CAFES MARKETS White Cafe Scores for May White House, Enfield . 98 Cherry's Lunch, Roa. Rapids 98 Dixie Cafe, Scotland Neck 97 Your Cafe. Roa. Rapids 97 Grant’s Cafe, Weldon 95 1-2 Terminal Hotel, Weldon 95 New York Cafe, Weldon 94 Woodruff’s Cafe, Roa. Rapids 94 Coffee Shoppe, Weldon 93 1-2 Duncan's Lunch. Roa. Rapids 93 Joe Ameen, Halifax 85 Scotland Neck Hotel, Scot land Neck 6S Colored Cafe Scores for May Terminal Inn. Weldon 97 Levy Patterson, Weldon 90 Franklin Cafe, Enfield 89 White Elephant, Enfield 85 Cofield Cafe, Enfield 83 Willis Cafe. Enfield _ 74 Charlie Williams Cafe, Weldon 72 1-2 Roanoke Rapids Market Scores, May Taylor and Collier 98 M. System 98 M. Hedgepeth 90 S. C. Cook . - . 96 G. H. Ranhorn - 96 Village Cash Stor e.94 W .C. Allsbrook_ _ 91 Rosemary Market Scores for May R. I. Stark _ 98 I | Rosemary, N. C. May 30,1930, .Mr. S. M. Thompson, Dear Sir:— 1 never realized until a few months ago that 1 could pur chase and own a home so easy until 1 accepted your offer and purchased my home. 1 feel like you have given me a home. Here is wishing you a great suc ces and I hope that you will he able to make others see as you did me. I was talking to a par ty you sold a house and lot to and he said you have it rented out for him and that the rent has kept up the payments, and he has not had to make any more payments. At the end of the year he received from you a credit of $360.00. Just goes to show that the man renting is buying the place and giving it to someone else. You sure have taught me a lesson. And from now on I will certaily use my in fluence to any home seeker to see you and arrange to buy a home on your easy payment plan instead of buying rent notes. Yours very truly, I). HARRISON. For Real Estate See S. M. THOMPSON I Rosemary, X. C. These hotels offer super ior accommodations for ? your next visit to— WASHINGTON, D. C. MARTINIQUE—16th St. at M, Northwest. Ideal for motorists. Single with bath, $3 to $4. Double with bath $5 to $6. HAMILTON HOTEL — 14th at K St. In the heart of the city. Single with bath $3 to $5. Double with bath, $5 to $8. CAIRO HOTEL— Que St. | at 16th — Washington’s tallest building. Single with bath $3 to $3.50. Double with bath, $4 to $6. \ - ir Travnham and Grimmer - 98 J R. E. Merritt 981 Ideal Economy Store 98 Wayne Grocery 4 ompany - 98 Taylor Grocery Co. 97 Rosemary Supply Co. 97 I. H. Matkins 97 Tucker Fayed - 97 ! E. R. Matthews 97 J. C. Wells 97 A&P Store 96 W. It. Stark 95 Medlin Brothers 9i> DAIRY REPORTS The dairies of Halifax County are graded according to the United States standard Milk Ordinance which grades them. A-B-C and D. A being the high tst and I> the lowest. The grade is determined by the dairy equipment, the compliance with health regula tions and the cleanliness of handling, tirade “A” Dairies S. S. Viverette, bac. 3,500; temp. 40; butter fat, 4.51. W. H. Batts, bac. 4,500; temp. 48 1-2; butter fat, 1.55. Percy Johnson, bac. 5,000; temp. 49 1-2; butter fat, 3.85. N. M. Hoekaday, bac. 6,500; temp. 45; butter fat, 3.50. O. V. Strauther, bac. 9.500, temp. 54 1-2, butter fat, 4.25. S H. Matthews. 18,000. temp. 50; butter fat. 3.30. Allen's Dairy, bac. 18,3000; temp. U; butter fat^ 3.30t C. R. Crittenden, bac. 18,300; :emp. 56 1-2; butter fat. 3.90. Some of the dairymen are not pay ng enough attention to keeping tb4u nilk cool. It should not bo warmer ban 50 degrees F. when delivered, (irade "D" Dairies •I. H. Harrell, Rosemary. Mrs. Charlie Speed. Scotland Neck. Miss 1 Susie Shields, Sc thnd Neck. Char- j lie Van Landinghani, Scotland Neck. | D. H. MOODY, ; County Food Inspector. | GAS FRANCHISE (Continued from last week) Section 7. That the said D. I„ Thompson, before commencing work as aforesaid, shall furnish a bond to the city of Roanoke Rapids, for the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, condi t'oned that he. the said D..L. Thomp son, his successors and assigns, shall i t all times save, defend and keep harmless and indemnify the said city ot Roanoke Rapids, from all damages resulting from the laying or relaying °* sa>d pipes, conductors and conduits .n. through, along and under the pub lic streets, alleys, highways, squares and public grounds for and on account ot, any and all damages resulting from the maintenance thereof and for th faithful perfromance of all the terms of this ordinance and contract. This bond shall be in force during the period of construction. This period ot construction shall be considered terminated as soon as the gas is turn ed into the mains from the manufac turing plant, at which time the City I.pgineer shall certify in writing, to ;; release of the construction bond. ■' ' '!°n *-A. That the entire manu t'm iuring plant of the Roanoke Ra icds Gas Company for which this lranchise is granted shall he phu-o i ■-t un the corporate limits of the , ity ' / Kaonoke Rapids as established at t -e time the >aid manufacturing plain is built. ^ .section ? all the provisions contained herein, and shall bona fide begin construction ot said gas plant and the laying of said pipes, conductors and conduits within twelve months from the pas sage of this ordinance; otherwise this ordinance shall become null and void. Section 9. That the said D. I_. Thompson, his successors and assigns shall and will complete the construct ion of said gas plant and the laying of said pipes, conductors, and conduits and begin the operation of said gas plant, within one year from the time the same is begun unless delayed by strikes, fires and other acts beyond | the control of said D. L. Thompson, | otherwise this ordinance shall be null | and void. j Section 10. The said D. L. Thomp- I son shall and must connect each build- i ing on said streets, avenues, alleys, and public places where gas mains are located provided the occupant or oc cupants shall agree to pay the cost of service pipe at the rate of fifty cents (50c) per foot measuring from the curb line on the street to a point immediately within the outer wall and G-L-A-S-S FOR A-L-L PURPOSES ROSEMARY GLASS CO. Phone 248 Roanoke Jet., N. C. P.o.—Rosemary, N. C. — Phon efor Estimates, Cheerfully Given m additional charge of One Dollar «'ifty cents ($1.50) for meter coll ection. Section 11. That said D. L. Thomp on, his succesors and assigns, shall ipon the oHer of the Board of Com rissioners of raid city, extend his oains within the city limits where •onsumers average one per hundred feet. Section 12. That the rights and rivileges granted to the said D. L. Fhompson, his successors mul assigns ry this ordinance, shill extend for a vriod of forty (40) years from the late of this ordinance becoming a law. .vilh the privilege of renewal under • uch reasonable regulations as the Board of Commissioners of said city «hall at the time of renewal, devise. Section 13. That the said D. L. rhompson, his successors and assigns, shall and will charge for gas furnish id to the said city of Roanoke Ra- j pids and the inhabitants thereof, not over Two Dollars and Forty Cents ($2.40) for each and every one thous and (1,000) cubic feet of gas with a discount of ten (10) cents per thous and feet for payment of bills within ten (10) days. Section 14. That the said D. L. Thompson, his successors and assigns, shall and will, as soon as the bill is rendered therefor, pay to the City Clerk of thg City of Roanoke Rapids the cost, expenses and counsel fees incident to the drafting, advertising and passing of this ordinance. Section 15. That within ninety (00) days a Corporation known as the ‘"Roanoke Rapids Gas Company” will he organized under the laws of North Carolina. This franchise will at that time be assigned to said Corporation. Section 15. That this ordinance hall take effect immediately upon ts final passage and acceptance in vriting by the said D. L. Thompson. Ordained and enacted this the 6th lay of Mav, 1930. -□ House Ordered To Report at Annapolis Arthur C. House Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. House of Weldon was noti fied that he had successfully passed [he entrance examination to the Unit ed States Naval Academy and or dered him to report at Annapolis on June 17th. Mr. House, who stood the examina tion for the Naval Academy the first part of April, was appointed to that school by Congressman John H. Kerr of the 2nd Congressional District of which Weldon is a part. Misses Mary Wood Hall and Lee Arnold were joint hostesses to the Teachers Bridge Club on Monday evening, May 26th, at the teacher’s he>me on Hamilton Stree, giving a bridge shower for Miss Patience Moore anel Miss Martha Hassell whose whose engagements have been an nounced for mid-summer. Mr. C. B. Keeter of Norfolk, broth er of Mr. C. L. Ketter was a visitor here Sunday. The members of the Parent-Teach er organization of the Central School entertained ,'he teachers of that school at a picnic a tthc Country Club on Monday afternoon, May lid. BETTER YET Peanut Butter WE RECOMMEND IT TAYLOR and COLLIER Rcanoke Rapids, N. C. FLIGEL’S “The Shopping Center” HAS MOVED! TO TEMPORARY LOCATION Two Doors From Oid Location - Between Hunt’s and Shell’s A Few Departments To Be Discontinued 134 Silk Dresses for all occasions in Flat Crepe and Silk Pique. Many styles in 1 surd 2 pieces— An outstanding as sortment at the un usually low price of— SEE THESE VALUES We are now located in our temporary location, 1 where we will continue to serve our customers while our store is being remodeled. During our REMODELING SALE we have cut prices to - the lowest mark in every department. We will discontinue the Men’s and Boy’s Departments, and have slashed prices to close out. DON’T MISS T-H-I-S! Val. to $2.95 I 150 Hats to be Closed Out | SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Imported Woven San- Apt dais. Colors, all tan. all 9W U"% white, and black and w VV white. Sizes 3-8, values • t o$5.00 — Special Childrens Shoes to be g^ g^ discontinued. Your choice of a large stock From * Greatly Reduced Prices