TWIN CITY HAPPENINGS Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Martin and children and Miss Jeane Hewitt have returned from a week’s vacation spent at Nags Head, N. C. Mrs. Virginia Shelton returned here from Nags Head and left Saturday for her home in Lexington, N. C. Mrs. Lillington Clark has as her house guest Miss Grace Foy of Mount Airy, N. C. Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Jarman and sons. Graham and Mack, are spend ing this week at Hot Springs, \ a. Miss Alton Transou who has been visiting her sister. Mrs. E. W. Leh- j man and Miss Ruth Transou has re turned to her home in Bethonia, N. C. 1 - i Mrs. Hurley King and children have returned from a vsiit to rela tives in C ncord, N. C. Mr. aa 1 Mrs. Howard Pruden and ; son Bill, spent Sunday in Raleigh j with .Mr. :.::d Mrs. Matt Stephenson. Mr. : Mrs. Frank Kemp. Mr. David d and Mr. Frank Nash spent ay at Ocean View. 1' : Tran sc u is spending this \ve- 1 d mi a, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. \V. C. Williams are j S] time < a Asia vide and other points in West- ' era North Carolina. Ask Your Soldier Boy IIow “Coot ies” Got Such Hold P d! you that the battle fronts j of swarming with rats, which the dangerous vermin' ar.d cat: -• d our men misery. Don’t, let r:.: ' • g disease into your 1 ome. j Wle y :• see the first one, get RAII SNAF. That will finish them quick. Three 35c, 6£1.25. Sold ar.d guar:1 •-•! by Roanoke Hardware Co., 1 Rosen-. -. X. C.; Roanoke Pharmacy, • d.ykis, N. C. . Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton Grizzard md Mrs. May Grizzard spent Sun day at Virginia Beach. Mr. Wm. Medlin visited friends in Halifax, Va., this week. Mrs. Jerman Boyd who was for merly Miss Adabelle Barringer, vis ited friends here Thursday. Mrs. T. R. Manning, Mrs. C. A. V.'yche and Miss Susan Holliday are spending some time on a motor trip through the Valley of Virginia. They wi-ro joined in Petersburg by Mrs. Ridley Meacham. Mrs. T. M. Jenkins represented Hi Welfare Department of the Woman’ f lub at a State conference ' the Welfare Department held at Gimp.’ Mill, this week. Many helpful !v th-* house guests of Mr. and Mr*. \. E. Akers. . . . c returned from a vi.-df , . y.i Falter*. ; : ; Vi - 1L . M *. Hover.-, n Go wen left lr. r Chimyvo v. h--re he has .. • •emit: on v-ith th - (M-H in*..-:.: ia! b.g an 1 Trust C nnnny. fd' J--b Tayl -• s-k nz tire work j i a V. •gl-dr. :L Charles (Buddy) Roger?' In "Safety in Number*’'' A Paramount Picture XEW SWEETHEART FOR FILM IDOL *'har“Buddy” H • . “Amer ica's boy friend.” whos fan nail clear];* indicates that 1 has thous ands of “jjirl friends” wImhi he has never seen, is in !mv: with a new "etheart of the sciv.-n in “Safety '•umbers.” which ■• nr •. > the Peo nies Theatre on Monday and Tuci c*August 4-5. The new film love ;s Kotknvn Craw ford, bewitch in*** brunette recently1 raduated from sta.rv e u ieal shows I t othe ail talking- n. But do not think • •• Miss Craw ford has an eas; f'v of ,r makin.-; the handsome “Bn Id “ fail for lu - charms in this turn f-;' com ■ has t of :hr*, e heart break::'.:; blends an:! an other captivating hru: . He b: re rue em claim “Buddy” a- her o n. Ti e Ik is a,-e <':.r ■) '. - ' ; -d. J i-r"1;in 1 i '..or and Virginia Bruce. The -ether ' '-.t ■ is 'denova MrlcheP. To make it.wen >v .• rc.dfui. Bud dy crnrievs 'r. a • >ek ’em and rock ’< m I'k.-t fijrl.t with ids rival at the le.a.t lerrdi . e * . 1 k M-ss C'ra.v.* ferd. d in- w ■ - ' i.-; the ”ie fur- drei-: '" ' '.y I u!v« .'u-t Pass ’s t c d al t ■ • s i . 'V* ""> . ■;''*•* / ./ v;4 «i- j SJ 4 -- .i. .' ,^mb .. ■ ■.• -‘i wm i a. . •• ' - f r;, K „t ■ -i- ■ k .’. : •' ; ll.'.LS ■ - ; — . ii - ...... s? - , . f- k ...., i4c l C a«ii <«• i** — PINK « •• Af ' 4 1* -C. f . • ! rn n r-< i - ■- ■-> »-»».3- i—i •. ii. -j i ii . v ?.n ^, , _. ^ GRAPEE CkIj17" ~CT~~ 9v . -i—j. -•• i. w a A No. 2 Can £<*JK. 5TE \C-;pf™ ~ 30c PORK CHOPS _r™nd _ 28c CHEESE25c: "■? aB^.' nsrapr^v- • rrrr-—r-r-i r—r— ._ _ Fresh Vegetables Butter Beans, Snaps, \ Green Peas, Corn, To-; j ms Ices, Celery, Lettuce. * rrmmru r m ■ 111111 mi 1 ■ii—ms w ■ *■ .wrbi!¥ B | Kerosene Oil |5 gal. 75c | SYSTEM STORE M. D. COLLIER, Mgr. Roanoke Rapids, N. C. i cast, and in one instance by a chorus of fifteen curies. The star also plays his own piano accomapniments and does a solo bit on the trombone. _□ New Dix Show At Peoples Soon Richard Dix, ever popular screen star, will be seen in a new type of characteriz.iti.m in ‘Shooting Straight* Radio's Pictures’ all talking drama which shows a ttlu* Peoples Theatre Friday and Saturday. August 8-!). The vole is that of a two fisted gambler whose regeneration is achieved after n series of t!. illing and dramatic oc currences. Dix has played practically every type of role diming his notable screen career, and recently has proved him self to be a -t capable farceur in light comedy easts. But in “Shoot ing Straight." be is brought back in a powerful, ' untie and re-blooded ode that he- lv<>n hailed by audien ces and crit: as one of his greatest I of charact; ’ i ni ns. Dix is giw n a new leading woman i:i the produ ; .Mary I.nwlor. bril liant blond actress from, the Broad way stage. Th. two are sadi to form j u most ef !:.•<• combination. j The si e( corns the rebirth of j a big c!‘\ : . e .-s. with, the theme 1 handled •• -vel and original man - | nor. Straight'' promise; to provi u popular with local au diences d.u . its showing here. Ada! 3 C. - tree! Children's ' . SS Am ’m c ! '.In. co:dr.">?••• nv chi - - A1-i. us'; : aii! "• ir ' " much nii'ie < 1 > children • " • mice ni: a ;■ •; contract > • an anmenr u-’ .• • .'-S> !,•!..•• . !\ etj.h',.-II m.i •! I tii ‘v «u> • • a an.I tMvO cm • - sivc in' .a. . wit hour iv 1!.h King 11. ru - ere rise cm iso. ot th-ii i troubles • • ic sviiptvuns are t'.e ; same as • ■ • . . ' >s ot tippet n* and wen. ; ■ teeth and n joss sic ■' o’ the nose and arms, and ribu i-ams And. the same ' medicine • i. ' s:aia::y MiniomsT cnnuii '•'• T. Thrift has returned •' iota- work in Brunswick Virginia and will preach at ■ : si.-, s Sunday. At the morn • • i " he will speak or. “The •<; of L:'e.” At p. y,'% v.ill he “How a Little ■ - •' Seared a .'-'inner AY! i A\';»• . F.,.r y 11 wryo Ay is □erwent nr - "• va • >n is iry: ;.- ! as ’ • 11.1 -»; Ysu -.r.ay buy !$ of •'" -.e " ■. > i ! y f tj G, . M © > with a ,.-• : r «r c-. Kisl - A' b ur choice of on / a sec v-e free Solution bottle of Mi31 . \ ’ ■ / % ‘V ' 7“ i . c_t. \..?.c/ there s ! ^ «: ^ no lirrJt j ■ c p >, :•• !•' n Pint of Puretest rr—-Ruuijirg A!co!\oi. i ■■ SOo ' .be of Mi31 4. Bottle of 100 Purelest ..•‘■av: ■ Cranm. - 1 A.prr/n Tablets. j 2. -Oc Box n- sixty 5. SOc r.jbe of Klemo Kexall Orderl ,. Dental Crouse. S..OC i: e vV r * r r f . -jr.?-. Chirrs f /Dc E_ JOc Puretcat Milk of M&gnotia Relieves Indigestion 39c I-— ■ s j 50c Lord | Baltimore Writing j Portfolio 39c i —. Rosemary Drug Co. Rosemary, N. C. fper'al Shari Offer $1.50 Compact ) both 2.50 Face Pov/derj $2.50 Special Cara Noma Offer •-1. - 0 Perf ume ) BOTH ur 2.00 Face Pov/derj $2.00 $ * ''0 Pc >1: nr . $ .79 •GO - ! .49 .50 TV ; , .-9 1.1 • p;mee Face i'ov/• ■ ' fd/er Oil .73 •*•" i\c Soil .50 r Oil. • 25 Foe t Pc ’ , d r.. .*9 •25 Du ska T. urn .13 3.00 MonogramHot Water Bottle.. .79 Firstaid Adhesive Tlaster, 1" x 5 yds. .29 Electrex Curling Iron .98 Wash Cloths.6 for .57 Klenzo Bath Spray.. .89 Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste.39 Rubber Gloves.29 Gauzcts, 1 doz.39 Electrex Toaster .... 2.98 AND 150 MORE DEEP REDUCTIONS ON RELIABLE PRODUCTS Roanoke Pharmacy Roa. Rapids '■'5c C'u.' r. Clear, nrf Cream 'PET. wiih $1.9.) F !*eO ■ .• 430''' • » F«* • j. 4Cc Rexaii Gypiy Creun r your success in the work for which you are called. May God direct your path to others who are in need of your help, and we are sure you will be 'successful in accomplishing the work He has assigned you. Respect fully, Annie R. Richardson, Glen Brown, Nettie B. Johnson. WANT ADS FOR S \!.E—1025 Model Ford Coupe, recently overhauled. Good condi tion. Apply Paul Thompson, 1st St.. Roanoke Rapids.—lt-8-14. DO YOC WANT TO SELF YOl K FARM?—I have buyers for desir able farm property not far from town. List your farms with me.— S. M, Thmonson, phone 346-J, Rose mary. N. C.—It. FOR RENT-—Three rooms and pri vate bath. Hot and < >ld water.— Call phone 60-J.—"t-rm. FOR RENT—5 Room House on Wash ing? >n Street for $120 per month.— Apply to Mrs. Gray, Washington Street.—ot-pd. FOR SALE—Farms, town property, business places, business lots, resi dence- and residence lots.—S. M. THOMPSON. Rosemary. N. C.—-If ANY TOBACCO HABIT- -Chewing.1 [ smohArg. cigarettes or snuff easily, inexnensivcly overcome with pleas ant root. Just send your address. F. O. Stokes, Mohawk. Florida. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC—Effect ive at once, we will serve only ru ral districts with ice. Twice a week service to each rural district. \0 street service. George C. Steele trading as City Ice & Fuel Co.' Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Phone 1G5* OLD FASHIONED HOME MADE CANDY—For sale by George Hayes, III. 50c pound, phone 18*5 Rosemary, N. C.—tf. FOR RENT—Electric Waxer and Va cuum Cleaner. 20c per hour. 50c minimum charge. Roanoke Hard ware Co. FOUND—Ladies ring with Masonic emblem in front of Rosemary Lodge. Finder may have same bv identifying and paying for this ad. FOR RENT—7-room house with wa ter on Jefferson Street, Roanoke Rapids. Apply to T. D. Parker Phone 217-\V.—2t-7-31-pd. WATCH OUR SIGNBOARD— daily specials.—Stcdman Stores Co. Roanoke Rapids. WANTED—The public to know that I hove good cry wood for sale.— CEO. C. STEELE. Thone 165. Luke Reilly Says. “The Rat Died Be fore Reaching the River” “Since moving near the river 2 years ago. we’ve always used RAT SNAP. Watched a vicious water rat, nibbling at RAT-SNAP outside the house. About 15 minutes later he darted off for the water to cool his burning stomach, but he died before reaching it.” Three sizes, 35c, G3c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Roa- ^ r.oke Hardware Co., Rosemary, N. C.; Roanoke Pharmacy, Roanoke Rapids, N. C. .v«v mw-WAVim; FR’IWY — SAT. ' French Gertie ” * M; i>;’v‘ Di.iiels and « c Ben ?,von * c * *■ -_ a i> * - •» j ii j n 3 r • ■ n t a » »■ a r - «■ - Peoples Theatre “Sound Satisfaction” ^ea. Rapids, N, C. Vi) ,.'i ami T: ESS AY — AVI,l ST 4th and 3th i • j iil ;°p r l!:‘- -..-t en-j..; ^ . I.ncho'or wo.,s and " ' :i *“> • 1 r • -•!•<■! • ! ■ fix. tv l ;.,reuius ,;ri!s compel* ' ' ■ •• 1 ■■ ' : Laughs an •• 'tlire* th: starts in where “Our 1 i »!«j:d.«■■■" and “Our Dancing • ' it--,, left off. "(children of Pleasure” • c true spirit of youth in society’s *lT «'t: The surprising romance of ■ :'g writer and an heiress! It grips "u with its Drama and the soui thrill . its songs. "ith Lawrence Gray, Denny Rubin. Helen Johnson, Wynn Gibson. MATINEE 2:30 \ ’mission-____ i0-25t Night 7:so-9:i5 \d mission_ 25-50c Friday and Saturday, August 7-8 j Stalwart Star | In Smashing Hit. j RJCMASLD Th" ow r>-x again—as the v. orld loves him! SBSS&^M — Sensation . . . COMEDY Friday—Matinee 2:30 — Night | 7:30-9:13 Saturday Continuous Performance 3 to 11 Adm. Both Days_10-25«