THE HERALD Of The Twin Cities ROANOKE RAPIDS—ROSEMARY CARROLL WILSON, Publisher and Editor Entered u Second Claw natter April 3rd, 1914, at the Poetoffice at Roaaeke Rapids, North Carolina, under Act of March 3rd, 1S7*. _ PRINTERS, LITHOGRAPHERS. ENGRAVERS MEN WANTED Two big corporations are seeking officers to operate those companies in a business like and ef ficient manner. One if a forty million dollar cor poration ; the other is a billion dollar concern. That sounds like a lot of money and it is. The men who should be chosen to fill these important positions should be men of experience, men of education, men whose minds can cope with deep problems of finance and management, men who can keep level heads and an even keel when any thing endangers the growth and prosperity of their employers. Tbe~e are many applicants for the positions. The Eca.-d of Directors and the Stockholders of the two big companies will meet on Saturday, June 7, when the new officials to operate these vast enterprises will be chosen. The smaller of the two corporations, we known as Halfiax County, the larger as the State of North Carolina. You, the voters, are the stockholders; your party leaders are your Board of Directors. \\ hat kind of men will you choose for the various im portant i<.ces to be filled? The. ? v o complaints from some of the st >vk ltolders - --.t the balance sheet .•■.hows the over head' is t ; -eat. Whal ki i of men will yi em ploy t ■ i i ; • 1 stematic and euui- i etit utter:' -V : ■ dbcovd !r ■■ of the " r: nek fac t ■'-■- ■ \That kind w::’ you choose to pi' .• a" . ' .' a n femm ’rearing and - ■ ; arrive rn;t condo duns V at kind of men ai you willing to true! vrh y business affairs, your money and year proper:— -.he protection of your homes, the edu cation of your children, the welfare of your coun ty and state? You answer these questions on June 7th in the primary election. The man or woman who does net vote has no right of future criticism. The mar. and woman who vote for the type of men ■such as they would trust with their business and their pocketbook are good citizens and good stock holders. They deserve and will get good divi dends WHEN WAITING AND WORKING PAYS To those like ourselves who itch for immedi ate action on the bridge situation, calmer heads quote familiarly, “Rome was not built in a day.” Others tell us that it took Weldon five years of plugging to get their new bridge. Thoughtful consideration leads to the con clusion that what they say is true. The Highway Commission, even if they had plenty of money, would be unwise, even criminal in action, to spend the amount of money necessary without the min utest of investigations. The delegation which went to Raleigh last week made a good impression. It accomplished the first steps necessary to attainment and suc cess when the Commission agreed to get engin eering figures and facts for a new bridge at a new location. It dees not follow that a new bridge is to be had, but it is noteworthy that serious considera tion has taken the place of haphazard guessing and unwritten promises. We do believe that when the figures are ob tained, our case will be made slionger and our contentions will be borne out by the facts. We believe that we can definitely prove to the Com mission, not only the need of a new bridge at a new site, but that the elimination of the tour bridge lay-out and the dirt road fill connecting, constantly endangered by high water, will be in the interest of economy anti efficiency and will be of untold value for all times to a wealthy and thickly populated industrial and agricultural area I of the state. i ... To speak i rankly, we people must wm om um Commissioner over to our way of thinking. W bile Mr. Keugler states the need of a new bridge here, his conception and ours of a new bridge are totally different. He would give us a practically nr.v bridge at the same site, of ten ton capacity. He would argue that the other three bridges aie suf ficient, this argument be'ng based cn tb efact that they did not wash out last jear. He would say that a little mor edirt on the roads between the bridges would suffice. He would make us be lieve that we won't get much heavy traffic any way after the Weldon bridge is opened. To be even more frank on the subject, Mr. Keugler could put us a ten 4on bridge in the place of the first large bridge at a cost Of between sev enty and seventy-five thousand dollars, whereas a new bridge at the new site wouuld cost at least three times that amount. With the difference Mr. Keugler knows that he can fill the needs in other parts of his district in no small degree. We appreciate Mr. Keugler’s position. He wants to do all he can for as many different parts of his district as he can. He wants to spread the butter thin to cover a big slice of bread. And as long as all things are equal and no emergencies' exist, We agree with his policy. However, up here on the Roanoke River, we live face to face with a most serious handicap. Here an actual emergency exists. It is not a ques tion of what might happen. It is a fact as to what has happened. While in other portions of the district, new bridges and new roads might be needed, might make for greater comfort and ef ficiency. here we have a bridge that has proved inade read- and d '.ngerous; a m»;n span of which I;;; • •.’• a away and the other spans of which are .-\y ..if supported. .\ e d, i!a5’ bridge ‘.v.igk.t be pet beck a4 'h : . : ■ i.i it would r.ever be worth mor, ' to a t!u w -.’ of the other three bridge-. Or a w; b out e! . ! r Hiked road would nude1 the do : r io<ik iik bO v, nts. 1 h -e and oth r ar ;un nt were argi < 1 brief's before ike State Highway Commission and will be,argued more fully in a he future when more data i.- secured; This newspaper is more hopeful no wthan it was before about the chances for the new bridge at a new site. Of course, the actual location of a new bridge and road would be left to the judg ment of the State. We believe it is a good policy for us to wait and worry along with what we now have down there on the river until a later date when the State can see its way clear to raise and spend the amount of money necessary to give us a bridge which will last us for all time. LEADER OF THE NEW SOUTH Lesson 13. Game.—Game birds and game of all kinds abound in many counties. It is the lead ing wintering ground of migratory wildfowl on the Atlantic coast. Trout, bass and other game fish are abundant. OUR INDUSTRIES The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, in its monthly business review, states the situation in the textile industry in its district comprising five states, showed no improvement last month. It further says the commercial failure rate was larger in April than any month for several years. We simply quote these facts to prove our contention that the welfare of every man, woman and child in this section depends upon the pros perity of those great industries from which we derive our d:reet or indirect benefits. We who are not on the payrolls should be just as loyal as those who arc. in hard' times as well as good times. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN rOH-HFH H ™ aXKHKSs) j ^ QH-H-H H WlTr^fe ^ J WHAT ACC TOU ATBAIO^ -9 [ or? A LITTLE mouse r> *>—V won't hubt you £ H PwmM POLITICAL FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Com missioner of Halifax County subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary, June 7. 1930. IVEY A. CRAWLEY, 3t. Hollister, N. C. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Com missioner of Halifax County subject to the action of the Democratic pri mal y, June 7. JSJ3C. V. JOYNER, 3t. Roanoke Rapids, N. 0. BOARD OF EDUCATION I hereby a: ' u-uv myself a crndi 1!’■1' tor t:ie «■ • of r:v.-:nber o ,9 • 1 —nty Board • : Kiiueatmn subi.•<•». • ■> ’he action of t . Ikmocralic primary. June 7. 1930. R. I.ESUE TOW!', Roanoke Rapids, N. C. -□ FOR CORONER I hereby ant.unco myself as a can li-kito for rt rumination as Coroner *f Halifax C »unty, subject to the Democratic primary, June 7. 1930. I am very grateful for your supm rt in the past and will appreciate your support in the coming primary. W. C. WILLIAMS. -□ FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House of Representa ;ives subject to the action of the I)e -nocratic Primary, June 7, 19.30. W. J. NORWOOD, ^ 6-pd Rosemary, N. C. I hereby announce myself a candi iate for the Lower House of the Gen ral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, subject to the Democratic Primary, June 7, 1930. C. O. BYRD. 7 6-pd Rosemary, N C. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the Lower House of the General Assembly of North Carolina, subject to the Democratic Primary, June 7, 1930. CLEMENT S. KITCHIN, Scotland Neck, N. C. J G-pd -□ I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House of Representa tives subject to the Democratic Pri mary, June 7, 1930. D. MAC JOHNSON. 4-10-tf. Enfield, N. C. FOR SOLICITOR To the Democratic voters of Hali fax County: I hereby anounce myself as a can didate for renomination as solicitor of this district, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary, June 7th, 1930. In sincere appreciation of the trust you have reposed heretofore in me by electing me as solicitor I have tried without fear or favor, to guard well your every interest and to see that in the courts justice was done, to high and low, to rich and poor. I shall greatly appreciate your vote and support. Respectfully, R. HUNT PARKER, apr 17-tf -□ FOR STATE SENATOR I hereby anounoe myself a candi date for the office of State Senator of North Carolina from Halifax Coun ty. subject to the action of the De mocratic primary, June 7. 10;) ALLEN C. ZOLLICOFFEK. Rosemary, X. C. J G-pd FOR CLERK OF COURT This !;• i.o announce that I will be a candidate for vnomiration for Clerk of Superior Court of Halifax County subject to the will of the Democratic Primary to be heVI June 7th, 1‘j;)0. i pledge myself if nominated and elected, I will execute the duties de - volved on me to the best of my ability, ever remembering with sincere grati tude the loyal support that has been given me in the past by the electors of the County. STERLING M. GARY. 6-pd. -n—— FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce myself as a can didate for renomination as Register of Deeds for Halifax County, subject to the Democratic Primary, June 7th, 1930. I pledge myself, if nominatea and lected, to execute the duties devolv ed on me to the best of my ability, remembering with sincere gratitude the loyal support given me in the past, W. T. CLEMENT, npr 25 to j 6-pd. -□ “The Rats Around My Place Were Wise,” Says John Tuthill. “Tried everything to kill them. Mixed poison with merfl, meat cheese, etc. Wouldn’t touch it. Tried RAT SNAP. Inside of ten days got rid of all rats.” You don’t have to mix RAT-SNAP with food. Saves fussing, bother. Break a cake of RAT-SNAP, lay it where rats scamper. You will see no more. Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Roa noke Hardware Co., Rosemary, N. C.; Roanoke Pharmacy, Roanoke Rapids, N. C. 666 Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia in 30 minutes, checks a co'd the first day and checks Malaria in three days. 666 also in Tabjets [ BUSINESS CARDS —The— Shell Terrace ROANOKE AVENUE Roanoke Rapids-Rosemary, N. C. HOME COOKED MEALS COMFORTABLE ROOMS By Day, Week or Month Reasonable Rates— —Courteous Service PELLAGRA can be cured. Have you any of tbeae aymp tom*? Tired and drowsy feeling with head aches and depression; skin rough; breaking out or eruptions; sote mouth, tongue, iipa and throat flaming red; much mucus apd j choking: indigestion and nauseas failing memory; diarrhea or constipation. Write tor SO-page book mailed FREE in plain, sealed "•""dr. w. J. -cCRARY i« • Carbon Hill. Ala. There ire thrse trying periods to a woman’s life: when the girl matnns to womanhood, whan a wrwiaa fires birth to her first child, whan a woman reaches middle age. At theee timee Lydia E. Pinkham’e Vegetable Compound helps to re store normal health and vigor. “If von will fill in the coupon and mail to the Lydia Pinltham Medicine Company, they will be glad to aend you a copy of Lydia K. Paikham'a Privaae Text Book, free of charge. Name....—...... Street—..___—____ Town...State...-.Dr?:. MP DAYS OF SUFFERING NOW QUICKLY ENDED The next Mr.; you start one of these d.-vs. ere the relief you Aspergjm. .h.-forc v n- 1--v. t the pain disappears. \ ■ :r nerves sud len’.v relax. V'.ti! A • : • •. • •.! ch. . toe ".- -I .mv, F -f i: is the f. ;«r'.r:u ohtainah.c rut up in thev.-1-K . •• ■: can taVe as-in-i C litre. .- : ... N» water. No bitter >r .1. Hi CJ It SC V'U CP.'.' .■ th.* ■' ti: • • . '.v-thirj are elective . - A ’ . t. .-jouslv. from a pch.\ the pvr-: ’f rcur tis. reuralstia. «-i *3It \. ,r .'rug, i •: does not have Hi' a: l a A'pcrjnr, '.-I for a !r:c sample . I • ih Products (?■••• --t. von. Dent. A. 11 j North l '«tis Street. N. J. 1 DOUBLE-EDGE BLADES ' | Hie best shave 1 I you ever had—or your money back. I W your dealer cannot supply you, write direct. it SOc for 5—$1 for 10 HI Sample blade—10c St probak CORPORATION *M SMStTvSNuT **" MW TMK —famous the world over Pinaud’s Shampoo Leaves your hair lustrous, healthy, and not too dry! At your dealer's—or send 5 oc for full-size bottle to Pinaud. Dept. M., 220 £ 21 St., New York. [Sample bottle free] For Cats and Wonnds Prevent infection! Treat every cut, wound or scratch with this power ful non-poisonous anti septic. Zonite actually kills germs. Helps to heal, too. Dr. W. M. Ward DENTIST Rosemary, N. C. Dr. W. E. Murphrey DENTIST Office Over Oak Store Rosemary, N. C. I make a specialty of fitting glasses with up-to-date equip ment. Charges reasonable. In office every day except Man days. Honrs 9-12 a. m.; 1-5 and 7-8 p. m. Dr. E. D. Harbour Reg. Optometrist OFFICE NEAR P. O. Rosemary, North Carolina Ail Kinds of Optical Repairs Made E. W. SMITH Electrical Contractor Formerly Dunean-Smith Co. Phone 392-W —Box 144 Rosemary, N. C. dont forget: Wo carry a complete line of Dairy and Poultry Feeds Sunshine Hog Fattener— Red Dog Fish Meal and Tankgge. Come To See Us! Stedman Stores Co. Roanoke Rapids, N. C. SOME COAL! Is mined to sell, some to fur nish heat. The latter Is ©nr kind. It is the real thing, not an apology. It is carefully screened from all dirt, dustm screened to free it from all dirt, dust or slag and is by all odds the most economical fuel for heating and cooking pur poses, because it lasts longer and goes farthest. Phone 165 GEO. C. STEELE Trading as City Ice & Fuel Co. Roanoke Rapids, N. C. The New AMERICAN CAFE NEXT TO ROSEMARY BANK BUILDING SPECIAL DINNERS REAL BARBECUE Hours 5:00 a. m. to 1:0Q a. m. B„ F. HEDGEPETH Manager Rosemary. North Carolina W.C. WILLIAMS Funeral Director funeral parlor UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT AMBULANCE SERVICE TACTFUL ATTENTION Day Phone 140 Night Phone 89 Rosemary, N. C. SQUIRE EDGLG ATE—-Attention Husbands—You May Need This Idea _gY LOUIS RICHARD DO AIT Po««E T G-oSH- /’PE But it ivjji //PAP up Piv-E viapds I ^ 15 T" To DOOP /AI TaI 5ro«E J.OST THAT BLUE SiliP OP BluE Sil'T-Aw y IsIf^LAD ^ ***?_'5"ET 'M£ 7r,^.E 5AA«PAE- 5ME WX»AITE» 5KADE O'? Te»TU*E 1 HcPES^TH 5A«Pit OF* ‘Slut- fVQtV ~1H E ff£ AMD *'£.<- Tfty tv ILL T>0 - CUT I you <^ £$ v E. MI t. SiAH- I <3AVE you WILL J3E A OUT A OPP P> Swiall SA«PLe t- . -> ■ ~**E SAatpll I WAHTfO SCEA/c AT 50IEME TI?0M TH Same Bolt _ 7 /matched a- A«o ""sync -7 -pc'? aav vest _J ^^^^0 ifc tf 1 . save th da/ S "Poo/lt ,___3 ;Int#r«»n&t’l Cartoon Co., N.

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