Tuesday afternoon. Circle No. 3 had charge of the program, the topic of which was “Our Unchanged Task in a Changing World." With Mrs. Arthur Williams as leader. Talks were made by the following members, Mrs. Arthur Williams, Mrs. L. B. Crouch, Mrs. C. F. Ogletree, Mrs. T. M. Jenkins, Mrs. P. A. Cook and Mrs. Frank Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Laster Warick of Sampson County, spent the week-end with Mrs. Warick’s mother, Mrs. Su san Baggett. Mr. Virginius Smith spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. C. F. Ogle tree. Bill Allsbrook spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allsbrook. | Mrs. Pattie Fitts of Durham is spending some time with her daugh ter. Mrs. V. T. Lamm. Mrs. Lizzie Smith has been quite sick at her home on Madison street. Robert McCommon is spending some time in Norfolk. Mrs. E. L. Bidgood has returned to her home in Portsmouth, Va., where she was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. W. H. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Schmid left Thursday for New York where they will make their home for some time, later going to South East Af rica, where Mr. Schmid is interested in several coffee plantations. The friends of Mr. Jack Williams will regret to know that he received a telegram this week with the news of the death of his mother in Kimber ly, Wisconsin. Mrs. Frank Hawley and Mrs. Juli an Allsbrook spent a day in Richmond last week. Mft*. Reeved Manning spent the week-end in Norfolk. Mrs. Hugh Camp is spending the week-end in New York City. Miss Creighton Harris had as her guests for the week-end Miss Paige Gooch, Miss Celia Rux and Miss Bil ly Jones of Henderson Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Cannon, Miss Margie Cannon, Messrs Bill Taylor Tommie Jenkins and Harry Cannon attended the State Davidson football game in Raleigh Saturday. Ivey Crouch of Wake Forest college spent the week-end here with his par ents. Miss Frances McClary was a vis itor in Norfolk, Ya. Saturday. Miss Edna Abbott left Saturday for Florida where she has accepted a position. It is with much regret that the school loses Miss Abbott. She has served in the capacity of Red Cross Nurse for some time. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Howard of High Point spent the week-end here with friends. Miss Mildred Wahob left Saturday for Swan Quarter, N. C. Every drop is better because it is new-pr essed _“STANDARD77 Gasoline..refined by the latest and best methods... gives every car owner startling performance records ... quicker starting and pickup, smoother power, iesr, knocking ... a high-test GASOLINE AT NO ADVANCE IN PRICE ACRES AND ACRES of giant towers exclusively devoted to producing this full-rich, high-test gasoline. Because of the new-processed "Standard" Gasoline's instant popularity, the plant goes full blast day and night. WHAT are the specifications and "extra" refinements of the new-processed "Standard" Gaso line? There's no stronger phrase than "quicker starting." If there were, we would apply it to this new fuel—to the manner in which, cold weather, or not, it starts the engine roaring with power. Pickup, the best ever. Smoother power, one more result of the new cracking process. Less knocking, too. Minimum shifting. In brief, a high-test gasoline at no advance in price—the kind you have always wonted. Other popular-priced gasolines may have one or some of the qualities we have named, but only the new-processed "Standard" Gasoline has them all—because it is refined by this new patented process. Try the new-processed "Standard" Gasoline TODAY. Test it today in any way you choose—then let your motor tell its own story of more efficient performance. On sale everywhere. At no ad vance in price. ! * i. " STAN DARD~ c a * o l . n e NEW-PROCESSED HIGH-TEST Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Grizzard and son, George, Miss Florine Holt and Mr. Tom White spent Sunday in Washington, D. C. Mrs. J. C. Butts of Halifax is spending some time with friends and relatives here. The Study Club met Friday after noon at the residence of Mrs. .T R. Manning, Mrs. Manning acted as hostess for Mrs. E. W. Lehman. The president, Mrs. A. E. Akers called the meeting to order and the following outstanding business was transacted. The club voted to stand behind the endowment fund sponsored by the General Federation. The members were also reminded that the sale of Xmas Seals would soon take place and each member should do her nart. The paper, “Wagner, tne Wizard of the Opera,” by Mrs. Akers was much enjoyed. Miss Susan Holliday gave a splendid reading of the opera Lo hengrin. As the roll was called each member responded with an Interest ing account taken from one of Wag ner’s Operas or some star playing a part in one. At the close of the pro gram refreshments were served to the following members: Mesdames Frank Hawley, John Martin, Pendle ton Grizzard, Fred Brown, George Hayes, A. L. Taylor, W. S. Dean, A. E. Akers, T. R. Manning and Miss Su san Holliday. _n In Memoriam Much has been written and said about man expressing praise in words. The truest thing that is said is which is lived. A man's normal deeds, together with his constant at titude, disclose more of his real feel ings than is revealed by his words. Some lives that we contact are so filled with harmony that we instantly sense it. We cannot define the ex act source of the impression that we get, but it is very real to us and has a constructive and encouraging in fluence on us. Since we like to find such an at titude in others, it reasonable to be believe that others are looking to find the same thing in us. We can cultivate and develop a mental atti tude that makes life a constant song of blessings by learning to recognize in greater degree the blessings that we actually have. Only one way, the right way. Knowing my good friend, Willie Fulghman, for 25 years, and seeing him daily or near. I think him one that has lived as above written. Words cannot express my sorrow of the taking this man out of the conv ; munity. “Though it was the good Lord’s will.” A Frier.d, L. A. DANIEL, Rosemary, N. C. r~i _ Notice of Sale In the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina. In the Matter of L. G. Shell, Com pany, Incorporated, Bankrupt, of Rosemary, N. C. Under the power vested in me as Trustee of the L. G. Shell Company, Incorporated, Bankrupt, and in pur suance of an order made by Marshall C. Staton, Referee in Bankruptcy, I will offer for sale at public auction t othe highest bidder for cash at the Rosemary Branch of the Roanoke Bank & Trust Company at Rosemary, N. C., on Friday, the 22nd day of No vember, 1929, at 11 o’clock A. M., Certificate No. Forty-Four (44) for five shares of the capital stock of the Triple “R” Grocery Company, Incorporated, of the par value of One Hundred Dollars per share. The successful bidder will be re quired to deposit ten per cent of his bid as evidence of good faith. The will be made subject to confirmation by the referee. This the 11th day of November, 1929. CHAS. R. DANIEL, Trustee, Weldon, N. C. 2t-ll-21 HOW’S THIS FOR CLEAN? Your wife thought she would surprise you by sending your suit that was all stained and spotted to TICKELS the dry cleaner and look at it now. You would never know it for the same suit. Just like new. That’s what we call economy. PHONE 117-J 115 10th St. Roaemary