!■ THE HERALD Of The Twin Cities ROANOKE RAPIDS—ROSEMARY y/^Sorth Carolina : \ /PRESS ASSOCIATION CARROI.L WILSON, Publisher and Editor Entered r.s Second Class matter April 3rd, It* 11. at the Postofiice at F* anoke Rapids, North Carolina, under Act of March 3rd, 1870. PRINTERS. LITHOGRAPHERS, ENGRAVERS WH AT WILL THE DAM DO? Good tirr.es never last forever and those busi ness men who realize this truth will, ituwng pe riods of inflation, make plans fcr the hard Utne. which must 'inevitably follow. lit... Twin City merchants -ur.l: away for future rainy days a certain ami mt .. h month during lire boom days of ant! following t.i 1 war period, they wutd.i 1 o able to re 1 rn dr. i ' ears durir, the : essive times n >w felt th 1 ut the Nation. at within i i s, local conditions will be immensely improved by 1 ■ dam. For a peri two j ... •*. e may have boom business. If. during , < y 'ch nt d mi n wi 1c of thr ft a ; ■ t wit ■■ ti . t is liv prosp,: . '.re i nrraa’V nil: fa v..silly lre-lpccl by the b: r Villdiu..-. Sin :i > ;• ;e, however, ‘'hog wild’’ -as w tie. rul ur recet years of prospei'i the rui'diry ■ !' tin dam would ". a be helpful t • the community in the years that would follow. Just a- we have good nr nth* and dull months during the year, preparing for the latter during the former, so we have prosperous and depressive period of years. The same rule applies to both so ftir as preparation for meeting the changes is con cerned. n HOW LONG WILL WE HOLD THE COASTAL? We are in receipt of a blue print showing the Atlantic Coastal Highway as it will appear on the new maps being published by the Association thi month. While the State has taken Route 40 and the Federal Highway from us, it was too late to do anything about the Coastal Highway this year. The road will show on the new maps a straight shoot from Pleasant Hill to Roanoke Rapids, which is what the State maps should have shown in the past. Our enemies in Raleigh saw to it that a great curve, all oul of proportion with the scale of the map, designated what was formerly Route 40 through here. The Coastal Highway Association says it will stick by us and continue to route traffic this way. Time will tell. Markers will be put up for the Coastal Highway this year, but as we know from past experience, markers can be changed overnight. OUR FAILING JUDICIARY One of the leading lawyers of the State, who has given much thought and study to the evident break-down in the judicial system of the coun try, comes forth with two plans which he feels would aid in elevating our courts to the high plane once held by them and to the level of res pect and efficiency now shown by English courts. In a conversation with the editor along these lines this attorney stated that the present laws of our land are all in favor of the defendant. He believes our iaw fundamentally correct in assum ing the defendant innocent until proven guilty, hut he feels the State is not given a fair chance to prove that guilt. His suggestions are: 1. The defendant should he made to testify. 2. The past criminal record of the defendant shouuld be held competent evi dence. The two propositions are interlocking to a certain extent. As is well known, a defendant is not compelled to testify. Should he have a past re cord, the chances are a thousand to one he won’t testify, and if he does go on the stand, the State is helpless to show the jury and judge what man ner of man is being tried. In short, the most hardened criminal with a court and prison record a mile long, goes on the stand with the same status and protection as the man who has erred only once or who may be in nocent of any wrong doing. The above were only two of several sugges tions made both for and against the defendant The important fact is that lawyers and judges the country over realise the inadequacy of our pres ent court s'"stem and are in favor of adjusting and simplifying our penal codes. Disregard and contempt of the law is increasing every day. DEATH’S BUSY SEASON In the summer with its increased tourist and other automobile Tiivi'ic. death prepares to reap its richest harvest. From the homes of the Unit ed States mi; t c me SO,000 or more to die and a million othi ' injured some crippled for 1>.’, during the ye; last year’s terrib . r rd is ti be equal'. '.. Thi slan I r got si -■ :i of all the v " ,:vi a. end In the t.n er ;e paUiiw . ' ' he’d muiy bef a ;■ T;: 1 ' 1 his comam mayo iv is 11. .: 1 v 1 "1.lilies a"; ro.'i • ’ e prevented ! of (■: ’ ' ■ sense. They . * !to an i: for speed Or r, m insre jgar-d f >r ! < k m ntary ral si il'ety. 1 im t are help! a nge -g, whoiv d -s-r he m. ;vy of cru'' ivekb. ss or in: . ; - A ei -. i'ome e. : 1 m s :re p parem !o, of course. n thi vast ma.'w'm ' cm- . they aV-- tin* r. -"h of pure cm d ■ : d y "i of ! -lit is mi e.-. and pedestrians. - yen tl most nr ful driver i i ften help.; .: r.ht 1 he a I’ll r mV, a mm mi st’Vet or highway. CAMPAIGN EXI’ENDHTRES I; appears that the Senate committee ap pointed to investigate campaign expenses of sena torial candidates has plenty of work to do this year, with Illinois and Pennsylvania holding the limelight as in recent former years. In her campaign for the Republican nomina tion in Illinois Mrs. Ruth Hanna McCormick has reported expenses amounting to $252,527. The Pennsylvania contest between Joseph Grundy and James J. Davis, was even more so attend ed by large expenditures. All this in the face of the fact that Smith of Ilinois and Vare of Penn svvania were denied seats because of what the Senate considered a too free use of money in their behalf. Smith spent $458,7S2 and Vare spent $780, 000 but neither approached the primary expen diture of $1,804,979 by Pepper of Pennsylvania, who failed to even get the nomination. It will be recalled that Newberry of Michigan resigned from the Senate some years ago after being censured for spending $195,000 to gain his seat. But Mrs. McCormicks outlay is by no means finished. She must now make her campaign for election in November, her Democratic opponent being former Senator James Hamilton Lewis. It has r.ot been charged, so far, that Mrs. McCormick made any really improper use of mon ey during her campaign. The action of the inves tigating committeee will probably hinge upon the size and reasonableness of the expenditure, rather than upon the method of making it. That there will be plenty of criticism there is no doubt. n ANOTHER NOBLE EXPERIMENT The problem of how best to treat criminals i. yet a problem Years ago, criminals were treated worse than animals. History is filled with hor rible tales of terrible punishments meted out tr those in prison. The reaction came and in recent years, there has been much concerted effort tf treat criminals more humanely. Otto Wood is a notorious criminal who hac thrice escaped from State prison. He gave hit word that he would be good, was taken from soli tary confinement by Governor Gardner, made : trusty. Last week he broke his word and escape: again. The noble experiment had failed. There is no criticism of the Governor, lit was simply experimenting with dangerous 'iivio dients. There has been much babying and cod dling of crminals during the past decade. T:,ore THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN *5 Copyright-_ _. l NOVJ voo TrtKP IN THE J-J \ AMD i'll bo THt l^OOStWOR* ( I ^ Dom CUBE ifcjHE-T v\E-R VDO J ^ Like if OR NOT J ---->1---* I v • ftons which .•■ •v > !. r - for hotter mo*.h- j * *i * over-in.nr J prin ... ■ Some go at .!.< ). : 'ter wi;i. • : -i z<*al. We holiv . '.me will come when i riminals ‘ ■ classified so that :1 who nta’ly. physically o e 'dually a la net. d w ill ho on ; i' ly sepa a t d from others wli ■ iv.:.y be cun.i entirely and fitted for tit .nt and honest lives. Those who cannot be n v. le or materially aid t <1 should re • he allowed to return to society. This rul eshould apply to repeaters such as Wood. -□ Walter S. Malden’s chief bequest on his death was the cancellation of •SI25,000 debts owed him by his friends in Sydenham, England. F. Anthony White, 84-year-old art collector of hondon has canceled his proposed wedding to a widow, owing to serious illness. LAND SALE • - NORTH CAROLINA, HALIFAX COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the power contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned Trustee on the 30th day of November. 1918, hy Joe Foote and Maria Foote, record ed in book 290, at page 140, Halifax County Public Registry, default hav ng been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured, and at the re quest of the owner of the note there in secured, I will on Monday, July 28, 1930, between the hours of 12 and i o’clock P. M., in front of the Bank < f Littleton, in Littleton, Halifax County, North Carolina, sell at public autcion for cash the following describ ed piece or parcel of land, lying and being in the State and County above written, and in Littleton township, and more minutely desrribed as fol lows, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of Marcus Sledge Osborne Johnston and others, be ginning at a leaning maple, near large maple on Hast bank of Deep Creek, Sledge’s corner in Bailey’s line; then down the meanders of said creek. 228 l ft. to a gum stump, Birch point- , or. Bobbitt’s corner in Bailey’s line; then along Bailey’s line N. 47 1-2 E 2181 ft. to a large pine, Bobbitt’s corner in Edw'ard’s tract; then N. *8 3-4 W. across a path 1650 ft. to a Hone, Johnston’s corner in Sledge’s line then Sledges’ line S. 63 3-4 W. 2130 ft. to the beginning, containing 105 acres, more or less, and being that identical tract of land conveyed Clar ence B. Bobbitt by Jno. A. Alston and wife, by deed dated December 31, 1913, and recorded in Halifax Public !'• ■ ; . in hook 25'?. at pnjro 22. t • •/', ’ '.‘evneo is r;♦ ‘1 • ■•ny made, and 1(1;:' • identical tract of land s.d.1 ::: 1 .Maria Foote by the said ('■ n r.V 1' 1 bitt. Tin lone 25. 1220. • -'Til P. PIPPKV Trustee. It-july 21. Littleton. M. C. -n Women Suffering 81 adder Irritation If functional Bladder Irritation dis turbs your sleep, or causes Burning or Itching Sensation, Backache, Log Pains, or muscular aches, making you feel tired, depressed and discouraged, why not try the Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don’t give up. Get Cystex today. Put it to the test. See for yourself how quickly it works and what it docs. Money back if it doesn’t bring quick improvement, and satisfy you completely. Try Cystex today. Only "Oc. Taylor-Matthews Drug Co., Inc., Roanoke Rapids, N. C. -□ “The Rats Around My Place Were t Wise,” Says John Tuthill. • “Tried everything to kill them. Mixed poison with merit, meat cheese, etc. Wouldn’t touch it. Tried RAT SNAP. Inside of ten days got rid of all rats.” You don’t have to mix RAT-SNAP with food. Saves fussing, bother. Break a cake of RAT-SNAP, lay it where rats scamper. You will see no more. Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Roa noke Hardware Go., Rosemary, N. C.; Roanoke Pharmacy, Roanoke Rapids, N. C. 666 Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia in ?0 minutes, checks a cold the first day and checks Malaria in three days. 666 also in Tabiets Dr. E. P. Brenner CHIROPRACTOR Located in office formerly oc cupied by Dr. 1). M. Garter, over Walker Electric Shop. Rosemary, N. C. j 2t-7-17-pd j I SLIP COVERS i For Overstuffed Furniture J -See- 5 Mrs. T. W. Wafford * Rosemary, N. C. Phone 266 ^ \VWW/AVAWAVVWW\V BUSINESS CARDS WWWLVWWyWAWiWWW, ,■ W. Lunsford Lon? % J. Winfield Crew, Jr. jjj l LONG & CREW 5 jj Attorneys-at-Law 5 Jj ROANOKE RAPIDS, £ S North Carolina 5 VlWiWAWAW.V.SWWWlil —The— Shell Terrace ROANOKE AVENUE Roanoke Rapids-Kosemarv, N, C. HOME COOKED MEALS COMFORTABLE ROOMS By Day, Week or Month Reasonable Rates— —Courteous Service . ro are three trying periods in a A'o.r.aH’s li:V : when the girl matures to womanhood, when n woman gives birth to her first child, when a woman reaches middle age. At these times Lydia L. Pinkham’a m'uble Compound helps to re store normal health and vigor. Strcrt--,,-, . . Tcsvn.......Starr.._De?t. MK DAYS OF SUFFERING NOW QUICKLY ENDED The next time yon start or.e of these days, are the ir.ttar.t relief ucu get with Dillard t Aspergum. Almost before you know it the paia disappears, your nerves suddenly relax. With Aspergum you chew the pain away. For it is the finest aspirin obtainable put up in chewing gum form. Now you can take aspirin any time, any place. No water. No bitter taste. No choking sensation. Because you chca* Dillard's Aspergum the asoirin mixes thoroughly w:th jhe saliva si' that all its soothing qua'.itiei arc effective quickly, continuously. It brings quick relief from aching heaJs. tooth ache. the pairs of neuritis, neuralgia, even rh-u mutism. If your druggist docs not have D.l'.ard t , Aspergum. send for a free sample to Health Products Corporation. Dept. A. 113 North litb Street. Newark, N. J. RAZOR (old or near modal) BETTER RAZOR -or your money bade i?o» TIN jOwim CORPORATION •—VO. O A*»S»op Safer, Raaor Co. tat, N. T.C —famous the world over Pinaud’s Shampoo Leaves your hair lustrous, healthy, and not too dry! At your dealer’s—or send 5 oc for full-size bottle to Pinaud, Dept. M., 220 E. 21 St., New York. [Sample bottle free] 'jfenik Tor Cat* and Wound* Prevent infection! Treat every cut, wound or scratch with this power ful non-poisonous anti septic. Zonite actually kills germs. Helps to heal, too. SQUIRE EDGEGATE Re Will Have to Back Up on His Order (y lquisjifceaKD a*£ yt "Pspsoaj A f~. " ' ) HA5IJ vou -Tw.wv tm,s 5^0 D/s-tuees w j l T3ur /t kv« s I f •I-Ord/STi o*m«d ou?of i ^§W HE-EE.-et-t ' on TRi + t- j Icier-nat’' Cartoon Co., N. T. Dr. W. E. Murphrey DENTIST Office Over Oak Store Rosemary, N. C. 1 ; ..- - 1 make a specialty of fitting "5 tvlawith up-to-date equip- 5 ment. Charges reasonable. In «J of fire every day except Mon days. Hours 9-12 a. m.; l-.> and *2 7-S p. m. !j Dr. E. D. Harbour £ Keg. Optometrist *C OmCEXMP.O, < Rosemary, North Carolina !; All Kinds of Optical 2" Repairs Made ■V.V.VAV.VuVAV.WAVA'W v.w.v.v.v.w.vwv.w.w E. W. SMITH j Electrical Contractor $ Motors and Lighting Fixtures Phone 392-W i —Box 144 £ Rosemary, N. C. jjj DONT forget: We carry a complete line of Dairy and Poultry Feeds Sunshine Hog Fattener— Red Dog Fish Meal and Tankage. Come To See Us! Stedman Stores Co. Roanoke Rapids, N. C. SOME COALlI Is mined to sell, some to for- ■1 nish heat. The latter is oar | ■ kind. It is the real thing, not j! an apology. It is carefully !| screened from all dirt, dustm I' screened to free it from all j! dirt, dust or slag and is by all ‘j odds the most economical fuel !j for heating and cooking par- J ■ poses, because it lasts longer j! and goes farthest. !j Phone 165 ;! GEO. C. STEELE § Trading as City Ice & Fuel Co. |! Roanoke Rapids, N. C. ■[ -■■■■■»■■■■ ■ _ The New AMERICAN CAFE | NEXT TO ROSEMARY BANK BUILDING!:! SPECIAL DINNERS! and REAL BARBECUE Hoars 5:00 a. m. to 1:00 a. m.jj B. F. HEDGEPETH j] Manager Rosemary, North Carolina!! __.. 1? W. C. WILLIAMS Funeral Director FUNEKAL PARLOB UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT AMBULANCE 8BBVICB TACTFUL ATTENTION Day Phone 140 Night Phone 80 Ronewry, N- C.

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